Leo de Haan

Leo de Haan is emeritus-professor of Development Studies. Until 2015, he was Rector of the Institute of Social Studies (Erasmus University Rotterdam) in The Hague, Netherlands. The ISS is the oldest and leading Development Studies institute in the world. Before his appointment at ISS, he directed the African Studies Centre in Leiden, the largest centre of its kind in Europe. Before directing ASC Leiden, he was Professor of Development Studies at Radboud University Nijmegen and Director of the Centre for International Development Issues Nijmegen (CIDIN). Leo de Haan was trained as a human geographer and throughout his academic focused his research on rural and urban livelihoods in Africa and theorising livelihoods approaches.

Prof. L.J. (Leo) de Haan
Former research staff
Displaying 1 - 97 of 97

Modern transformation of rural livelihoods in Africa: the case of the Dodoma region, Tanzania
A. Kamanzi; K.S. Dede; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Other

Perspectives on African Studies and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

I.S.A. Baud; J. Post; L.J. de Haan; A.J. Dietz
Editors: I.S.A. Baud; J. Post; L.J. de Haan; A.J. Dietz
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Dutch Africa Policy 1998-2006: What for?
L.J. de Haan
Editors: P. Hoebink
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Livelihoods and the articulation of space
L.J. de Haan
Editors: P. Hebinck; S. Slootweg; L. Smith
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Applying the livelihood approach to African livelihoods
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Changing partnerships in African Studies : The example of the African Studies Centre in Leiden, The Netherlands
M.E. de Bruijn; L.J. de Haan
Editors: E.W. Schamp; S. Schmid
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Studies in African livelihoods : current issues and future prospects
L.J. de Haan
Editors: P. Chabal; U. Engel; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

African Alternatives
Editors: U. Engel; P. Chabal; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book

African alternatives: introduction
P. Chabal; U. Engel; L.J. de Haan
Editors: P. Chabal; U. Engel; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

The livelihood approach and African livelihoods
L.J. de Haan
Editors: P. van Lindert; A. de Jong; G. Nijenhuis; G. van Westen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Africa and China: a strategic partnership?
J. van de Looy; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Development geography at the crossroads of livelihood and globalisation
L.J. de Haan; A. Zoomers
Editors: G. Nijenhuis; A. Broekhuis; G. van Westen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Exploring the frontier of livelihood research
L.J. de Haan; A. Zoomers
Type of Publication: Journal Article

How to research the changing outlines of African livelihoods
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Ways forward in livelihood research
J.W.M. van Dijk; M.E. de Bruijn; M.M.A. Kaag; R. van Berkel; L.J. de Haan; G. Nooteboom; A. Zoomers; M. Hoordijk
Editors: D. Kalb; W.G. Pansters; H. Siebers
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Development geography at the crossroads of livelihood and globalisation
L.J. de Haan; A. Zoomers
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Poverty is bad. Ways forward in livelihood research
M.M.A. Kaag; J. Brons; M.E. de Bruijn; J.W.M. van Dijk; L.J. de Haan; G. Nooteboom; A. Zoomers
Type of Publication: Conference Paper

Historical perspectives on changing livelihoods in northern Togo
L.J. de Haan
Editors: W.M.J. van Binsbergen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

About trade and trust : the question of livelihood and social capital in rural-urban interactions
L.J. de Haan; P. Quarles van Ufford
Editors: I.S.A. Baud
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Milieu in de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking
A.J. Dietz; L.J. de Haan
Editors: L. Schulpen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Milieu in de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking met nadruk op duurzaam landgebruik
L.J. de Haan; A.J. Dietz
Editors: L. Schulpen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

L.J. de Haan; I.S.A. Baud; J. Post; A.J. Dietz
Editors: L.J. de Haan; I.S.A. Baud; A.J. Dietz; J. Post
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Fulbe women's livelihood in the Borgu region of Benin
T. Djedjebi; L.J. de Haan
Editors: J.A. Andersson
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

The role of livelihood, social capital, and market organization in shaping rural-urban interactions (post-print)
L.J. de Haan; P. Quarles van Ufford
Editors: I.S.A. Baud; J. Post; L.J. de Haan; A.J. Dietz
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Globalization, localization and sustainable livelihood
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Livelihood, locality and globalisation
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book

Local land management in Benin with special reference to pastoral groups
L.J. de Haan; T. Djedjebi
Editors: G. Renard; S. Krieg; M. von Oppen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Landbouw en platteland
L.J. de Haan; A. de Jong
Editors: A. Verkoren; A. Harts-Broekhuis
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Ontwikkeling en milieu: een 'glocaliserend' spanningsveld?
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Pastoral associations and the management of natural sources
L.J. de Haan; P. Douma
Editors: L.B. Venema; H. van den Bremmer
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Cross-border cattle marketing in Sub-Saharan Africa since 1990: geographical patterns and government induced change
L.J. de Haan; P. Quarles van Ufford; F. Zaal
Editors: T. Dijkstra; H.L. van der Laan; A. van Tilburg
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Reading maps in the dark. Route planning for development geography in a post-ist world. Epilogue
P. Blaikie; L.J. de Haan
Editors: L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Nigeria: één staat, veel volken
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

A reassessment of findings from an interdisciplinary research on land management and pastoralism
L.J. de Haan
Editors: L.J. de Haan; P. Blaikie
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Duurzaamheid en wederkerigheid
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Gestion de terroir at the frontier : village land management of peasants and pastoralists in Benin (post-print)
L.J. de Haan
Editors: H.J. Bruins; H. Lithwick
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Stockbreeding in Western Africa
L.J. de Haan
Editors: T. van Naerssen; M.M.E.M. Rutten; A. Zoomers
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Afrika en de toekomst
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Grenzen aan de Commons. Een wijze les voor bestuurskundigen en planologen
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Local environmental management in North Benin: bright spots in the local impasse
L.J. de Haan
Editors: J.P.M. van den Breemer; C. Drijver; L.B. Venema
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

De commons zijn niet overal een tragedie, maar wel in het Groene Hart
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Regional food trade and policy in West Africa in relation to structural adjustment
L.J. de Haan; A. Klaasse Bos; C. Lutz
Editors: D. Simon; W. van Spengen; C. Dixon; A. Närman
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

A la recherche de l'agriculture durable au Bénin
Editors: P. Ton; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book

Vers une utilisation durable de l'environnement dans le département du Borgou (Benin)
L.J. de Haan; P. Ton
Editors: L.J. de Haan; P. Ton
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Les associations pastorales et la gestion des ressources naturelles - Rapport final
P. Douma; M. Diop; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book

Les associations pastorales et la gestion des ressources naturelles - Conclusions générales
P. Douma; M. Diop; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book

Les associations pastorales et la gestion des ressources naturelles - Sommaire exécutif
P. Douma; M. Diop; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book

Ecologische degradatie en bestaansstrategieën in Noord-Benin
L.J. de Haan; J. Berkhout
Type of Publication: Journal Article

World market or regional integration and food security in West Africa
L.J. de Haan; A. Klaasse Bos; C. Lutz
Editors: C. Custers; P. Stunnenberg
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Dutch research on environment and development in Sub-Saharan Africa
L.J. de Haan; P. Ton
Type of Publication: Book

Dutch geography of development: environment, interdiscipliary and policy relevance
L.J. de Haan
Editors: A. Harts-Broekhuis; A. Verkoren
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Small islands in the Caribbean: the last remains of the tropical Netherlands
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Objectives and scope
H. Reitsma; A.J. Dietz; L.J. de Haan
Editors: L.J. de Haan; A.J. Dietz; H. Reitsma
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Northern Togo and the world economy
H. Reitsma; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Kantindi, Northern Togo
L.J. de Haan; A. Kruithof
Editors: A.J. Dietz; H. Reitsma; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Coping with semiaridity : how the rural poor survive in dry-season environments
Editors: H. Reitsma; A.J. Dietz; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book

Onderzoek met of versus ontwikkelingsbeleid: naar een toegepaste ontwikkelingsgeografie?
L.J. de Haan
Editors: L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Naar een toegepaste ontwikkelingsgeografie
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Geografie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book

From symbiosis to polarization? : peasants and pastoralists in northern Benin
L.J. de Haan; A. Driel; A. Kruithof
Type of Publication: Journal Article

De ideologie van het alledaagse Caribische leven
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Over de kwaliteit van de ontwikkelingssamenwerking
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Land use and fertilizer in the savanna of Northen Togo
L.J. de Haan; V. Coenen
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Naar een betere beoordeling van ontwikkelingsprojecten
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Geografische missie in Suriname succesvol
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Changements des systèmes de production agricole dans la vallée du Niger : étude d'un village
S. Pahladsingh; R. Grubben; D. Perthel; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book

Les stratégies des Peul dans le Sud-Est du district de Ségbana, Bénin
L. van den Boogerd; D. Perthel; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book

Aids is in de VS nog een stedelijk probleem
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Monographie régionale de la Province du Borgou, République populaire du Bénin
G. Breukers; M. de Hon; L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Book

Partition of the German Togo colony : economic and political consequences
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Lange-termijnpatronen van arbeidsmigratie in Togo
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Indrukken uit Togo
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Staat en ruimtelijke ontwikkeling in Togo
L.J. de Haan
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Staat, landbouw en regionale ongelijkheid in Tanzania
L.J. de Haan; R. de Groot; P. van Rijsbergen
Editors: T. van Naerssen; R. Meeuws; J. Vossen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Strijd om ruimte in de Derde Wereld. Verslag van een seminar
L.J. de Haan; P. de Mas
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Het Caribisch gebied. Een geografische verkenning van zijn afhankelijkheid
L.J. de Haan; E. Baetens
Type of Publication: Book

De Derde Wereld...Ver van je bed? Een lessencyclus over onderontwikkeling
L.J. de Haan; A. van Bloois
Type of Publication: Book

A planning survey of the Northern Region, Malawi
L.J. de Haan; J. Sterkenburg; J. de Jong
Type of Publication: Book

A framework for regional development of the Northern Region of Malawi
L.J. de Haan; J. Sterkenburg; J. de Jong
Type of Publication: Book
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22

Livelihood, locality and globalisation
Nijmegen: Nijmegen University Press, 2000
L.J. de Haan
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Agriculteurs et éleveurs au Nord-Bénin : écologie et genres de vie
Paris: Karthala, Hommes et sociétés, ISSN 0290-6600 1997
L.J. de Haan
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Les associations pastorales et la gestion des ressources naturelles - Rapport final
Amsterdam: Département de Géographie Humaine, Groupe de recherche "Genre de Vie et Environnement", 1994
P. Douma; M. Diop; L.J. de Haan
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Les associations pastorales et la gestion des ressources naturelles - Conclusions générales
Amsterdam: Département de Géographie Humaine, Groupe de recherche "Genre de Vie et Environnement", 1994
P. Douma; M. Diop; L.J. de Haan

Les associations pastorales et la gestion des ressources naturelles - Sommaire exécutif
Amsterdam: Département de Géographie Humaine, Groupe de recherche "Genre de Vie et Environnement", 1994
P. Douma; M. Diop; L.J. de Haan

Dutch research on environment and development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Leiden: Werkgemeenschap Afrika (Netherlands African Studies Association), 1994
L.J. de Haan; P. Ton
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La Région des Savanes au Togo : l'état, les paysans et l'intégration régionale (1885-1985)
Paris: Karthala, Hommes et sociétés, ISSN 0290-6600 1993
L.J. de Haan
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Appui au secteur informel de Malanville, République du Bénin : analyse de la situation actuelle et recommandations aux projets de développement
Cotonou: Université National du Bénin, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, 1991
L. van den Boogerd; T. Djedjebi; L.J. de Haan

Geografie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba
Leiden: Bouwstenen voor Intercultureel Onderwijs ; 38 1990
L.J. de Haan

Les stratégies des Peul dans le Sud-Est du district de Ségbana, Bénin
[S.l.]: Université Nationale de Benin, Faculté de Sciences Agronomiques, Section Économie Rurale, 1989
L. van den Boogerd; D. Perthel; L.J. de Haan

Changements des systèmes de production agricole dans la vallée du Niger : étude d'un village
Cotonou [etc.]: Université Nationale du Bénin [etc.], 1989
S. Pahladsingh; R. Grubben; D. Perthel; L.J. de Haan

Monographie régionale de la Province du Borgou, République populaire du Bénin
Cotonou: Université nationale du Bénin, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Section économie rurale, 1988
G. Breukers; M. de Hon; L.J. de Haan

Ruimtelijke ontwikkeling in een koloniale context : een case-study van de Duitse kolonisatie van Togo
Amsterdam: Sociaal-Geografisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Paper ; no. 3 1983
L.J. de Haan
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Het Caribisch gebied. Een geografische verkenning van zijn afhankelijkheid
Amsterdam: Ekologische Uitgeverij, 1980
L.J. de Haan; E. Baetens

De Derde Wereld...Ver van je bed? Een lessencyclus over onderontwikkeling
Amsterdam: Ekologische Uitgeverij, 1980
L.J. de Haan; A. van Bloois

A planning survey of the Northern Region, Malawi
Utrecht: University of Utrecht / Department of Geography, 1975
L.J. de Haan; J. Sterkenburg; J. de Jong
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A framework for regional development of the Northern Region of Malawi
Utrecht: University of Utrecht / Department of Geography, 1974
L.J. de Haan; J. Sterkenburg; J. de Jong

In: I.S.A. Baud; J. Post; L.J. de Haan; A.J. Dietz: 'Re-aligning government, civil society and the market : new challenges in urban and regional development : essays in honour of G.A.de Bruijne', Amsterdam: AGIDS, 2010.
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'Dutch Africa Policy 1998-2006: What for?'
In: P. Hoebink: 'The Netherlands Yearbook on International Cooperation 2008', Assen: Van Gorcum, 2009.
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'Changing partnerships in African Studies : The example of the African Studies Centre in Leiden, The Netherlands'
In: E.W. Schamp; S. Schmid: 'Academic cooperation with Africa. Lessons for partnership in higher education', Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2008.
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'Livelihoods and the articulation of space'
In: P. Hebinck; S. Slootweg; L. Smith: 'Tales of Development. People, Power and Space.', Assen: Van Gorcum, 2008.
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'African alternatives: introduction'
In: P. Chabal; U. Engel; L.J. de Haan: 'African alternatives', Leiden: Brill, 2007.

'Studies in African livelihoods : current issues and future prospects'
In: P. Chabal; U. Engel; L.J. de Haan: 'African Alternatives', Leiden: Brill, 2007.
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'The livelihood approach and African livelihoods'
In: P. van Lindert; A. de Jong; G. Nijenhuis; G. van Westen: 'Development Matters: geographical studies on development processes and policies', Utrecht: Utrecht University, 2006.
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'Development geography at the crossroads of livelihood and globalisation'
In: G. Nijenhuis; A. Broekhuis; G. van Westen: 'Space and place in development geography. Geographical perspectives on development in the 21st century', Amsterdam: Dutch University Press, 2005.
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'Ways forward in livelihood research'
In: D. Kalb; W.G. Pansters; H. Siebers: 'Globalization and development: themes and concepts in current research', Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
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'Historical perspectives on changing livelihoods in northern Togo'
In: W.M.J. van Binsbergen: 'The dynamics of power and the rule of law', Münster: Lit Verlag, 2003.
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'About trade and trust : the question of livelihood and social capital in rural-urban interactions'
In: I.S.A. Baud: 'Re-aligning actors in a urbanizing world : governance and institutions from a development perspective', Aldershot [etc]: Ashgate, 2002.
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'Fulbe women's livelihood in the Borgu region of Benin'
In: J.A. Andersson: 'Kinship structures and enterprising actors : anthropological essays on development : liber amicorum Jan H.B. den Ouden', Wageningen: Ponsen & Looijen, 2001.

'The role of livelihood, social capital, and market organization in shaping rural-urban interactions (post-print)'
In: I.S.A. Baud; J. Post; L.J. de Haan; A.J. Dietz: 'Re-aligning government, civil society and the market : new challenges in urban and regional development : essays in honour of G.A. de Bruijne', Amsterdam: AGIDS, 2001.
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In: L.J. de Haan; I.S.A. Baud; A.J. Dietz; J. Post: 'Re-aligning government, civil society and the market: new challenges in urban and regional development: essays in honour of G. A. de Bruijne', Amsterdam: AGIDS, 2001.
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'Milieu in de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking met nadruk op duurzaam landgebruik'
In: L. Schulpen: 'Hulp in ontwikkeling: bouwstenen voor de toekomst van internationale samenwerking', Assen: Van Gorcum, 2001.
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'Milieu in de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking'
In: L. Schulpen: 'Hulp in Ontwikkeling: bouwstenen voor de toekomst van internationale samenwerking', Assen: Koninklijke van Gorcum, 2001.
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'Landbouw en platteland'
In: A. Verkoren; A. Harts-Broekhuis: 'Tropisch Afrika', Assen: Van Gorcum, 2000.
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'Local land management in Benin with special reference to pastoral groups'
In: G. Renard; S. Krieg; M. von Oppen: 'Farmers and scientists in changing environment: assessing research in West Africa', Weikersheim: Markgraf Verlag, 2000.
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'Cross-border cattle marketing in Sub-Saharan Africa since 1990: geographical patterns and government induced change'
In: T. Dijkstra; H.L. van der Laan; A. van Tilburg: 'Agricultural marketing in tropical Africa', Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999.
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'Pastoral associations and the management of natural sources'
In: L.B. Venema; H. van den Bremmer: 'Towards negotiated co-managment of natural resources in Africa', Münster: Lit Verlag, 1999.
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'Reading maps in the dark. Route planning for development geography in a post-ist world. Epilogue'
In: L.J. de Haan: 'Looking at maps in the dark : directions for geographical research in land management and sustainable development in rural and urban environments of the Third World', Amsterdam: Royal Dutch Geographic Society, 1998.
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'Duurzaamheid en wederkerigheid'
'Reizigers = Travellers', Amsterdam: Vossiuspers AUP, 1998.
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'Gestion de terroir at the frontier : village land management of peasants and pastoralists in Benin (post-print)'
In: H.J. Bruins; H. Lithwick: 'The arid frontier: interactive management of environment and development', Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1998.
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'A reassessment of findings from an interdisciplinary research on land management and pastoralism'
In: L.J. de Haan; P. Blaikie: 'Looking at maps in the dark : directions for geographical research in land management and sustainable development in rural and urban environments of the Third World', Amsterdam: Royal Dutch Geographic Society, 1998.
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'Stockbreeding in Western Africa'
In: T. van Naerssen; M.M.E.M. Rutten; A. Zoomers: 'The diversity of development : essays in honour of Jan Kleinpenning', Assen: Van Gorcum, 1997.
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'The uneasy but challenging concept of reciprocity. The case of Dutch-Beninese University cooperation'
'Reciprocity: Making Development A Two-Way Street. Eco-operation Working Document 2', Utrecht: Eco-operation, 1995.

'Vers une utilisation durable de l'environnement dans le département du Borgou (Benin)'
In: L.J. de Haan; P. Ton: 'A la recherche de l'agriculture durable au Bénin', Amsterdam: Université d'Amsterdam, 1995.
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'Local environmental management in North Benin: bright spots in the local impasse'
In: J.P.M. van den Breemer; C. Drijver; L.B. Venema: 'Local resource management in Africa', Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1995.

'Regional food trade and policy in West Africa in relation to structural adjustment'
In: D. Simon; W. van Spengen; C. Dixon; A. Närman: 'Structurally adjusted Africa', London: Pluto Press, 1995.
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'World market or regional integration and food security in West Africa'
In: C. Custers; P. Stunnenberg: 'Incorporation and integration in developing countries', Saarbrücken: Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik Breitenbach, 1994.
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'Dutch geography of development: environment, interdiscipliary and policy relevance'
In: A. Harts-Broekhuis; A. Verkoren: 'No easy way out: essays on Thrid World development', Royal Dutch Geographical Society: Utrecht, 1994.
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'Objectives and scope'
In: L.J. de Haan; A.J. Dietz; H. Reitsma: 'Coping with semiaridity. How the rural poor survive in dry-season environments', Amsterdam: Royal Dutch Geographic Society, 1992.
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'Kantindi, Northern Togo'
In: A.J. Dietz; H. Reitsma; L.J. de Haan: 'Coping with semiaridity. How the rural poor survive in dry-season environments', Amsterdam: Royal Dutch Geographical Society, 1992.
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'Onderzoek met of versus ontwikkelingsbeleid: naar een toegepaste ontwikkelingsgeografie?'
In: L.J. de Haan: 'Ontwikkelingsgeografie met of versus ontwikkelingsbeleid : verslag van het seminar sociale geografie van ontwikkelingslanden NGD 1990', Amsterdam: Instituut voor Sociale Geografie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1991.
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'Staat, landbouw en regionale ongelijkheid in Tanzania'
In: T. van Naerssen; R. Meeuws; J. Vossen: 'Regionale ontwikkeling in perifere landen', Nijmegen: Politiek en ruimte 3, 1982.
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African Alternatives
U. Engel; P. Chabal; L.J. de Haan (editors)
Leiden, Boston: Brill, AEGIS 2 2007.

Re-aligning government, civil society and the market : new challenges in urban and regional development : essays in honour of G.A. de Bruijne
I.S.A. Baud; A.J. Dietz; L.J. de Haan; J. Post (editors)
Amsterdam: AGIDS, University of Amsterdam, 2001.
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Looking at maps in the dark : directions for geographical research in land management and sustainable development in rural and urban environments of the Third World
L.J. de Haan; P. Blaikie (editors)
Utrecht: Royal Dutch Geographical Society, Nederlandse geografische studies, ISSN 0169-4839 ; 240 1998.

A la recherche de l'agriculture durable au Bénin
P. Ton; L.J. de Haan (editors)
Amsterdam: Instituut voor Sociale Geografie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdamse sociaal-geografische studies, ISSN 0169-6432 ; 49 1995.

Coping with semiaridity : how the rural poor survive in dry-season environments
H. Reitsma; A.J. Dietz; L.J. de Haan (editors)
[S.l.]: Royal Dutch Geographical Society, Netherlands geographical studies, ISSN 0169-4839 ; 146 1992.
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Ontwikkelingsgeografie met of versus ontwikkelingsbeleid : verslag van het seminar sociale geografie van ontwikkelingslanden NGD 1990
L.J. de Haan (editors)
Amsterdam: Instituut voor Sociale Geografie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdamse Sociaal-Geografische Studies 35 1991.

'Perspectives on African Studies and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa'
in: Africa Spectrum, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 95 - 116, 2010.
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'Applying the livelihood approach to African livelihoods'
in: Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies, vol. 27, no. 3 & 4, pp. 140 - 164, 2008.

'Africa and China: a strategic partnership?'
in: Strategic Analysis, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 562 - 575, 2006.
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'Exploring the frontier of livelihood research'
in: Development and change, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 27 - 47, 2005.
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'Development geography at the crossroads of livelihood and globalisation'
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Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), ASC working paper 154, 2023.