Rosine Tchatchoua Djomo

Rosine Tchatchoua Djomo holds a joint International MSc in Rural Development, part of the European Erasmus Mundus program gathering the University of Ghent, Humboldt University of Berlin, Agrocampus Rennes, Slovak University of Agriculture and other institutes. Along to that, she graduated from the University of Dschang, Cameroon, as an"Ingenieur Agronome" in Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology in 2006. She has been lecturing at the department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, University of Dschang, Cameroon, since 2008. Before that, she worked with the Agricultural Research Institute for Development, Yaounde, Cameroon, on a project about farmers' innovations in agriculture and setting of new relationships among researchers, farmers and civil society. She recently published the book 'Legal Pluralism, Community Forests and Illegal Timber in Cameroon: More than One Normative System determining actors' practices and arrangements along the illegal timber trade networks'.

She is currently a PhD candidate at the African Studies Centre Leiden under the research project 'Land governance reform in Central Africa'. She will work on decentralized land governance and legal pluralism in Burundi.

R. (Rosine) Tchatchoua Djomo
PhD candidate
Room number: 3A18
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

Intricate links : displacement, ethno-political conflict, and claim-making to land in Burundi
R. Tchatchoua Djomo; G. van der Haar; J.W.M. van Dijk; M. van Leeuwen
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Post-conflict land governance reform in the African Great Lakes region. Part III - Securing tenure of smallholder peasants
M. van Leeuwen; D. Kobusingye; P.H. Justin; R. Tchatchoua Djomo; J.W.M. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Other

Post-conflict land governance reform in the African Great Lakes region. Part II - Reshuffling land ownership for development
M. van Leeuwen; D. Kobusingye; P.H. Justin; R. Tchatchoua Djomo; J.W.M. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Other

Post-conflict land governance reform in the African Great Lakes region. Part I - The challenges of post-conflict land reform
M. van Leeuwen; D. Kobusingye; P.H. Justin; R. Tchatchoua Djomo; J.W.M. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Other

La réforme post-conflit de la gouvernance foncière dans la région des Grands Lacs en Afrique. Partie II - Remaniement foncier en faveur du développement
M. van Leeuwen; D. Kobusingye; P.H. Justin; R. Tchatchoua Djomo; J.W.M. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Other

La réforme post-conflit de la gouvernance foncière dans la région des Grands Lacs en Afrique. Partie I - Les défis de la réforme foncière post-conflit
M. van Leeuwen; D. Kobusingye; P.H. Justin; R. Tchatchoua Djomo; J.W.M. van Dijk
Type of Publication: Other