ASCL Occasional publications

The ASCL Occasional Publications are what the title promises them to be: Publications for a special occasion. This can be for reasons of a Festschrift, particular books for a wider audience than the academic community, books in Dutch, but also because it is about a smaller or different type of book like research summaries, brochures and e-books. As of 2023 we no longer accept new manuscripts for publication in this series.

Many issues in this series can be ordered from the ASCL webshop.

A window on Africa: African Studies Centre Leiden's 75th anniversary celebration
F. Veldkamp; G. Seuren
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 48, 2024)
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Conservations in place-space-time: human rights education in South Africa and the Netherlands
A. Becker; I. ter Avest; C. Roux
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 47, 2023)
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Tourism, climate change and biodiversity in Sub-Saharan Africa
R. Okech; D. Kieti; V.R. van der Duim
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 46, 2022)
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De vrijheidsstrijd van Guinee-Bissau: door de ogen van een jonge dokter, Roel Coutinho
R.A. Coutinho
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 45, 2022)
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Ethiopian-Eritrean studies : a bibliography on society and history, 2016-2022
G.J. Abbink
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 44, 2022)
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Black minds matter: archbishop Milingo and the Vatican
G. ter Haar
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 43, 2021)
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Essays on African languages and linguistics : in honour of Maarten Mous
G.J. van der Wal; H. Smits; S. Petrollino; V.A.S. Nyst; M.G. Kossmann
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 41, 2020)
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Philosophers beyond borders : an illustrated guide to a selection of 30 thinkers from the World
S. Pfaeltzer; M. van Enckevort
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 40, 2020)
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Strijd om Angola (1975-1978) : mijn leven als dokter in tijden van Koude Oorlog
J. Chabot
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 39, 2020)
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Femmes du Mali-Sud : changements de vie entre la tradition et le développement: un tissage de mémoires et d’images, 1980-2012
L. Zuidberg; S. Kortbeek; K. Kingma; A. Koning
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 38, 2020)
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Chanter le baja ni : abirè le voyant Dogon
W. E. A.van Beek; A.D. Saye; O.S. Ongoiba
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 37, 2020)

Anthropological experiences in rural Senegal, 1986-2003
H. van den Breemer
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 36, 2019)
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Stephen Ellis bibliography
J.C.M. Damen
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 35, 2018)
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Education for life in Africa
A. Breedveld; J.A.M.M. Jansen
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 34, 2018)
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Tong Mabior : in het gebied van de Boven-Nijl - tussen verleden en toekomst
S. Zanen
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 33, 2018)
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Wat komt u hier doen? : terug in Obunga
R. van Gemert
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 31, 2018)
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Tanzania planners' handbook : a guide for development planning
C Lifurilo; I. Zilihona; T. Mdendemi; A. Kamanzi; G. Kinyashi; T. van Dijk
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 30, 2017)
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The face of Africa : essays in honour of Ton Dietz
W. E. A.van Beek; J.C.M. Damen; D.W.J. Foeken
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 28, 2017)
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Magnifying perspectives : contributions to history : a festschrift for Robert Ross
I. Peša; J.B. Gewald
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 26, 2017)
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Ethiopian-Eritrean studies: a bibliography on society and history, 2010-2015
G.J. Abbink
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 24, 2016)
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Social entrepreneurship in Uganda : exploring a different approach in development
A.H.M. Leliveld
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 23, 2015)
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Thuis in Afrika : een dubbelleven
W. E. A.van Beek
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 22, 2016)
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Liberia : from the love of liberty to paradise lost
F. van der Kraaij
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 21, 2015)
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From idealism to realism: a social history of the Dutch in Zambia 1965-2013
A.L. Hoek
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 20, 2014)
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Among the Mende in Sierra Leone: the letters from Sjoerd Hofstra (1934-36)
M. Gijswijt-Hofstra
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 19, 2014)
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Zo scherp als een pijl: het verhaal van de Arrow Boys uit Oost-Oeganda
K.J. Castelein
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 18, 2014)
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Liberia : van vrijheidsideaal naar verloren paradijs
F. van der Kraaij
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 17, 2013)
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The PADev Story: PADev 2007-2013 End-of-Project Report
A.J. Dietz; PADev Team
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 16, 2013)
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Safari in Leiden : wandeling en fietstocht
E.M. de Roos; J.C.M. Damen
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 13, 2012)
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Constitutional reform processes and political parties : principles for practice
M. van Vliet; W. Wahiu; A. Magolowondo; A.M. van Breukelen
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 12, 2012)
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Inzicht in Afrika = Understanding Africa
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 10, 2011)
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Kleurrijk Afrika: veelzijdig onderzoek
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 8, 2008)
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Koekemakranke: die pad van Vernie February (1938-2002)
V.A. February; E. van den Berg; T. Kraan
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 7, 2009)
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Africa in the Netherlands Directory 2002: African Organizations, Artists and Businesses
M. Mohogu
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 6, 2002)

Een schijn van voodoo : culturele achtergronden van de handel in Nigeriaanse meisjes voor de Nederlandse prostitutie: een verkenning
T. Rasing; N. Tellegen; W.M.J. van Binsbergen
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 5, 2000)
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Leer mij Afrika kennen : vijftig jaar Afrika-Studiecentrum
M. de Bok
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 4, 2000)
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Directory of African organisations and businesses in the Netherlands
Y. Habtom
(ASC occasional publications; Issue: 3, 1998)