FULL - Africa 2020: Online Peer-Coaching for PhD students #1

How to handle my PhD supervisor and other bumps in the road

A PhD involves doing amazing fieldwork, reading libraries full of literature, analysing interesting data, and presenting your innovative findings at lively conferences - it is exciting and enriching. At least, that’s what we are told! But there is also a downside. A PhD trajectory is long, can leave you feeling lonely or isolated, and can leave you needing to address all kinds of daily yet serious issues. For example, your supervisor might not give appropriate feedback to your draft chapters; you experienced feeling very insecure when doing fieldwork or perhaps even sexual harassment; you are facing a writer’s block; you are running out of time; you miss having contacts with peer PhD students; you are doubting your future as a researcher… 

Peer-coaching (or, intervision) is a way of sharing your issues with peer PhD students. It can make your problems lighter or at least more manageable. The basic idea of peer supervision is that you can learn from each other by sharing your problems and receiving and giving feedback and suggestions. Trust is indispensable in this regard and therefore the information shared will remain confidential.

The online discussions are guided by moderator Karin Nijenhuis who applies a set of rules and follows a specific procedure.

Only open to PhD candidates (all disciplines, all universities). Maximum of 6 participants per session.

Session #1: 18 June, 10.00 - 13.00 is fully booked.

You can register per session (next sessions are scheduled for 29 June, 22 September and 23 November). After registration a link to Kaltura Live Rooms will be shared.

The Online Peer-Coaching sessions for PhD students are organised within the framework of Africa 2020.


Date, time and location

18 June 2020
10.00 - 13.00