Badiha Nahhass

Badiha Nahhass is a doctor in sociology. She is a professor at L’institut universitaire des Études africaines, Euro-mediterraneennes et ibero-americaines, The University Mohammed V de Rabat. Her research focuses on the construction of national belonging, collective memory, social dynamics, and modes of government in Morocco, using the case of the Rif. She is a founding member of the CRESC (Center for Research and Studies on Contemporary Societies). Among her recent works are : «Gouverner par urgence sanitaire au Maroc: récits et mises en scène» (2022) ; "Le Rif: les méandres d'une réconciliation" (2022); "Le Rif: appartenance nationale dissidente et la formation de l'État" (2019); "Un musée pour gouverner la marginalité: les conflits de patrimonialisation dans le Rif" (2016).

Her fellowship will focus on Rifian diaspora in the Netherlands: trajectories and memories.


Fellowship year: 
Dr. B. (Badiha) Nahhass
Former visiting fellow