Africa 2020: sixty years of independence

2020 is the year in which 17 countries on the African continent will celebrate 60 years of independence. The Africanists from Leiden University and its LDE-partners TU Delft and Erasmus University (united in ‘LeidenASA’, hosted by the ASCL) will organize 'Africa 2020', a year full of workshops, film screenings, peer coaching for PhD students, seminars and two large conferences: ‘Africa: 60 years of independence’ in January, and ‘Africa knows!’ in December of that year. 

See the preliminary timeline of the events in 2020. 

About LeidenASA

From 2016 to 2019, LeidenASA (the Leiden African Studies Assembly) had the privilege of creating synergy between Leiden-based, and later on LDE-based and Edinburgh-based Africanist researchers, via collaborative research projects, research leave (temporary relief from teaching), field schools, e-learning initiatives, visiting research fellowships, lectures, workshops, and much more, made possible financially by Leiden University. From 2020 onwards, LeidenASA will continue to exist as a network of LDE-based Africanists.