The question of development and environment in geography in the era of globalisation (post-print)

TitleThe question of development and environment in geography in the era of globalisation (post-print)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsL.J. de Haan
Secondary TitleGeoJournal
Pagination359 - 367
Date Published2000///
PublisherKluwer Academic Publishers
Place Published[Amsterdam]
Publication Languageeng
Keywordsdevelopment, environment, livelihoods, society, Subsaharan Africa

This paper focuses on how livelihood and the question of development and environment in a globalising era should be examined. It discusses various views in geography on the question of environment and development, and it explores the concept of sustainable livelihood. It concludes that a geographical conceptualisation of development and environment may profit from the discussion on sustainable livelihood, provided that it does not become entangled in an actor-cum-local bias. Moreover, the diffusion of non-equilibrium concepts may broaden the analysis of man-land relations and open the way to an analysis of globalisation effects. Globalisation gives rise to new assortments of geographical entities and, as livelihoods adapt, they will shape constantly shifting regions with specific man-land arrangements


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