Karin Nijenhuis

Karin Nijenhuis guides students, ranging from Bachelor to PhD level, through interactive teaching, coaching and employability skills training. She also acts as the chair of the Master African Studies programme (MAAS), study advisor for the Research Master African Studies programme (ResMAAS) and BKO coordinator (University Teaching Qualification). She is involved in the following courses: Communicating Research (MAAS), Research Internship (MAAS), Economy, Geography and Society in Africa (MAAS and ResMAAS); Stepping into the shoes of three Africanist scholars (ResMAAS); and Global Challenges: Prosperity (Leiden University College The Hague).

Dr Karin Nijenhuis studied human geography (MA, University of Amsterdam) and environmental law and sociology (LLM, University of Groningen) and holds a PhD from Wageningen University. Her PhD research was on land conflict in Mali in relation to farmers’ rural mobility due to climate change among other factors (available open access or in the ASCL webshop).

Karin has extensive management, teaching and research experience with a geographical focus on West and East Africa. She coordinated the Assumptions programme (New roles for Civil Society Organisations for Inclusive Development) for the INCLUDE knowledge platform, managed large NUFFIC-funded training institute projects for legal professionals in Uganda and Rwanda, and worked as a project manager at Oxfam Novib. She taught at the University of Amsterdam and Leiden University and gave workshops at Beninese and Malian universities. Karin is also a communication skills trainer and an experienced moderator.

Dr. C.T. (Karin) Nijenhuis
Senior researcher, Former PhD candidate
+31 (0)71 527 7377
Room number: 0.56