African constitutions

book cover 'One Law, One Nation'On the occasion of the Stephen Ellis Annual Lecture by Prof. Muna Ndulo on Ethnicity, diversity, inclusivity and constitution making in Africa (17 November) the Library, Documentation and Information Department of the African Studies Centre Leiden has compiled a web dossier on African constitutions. It contains titles available in the ASCL Library and published in the past six years. Each title links directly to the corresponding record in the library’s online catalogue, which provides further bibliographic details and abstracts, loan information, and links to full text if available. The dossier opens with a thematic introduction by Professor Nick Huls, Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Law, Leiden University, followed by an overview of constitutional texts (including amendments, versions, drafts and revisions). It concludes with links to a number of relevant websites.

Constitutional texts (including amendments, versions, drafts and revisions)
Selected publications on African constitutions
Selected publications on constitutional amendments and reforms in Africa
Selected web resources


A constitution is a legal document that sets out the basic principles about the way a national state is ruled and governed.

The political aspects of a constitution relate to the governance system (presidential or parliamentary), citizenship, election processes, the division and separation of power between the executive, the legislative and the judiciary and the relation between central government and local and provincial state entities.

The social dimension relates to the values within the state. The Preamble to the Constitution is often used to declare a number of ideals that are typical for the people(s).

The legal dimension relates to the legislative process, the protection of human rights of citizens, independence of the judiciary, the power of the (Supreme) court to invalidate legislation (judicial review) and the way that a Constitution can be changed. A Constitution is the highest law within the territory of the state and its provisions are binding for all, including the organs of the state. No one is above the law.

The norm in the Western world is a liberal constitution that limits the powers of the executive, that protects the human rights of all citizens, that provides for the choosing of leaders through free and fair elections, and that is harder to change than ordinary laws.

 Most African countries did not have a constitutional history before colonialism. As a result, African constitutions were heavily influenced by the former colonizers in the 1960s, the US or the Soviet Union during the Cold War and, more recently, by the requirements of the international (donor) community. The African Charter on Human and People’s rights creates room for typical African elements, in order to give the legal system more legitimacy for Africans.

All African countries have a written constitution, but a culture of constitutionalism is often missing, i.e. a practice in which heads of state voluntary leave office after an electoral defeat or completion of their constitutional terms, and where citizenship prevails over  ethnicity. Authoritarian leaders are often able to change the Constitution in order to stay in power. In many countries the army is an important political actor. In South Africa, the present Constitution is the hallmark of a ‘constitutional moment’, a regime change after Apartheid.

It is therefore crucial for students of African constitutions to look not only at the text of the highest law, but also at the moment and the way that the constitution was created as well as at the social and political practices of politicians, lawyers, civil society organizations, businesses and citizens that exist in the country.

Nick Huls, Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Law, Leiden University

Constitutional texts (including amendments, versions, drafts and revisions)

Angola | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cape Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Congo (Brazzaville) | Equatorial Guinea | Kenya | Morocco | Niger | Rwanda | South Sudan | Tanzania | Zimbabwe

Constituição da República de Angola (projecto final). - Luanda : [s.n.], 2010
ASC Subject Headings: Angola ; bill drafting ; constitutions

Constituição da República de Angola Constituição República de Angola. - [Luanda : s.n.], 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; Angola ; constitutions ; laws (form)

Constituição República de Angola . - Luanda : Escolar Editora, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; Angola ; constitutions

Burkina Faso
Constitution du Burkina Faso : adoptée par le référendum du 2 juin 1991 et revisée par les lois numéros: 002/97/ADP du 27 janvier 1997, 003-2000/AN du 11 avril 2000, 001-2002/AN du 22 janvier 2002, 015-2009/AN du 30 avril 2009, 023-2012/AN du 18 mai 2012 et 033- 2012/AN du 11 juin 2012. - [Ouagadougou] :[s.n.], 2012
ASC Subject Headings: Burkina Faso ; constitutions ; laws (form)

Codes et lois du Burundi, tome 1. - Bujumbara : MinisteÌ€re de la Justice, République du Burundi, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: Burundi ; civil codes ; constitutions ; criminal codes ; laws (form)

Cape Verde
Constituição da República de Cabo Verde. - Praia : Assembleia Nacional, 2011. - (Boletim oficial ; no. 17 de 3 de Maio de 2010)
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; Cape Verde ; constitutions ; laws (form)

Cape Verde
As constituições de Cabo Verde e textos históricos de direito constitucional Cabo-Verdiano. - Praia : Imprensa National de Cabo Verde, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: Cape Verde ; constitutional law ; constitutions ; sourcebooks (form)

Cape Verde
Cabo Verde a revisão constitucional de 2010 e o advento da Nova República. - Praia, 2010: Instituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro. - (Estudos e pesquisas)
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; Cape Verde ; constitutional reform ; constitutions

Central African Republic
Proposition de constitution de la République centrafricaine. - [s.l. : s.n.], 2015
ASC Subject Headings: 2015 ; bill drafting ; Central African Republic ; constitutions

Recueil de textes relatifs aux communes au Tchad. - N'Djaména : Centre d'étude et de formation pour le développement (CEFOD), 2010. - (Collection "Le droit par les textes)
ASC Subject Headings: 1996 ; Chad ; constitutions ; decentralization ; laws (form) ; local government ; municipal government

Recueil des constitutions et textes à valeur constitutionnelle de la République du Tchad. - N'Djaména : Centre d'étude et de formation pour le développement (CEFOD), 2010. - (Collection "Le droit par les textes")
ASC Subject Headings: Chad ; constitutional history ; constitutional law ; constitutions ; laws (form)

Congo (Brazzaville)
Projet de Constitution de la République du Congo : référendum du 25 octobre 2015 / . - [Brazzaville] : Agence d'Information d'Afrique Centrale, 2015. - (Les dépêches de Brazzaville ; 21 octobre 2015)
ASC Subject Headings: 2015 ; bill drafting ; Congo (Brazzaville) ; constitutions

Equatorial Guinea
Ley fundamental de Guinea Ecuatorial : nuevo texto de la Constitución de Guinea Ecuatorial, promulgada oficialmente el 16 de febrero de 2012. - [Malabo : La República Equatorial Guinea], 2012
ASC Subject Headings: 2012 ; constitutions ; Equatorial Guinea ; laws (form)

Proposed constitution of Kenya. - Nairobi : Government printer, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; bill drafting ; constitutions ; Kenya ; laws (form)

Proposed constitution of Kenya : as revised by the Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review taking into account the consensus of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Constitutional Review in accordance with section 33(1) of the Constitution of Kenya Review Act, 2008 and presented to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Constitutional Review pursuant to section 33(2) of the Act, 23 February 2010. - Nairob : Committee of Experts on Constitution Reviewi, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; bill drafting ; constitutions ; Kenya

Revised Harmonized Draft Constitution of Kenya. - Westlands, Nairobi : Committee of Experts on Constitution Review, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutions ; Kenya

Revised Harmonized Draft Constitution of Kenya. - Westlands : Committee of Experts on Constitution Review, Nairobi, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutions ; Kenya

The proposed constitution of Kenya, 6th May 2010 . - Nairobi : Government Printer, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; bill drafting ; constitutions ; Kenya

The proposed constitution of Kenya, 6th May 2010 . - Nairobi : Government Printer, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutions ; Kenya

Projet de la constitution. - Rabat : Bulletin officiel, 2011. - (Bulletin officiel, ISSN 0851-1217)
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; constitutions ; laws (form) ; Morocco

Lois de la Septième République, décembre 2010-aôut 2012 . - Niamey : Éditions de la Concorde, 2012. - (Recueil de lois ; Addendum I)
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; laws (form) ; Niger

[Itegeko nshinga rya Repubulika y'u Rwanda ryo mu 2003, ryavuguruwe mu 2015 = Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015 = Constitution de la République du Rwanda de 2003 revisée en 2015] / . - [Kigali : Repubulika y'u Rwanda, Minisiteri y'Ubutabera], 2015
ASC Subject Headings: 2003 ; constitutions ; laws (form) ; Rwanda

South Sudan
The transitional constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, 2011. - [Juba : Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly], 2011
ASC Subject Headings: 2011 ; constitutions ; South Sudan

Annotated proposals of a new constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. - Dar es Salaam : Mkuki na Nyota, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional law ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Tanzania

Rasimu ya katiba ya jamhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania. - Dar es Salaam : Government Printer, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: 2013 ; constitutional amendments ; constitutions ; Tanzania

Rasimu ya katiba ya jamhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania ya mwaka 2013. - Dar es Salaam : Government Printer, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: 2013 ; constitutional amendments ; constitutions ; Tanzania

Constitution de la République tunisienne / . - Tunis [s.n.], 2015. - (Journal officiel de la republique tunisienne, ISSN 0330-7921)
ASC Subject Headings: 2014 ; constitutions ; laws (form) ; Tunisia

Constitution of Zimbabwe (draft 31 January 2013). - [Harare] : Constitutional Parliamentary Select Committee (COPAC), 2013
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Zimbabwe

Constitution of Zimbabwe. - [Harare] : Constitutional Parliamentary Select Committee (COPAC), 2012
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Zimbabwe

Constitution of Zimbabwe (draft 17 July 2012) Constitution of Zimbabwe (draft 17 July 2012). - [Harare] : Constitutional Parliamentary Select Committee (COPAC), 2012
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Zimbabwe

Constitution of Zimbabwe (draft 17 July 2012). - [Harare] : Constitutional Parliamentary Select Committee (COPAC), 2012
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Zimbabwe

Constitution of Zimbabwe (first COPAC draft April 2012). - [Harare] : Constitutional Parliamentary Select Committee (COPAC), 2012
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Zimbabwe

The Draft Constitution of Zimbabwe 18 July 2012 incorporating Approved ZANU PF Amendments. - [Harare] : Constitutional Parliamentary Select Committee (COPAC), 2012
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Zimbabwe

Zanu-PF-approved amendments to Copac Draft Constitution. - Harare : Dept. of Information and Publicity, ZANU-PF, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutions ; Zimbabwe

Selected publications on African constitutions

General | Africa | Benin | Cameroon | Côte d'Ivoire | Democratic Republic of Congo | Egypt Eritrea | Ethiopia | Ghana | Kenya|  Lesotho | Liberiia | Malawi | Morroco | Namibia | Nigeria | Rwanda | Somalia | South Africa | South Sudan | Sudan | Tanzania | Togo | Tunisia | Uganda | Zimbabwe

What Is a constitution? : principles and concepts / IDEA. - Stockholm, 2014.

Separation of powers in African constitutionalism / Charles Manga Fombad. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016.  (Stellenbosch handbooks in African constitutional law ; 1)book cover 'The separation of power in African constitutionalism'
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; Angola ; constitutional law ; constitutionalism ; constitutions ; Ethiopia ; Ghana ; Kenya ; Namibia ; Nigeria ; separation of powers

Women's movements and constitution making after civil unrest and conflict in Africa : the cases of Kenya and Somalia / Aili Mari Tripp.
In: Politics & gender: (2016), vol. 12, no. 1, p. 78-106 : tab. (2016),
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; constitutions ; Kenya ; Somalia ; women's organizations ; women's rights

Constitution-Building in Africa / Edited by Jaap de Visser, Nico Steytler, Derek Powell and Ebenezer Durojaye. - Baden Baden : Nomos, 2015

Democratic renewal in Africa : trends and discourses / Said Adejumobi. - New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; constitutionalism ; corruption ; democracy ; ECOWAS ; Kenya ; politics

Les constitutions africaines et le mimétisme : 1990 à nos jours / Philippe Youlou.
In: Revue juridique et politique des États francophones: (2015), année 69, no. 2, p. 196-209.
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; constitutions

Constitution-building in Africa : the never-ending story of the making, unmaking and remaking of constitutions / Charles Manga Fombad.
In: African and Asian Studies: (2014), vol. 13, no. 4, p. 429-451.
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; constitutionalism ; constitutions

Constitution et religion en Afrique / Henry Marcellin Dzouma-Nguelet.
In: Nouvelles annales africaines: (2013), no. 4, p. 109-150.
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; constitutions ; religion

Democratic governance and constitutional restraint of presidential and executive power: the challenges in Africa / Muna Ndulo.
In: Law, politics and rights : essays in memory of Kader Asmal / edited by Tiyanjana Maluwa. - Leiden ; Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2014, p. 119-154

Some perspectives on durability and change under modern African constitutions / Charles Manga Fombad.
In: International journal of constitutional law: (2013), vol. 11, no. 2, p. 382-413 : tab.
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; constitutional amendments ; constitutions

Petites constitutions et droit transitoire en Afrique / Moussa Zaki.
In: Nouvelles annales africaines: (2012), no. 3, p. 3-46.
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; constitutional reform ; constitutions

African bills of rights in a comparative perspective / Charles Manga Fombad.
In: Fundamina: (2011), vol. 17, no. 1, p. 33-64 : tab.
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; Bill of Rights ; constitutions ; human rights

Africa, Nigeria
Constitution-making, legitimacy and rule of law : a comparative analysis / F. T. Abioye.
In: The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa: (2011), vol. 44, no. 1, p. 59-79.
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; constitutions ; Nigeria ; popular participation ; rule of law ; South Africa

(Re)creating the rule of law, post conflict, in Africa: from constitutional protections to oversight mechanisms / Muno Ndulo.
In: Peacebuilding and rule of law in Africa : just peace? / ed. by Chandra Lekha Sriram, Olga Martin-Ortega and Johanna Herman. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2011.

Constitutionnalisme et droits de l'homme en Afrique noire francophone / Togba Zogbelemou.
In: Revue juridique et politique des États francophones: (2010), année 64, no. 1, p. 98-130.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; French-speaking Africa ; human rights ; Subsaharan Africa

Comparative constitutionalism and good governance in the Commonwealth : an Eastern and Southern African perspective / John Hatchard, Muna Ndulo, Peter Slinn. - Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2004.
ASC Subject Headings: English-speaking Africa; constitutionalism; governance; constitutions

Three generations of constitutions in Africa : an overview and assessment in social and economic context / Issa G. Shivji. - Dar es Salaam : University of Dar es Salaam, 200X
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; constitutions

Annuaire béninois de justice constitutionnelle 2013 : dossier spécial 21 ans de jurisprudence de la cour constitutionnelle du Bénin (1991-2012) / . - Cotonou : Presses Universitaires du Bénin, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Benin ; constitutional courts ; constitutional law

La constitution béninoise du 11 décembre 1990 : un modèle pour l'Afrique ? : mélanges en l'honneur de Maurice Ahanhanzo-Glélé / Frédéric Joel Aivo. - (Maurice Glélé-Ahanhanzo) - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014. - (Études africaines)
ASC Subject Headings: 1990 ; Benin ; conference papers (form) ; constitutions ; festschrifts (form)

L'impact du droit international des droits de l'homme sur la Loi constitutionnelle camerounaise du 18 janvier 1996 / Emmanuel Kam Yogo.
In: Recht in Afrika: (2011), Jg. 14, H. 1, S. 33-48 : tab.
ASC Subject Headings: 1996 ; Cameroon ; constitutions ; human rights ; international law

The untold story of Cameroon reunification : 1955-1961 / Victor Julius Ngoh. - Limbe : Presprint Plc, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: British Cameroons ; Cameroon ; constitutions ; political unification

Libre propos au sujet de la définition du régime politique camerounais au regard de la constitution du 18 janvier 1996 / Jean Tobie Hond.
In: Cahiers africains d'administration publique: (2010), no. 74, p. 39-51.
ASC Subject Headings: 1996 ; Cameroon ; constitutions ; government ; political systems

Côte d'Ivoire
Ultranationalism, democracy and the law: insights from Côte d'Ivoire / Giulia Piccolino.
In: The Journal of Modern African Studies: (2014), vol. 52, no. 1, p. 45-68.
ASC Subject Headings: 2000-2009 ; constitutionalism ; constitutions ; Côte d'Ivoire ; nationalism ; political history

Democratic Republic of Congo
The protection of the right to health under the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Congo / Dady Mumbanika Mbwisi.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: (2014), Jg. 47, Quart. 4, S. 434-446.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; health ; social and economic rights

Democratic Republic of Congo
African law study library = Librairie Africaine d'etudes juridiques : Volume 6 / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung / . - Westlands, Nairobi : Rule of Law Program for Sub-Saharan Africa, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: armed forces ; Congo (Brazzaville) ; constitutional courts ; constitutional law ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; police ; reform ; rule of law

Democratic Republic of Congo
DR Congo as a state of law : constitution and reality / Hartmut Hamann.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: (2010), Jg. 43, Quart. 1, S. 92-99 : krt.
ASC Subject Headings: 2006 ; constitutions ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; separation of powers

Democratic Republic of Congo
La parité homme/femme dans le domaine public : un principe constitutionnel / Joséphine Bitota Muamba.
In: Éthique & société: (2010), vol. 6, no. 1, p. 39-66.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; gender inequality ; gender roles ; women parliamentarians

Democratic Republic of Congo
Le statut juridique des provinces dans la constitution congolaise du 18 février 2006 - des entités "régionalisées" dans un État uni(taire) ? / Jean-Michel Kumbu ki Ngimbi.
In: Recht in Afrika: (2010), Jg. 13, H. 2, S. 183-197.
ASC Subject Headings: 2006 ; central-local government relations ; constitutions ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; regional government

The 2014 Egyptian constitution: balancing leadership with civil rights (al-madaniyya) / Maria Gloria Polimeno.
In: Electronic journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern law: (2015), vol. 3, p. 1-67.
ASC Subject Headings: 2014 ; civil and political rights ; constitutions ; Egypt ; Islamic law

Egypt, in-depth analysis of the main elements of the new constitution : issues and challenges / Michael Meyer-Resende. - Luxembourg : Publications Office, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Egypt

Constitutionmaking in Eritrea : why it is necessary to go back to the future /Joseph Eliot Magnet.
In: African Journal of Legal Studies: (2015), vol.8, no.3-4, p.237-272.
ASC Subject Headings: 1997 ; constitutions ; Eritrea

African law of coups and the situation in Eritrea : a test for the African Union's commitment to democracy / Simon M. Weldehaimanot.
In: Journal of African Law: (2010), vol. 54, no. 2, p. 232-257.
ASC Subject Headings: African Union ; constitutions ; democratization ; Eritrea ; human rights ; political repression ; right of intervention

Constitution making in Eritrea : a process-driven approach / Bereket Habte Selassie.
In: Framing the state in times of transition : case studies in constitution making / Laurel E.Miller (ed.) ; with Louis Aucoin .- Washington, DC : United States Institute of Peace: (2010), p.57-80.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional history ; constitutional law ; constitutions ; Eritrea

Media, participation and constitution-making in Ethiopia / Nicole Stremlau.
In: Journal of African Law: (2014), vol. 58, no. 2, p. 231-249.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; Ethiopia ; mass media ; media policy ; State formation

Non-judicial review in Ethiopia : constitutional paradigm, premise and precinct / K. I. Vibhute.
In: African Journal of International and Comparative Law: (2014), vol. 22, pt. 1, p. 120-139.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional law ; constitutions ; Ethiopia ; judicial review of legislation

The precarious future of the Ethiopian constitution / Gedion T. Hessebon.
In: Journal of African Law: (2013), vol. 57, no. 2, p. 215-233.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Ethiopia ; legitimacy

Judicial referral of constitutional disputes in Ethiopia : from practice to theory / Takele Soboka Bulto.
In: African Journal of International and Comparative Law: (2011), vol. 19, pt. 1, p. 99-123.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; courts ; Ethiopia ; judicial review of legislation ; jurisdiction ; separation of powers

The constitutional status of local government in federal systems: the case of Ethiopia / Zemelak Ayitenew Ayele & Yonatan Tesfaye Fessha.
In: Africa Today: (2011/12), vol. 58, no. 4, p. 89-109.
ASC Subject Headings: central-local government relations ; constitutions ; Ethiopia ; federalism ; local government

Constitutional law : reader / Assefa Fiseha & Getachew Assefa. - [Bahir Dar etc.] : Bahir Dar University [etc.], 2010
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional law ; constitutions ; Ethiopia ; textbooks (form)

Constitutional hybridity and constitutionalism in Ghana / Ransford Edward Van Gyampo & Emmanuel Graham.
In: Africa Review / African Studies Association of India: (2014), vol. 6, no. 2, p. 138-150.
ASC Subject Headings: 1992 ; constitutions ; Ghana ; separation of powers

Privacy in context : the right to privacy, and freedom and independence of the media under the Constitution of Ghana / Dominic N. Dagbanja.
In: African Journal of International and Comparative Law: (2014), vol. 22, pt. 1, p. 40-62.
ASC Subject Headings: civil and political rights ; constitutional law ; constitutions ; freedom of speech ; Ghana ; mass media

Devolved government and local governance in Kenya : implementing decentralization underpinned by the 2010 Constitution / Kempe Ronald Hope.
In: African and Asian Studies: (2014), vol. 13, no. 3, p. 338-358.
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; constitutions ; decentralization ; government ; Kenya ; local government

Functions and responsibilities of elected state officers / Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC). - Nairobi : Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC), 2013
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; Kenya ; parliamentarians

Kriegler Commission report : an audit of its implementation / Transparency International Kenya . - Nairobi: Transparency International Kenya, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: conflict prevention ; constitutions ; election management bodies ; elections ; evaluation ; Kenya ; right to vote

Promoting the right to health in the Kenyan Constitution 2010 / Winfred Lichuma & Beatrice Gachambi. - Nairobi : Health Rights Advocacy Forum (HERAF), 2013
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; health ; Kenya

Tending towards greater eco-protection in Kenya : public interest environmental litigation and its prospects within the new constitutional order / Brian Sang Yk.
In: Journal of African Law: (2013), vol. 57, no. 1, p. 29-56.
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; constitutions ; environmental law ; Kenya ; lawsuits

The constitution of Kenya : contemporary readings / Morris Kiwinda Mbondenyi, Patrick L. O. Lumumba & Steve O. Odero. - Nairobi : LawAfrica Publishing, 2013book cover 'The Constitution of Kenya'
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; constitutional law ; constitutionalism ; constitutions ; government ; Kenya

Independent candidates and the Constitution / Jill Cottrell Ghai. - Nairobi : Katiba Institute, 2012. (Occasional paper ; no. 1)
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; electoral systems ; Kenya

Language provisions in Kenya's new Constitution and their implication on language policy / Kitula King'ei.
In: Kiswahili: (2012), vol. 75, p. 1-9.
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; constitutions ; Kenya ; language policy ; multilingualism

Political governance and constitution-making in Kenya : in search of popular participation / J.M. Mukuna. - Mafikeng : North-West University, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; constitutions ; Kenya ; popular participation

Beating the deadlines of implementation : the counties headache / Institute for Social Accountability. - Nairobi : Institute for Social Accountability, 2011. (Civil society status report ; no. 1)
ASC Subject Headings: civil society ; constitutions ; decentralization ; Kenya ; local government reform

Changing the political landscape of a nation / Ibrahim Omondi. - Nairobi : MvuleAfrica Publishers, 2011. - (Mvule studies in African politics ; 9)
ASC Subject Headings: Church ; constitutions ; Kenya ; political change ; political violence ; social problems

Kenya's constitution : an instrument for change / Yash P. Ghai. - Nairobi : Clarion, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; citizenship education ; constitutions ; Kenya

Kenya's independence constitution : constitution-making and end of empire / Robert M. Maxon. - [Madison, NJ] : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: 1960-1969 ; 1963 ; constitutional history ; constitutions ; decolonization ; federalism ; Kenya

The application of international law in Kenya under the 2010 Constitution : critical issues in the harmonisation of the legal system / Tom Kabau & Chege Njoroge.
In: The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa: (2011), vol. 44, no. 3, p. 293-310.
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; constitutions ; international law ; Kenya ; law

The constitution of Kenya : non state actors national action plan on the implementation of the constitution. - Nairobi : Kenya Section of the International Commission of Jurists, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; Kenya

The county : understanding devolution and governance in Kenya / John Njuguna Burugu. - Nairobi : CLEAD International, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; constitutions ; decentralization ; Kenya ; local government

Wanjiku's journey : tracing Kenya's quest for a new constitution and reporting on the 2010 national referendum / James Mawira & Tom Kagwe. - Nairobi : Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC), 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Kenya ; referendums

Kenya, Africa
Woman-to-woman marriage : a cultural paradox in contemporary Africa's consitutional profile / Jackton B. Ojwang & Emily Nyiva Kinama.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: (2014), Jg. 47, Quart. 4, S. 412-433.
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; constitutions ; family law ; international law ; Kenya ; woman-to-woman marriage

Kenya, South Africa
Pre-commitment in contemporary constitution making? : African and Kenyan experiences reviewed / Dan Juma.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: (2011), Jg. 44, Quart. 4, S. 482-515 : tab.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Kenya ; South Africa

The Lesotho Constitution and doctrine of separation of powers : reflections on the judicial attitude / Anthony O. Nwafor.
In: African Journal of Legal Studies: (2013), vol.6, no.1, p.49-68.
ASC Subject Headings: 1993 ; constitutions ; judicial system ; Lesotho ; separation of powers

On race, citizenship, and property in Liberia : a sociologist's point of view / Konia T. Kollehlon.
In: Liberian Studies Journal: (2012), vol. 37, no. 1, p. 33-58. (2012), vol. 37, no. 1, p. 33-58.
ASC Subject Headings: citizenship ; constitutions ; development ; Liberia ; racism ; real property

Liberating Malawi's administrative justice jurisprudence from its common law shackles / Danwood Mzikenge Chirwa.
In: Journal of African Law: (2011), vol. 55, no. 1, p. 105-127.
ASC Subject Headings: 1994 ; administrative law ; constitutions ; judicial review of legislation ; Malawi

Geopolitics regionalism under new Moroccan constitution and autonomy of Sahara / Suresh Kumar.
In: Indian Journal of African Studies: (2012), vol. 18, no. 1/2, p. 89-102 : tab.
ASC Subject Headings: central-local government relations ; constitutions ; geopolitics ; Morocco ; regionalism ; self-determination ; Western Sahara

La nouvelle constitution du Maroc : une révolution silencieuse / Dominique Chagnollaud.
In: Géopolitique africaine / OR. IMA International: (2012), no. 43, p. 213-218.
ASC Subject Headings: 2011 ; constitutions ; Morocco

North Africa's constitutions at the 50-year mark : an analysis of their evolution / Daniel A. Marx.
In: The Journal of North African Studies: (2010), vol. 15, no. 4, p. 481-495.
ASC Subject Headings: Algeria ; constitutional history ; constitutions ; Morocco ; Tunisia

Know your constitution : the Republic of Namibia, March, 1990 / Dianne Hubbard. - Windhoek : Legal Assistance Trust, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; Namibia

1990: la Namibie dans le concert des nations / Bernard Chantebout.
In: Géopolitique africaine / OR. IMA International: (2012), no. 45, p. 215-231.
ASC Subject Headings: 1990 ; civil and political rights ; constitutions ; Namibia ; opposition parties ; SWAPO

The constitution in the 21st century : perspectives on the context and future of Namibia's supreme law / Naita Hishoono. - Windhoek : Namibia Institute for Democracy [etc.], 2011
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional history ; constitutions ; Namibia

Constitutional democracy in Namibia : a critical analysis after two decades / Anton Bösl. - Windhoek : Macmillan Education Namibia, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; democracy ; Namibia

Namibia's long walk to freedom : the role of constitution making in the creation of an independent Namibia / Marinus Wiechers.
In: Framing the state in times of transition : case studies in constitution making / Laurel E.Miller (ed.) ; with Louis Aucoin .- Washington, DC : United States Institute of Peace: (2010), p.81-110.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional history ; constitutional law ; constitutions ; Namibia

Peace and security concerns in the Niger Delta : a persisting struggle for autonomy and self-determination / Browne Onuoha.
In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies: (2015), vol. 33, no. 1, p. 69-87.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; federalism ; Niger Delta conflict ; Nigeria

Islamic law and legal hybridity in Nigeria / Mamman Lawan.
In: Journal of African Law: (2014), vol. 58, no. 2, p. 303-327.
ASC Subject Headings: colonialism ; constitutions ; criminal law ; Islamic law ; legal systems ; Nigeria

Tribunals of inquiry as a residual matter under the Nigerian constitution : resolving the Nigerian conundrum / Chukwunweike A. Ogbuabor.
In: African Journal of International and Comparative Law: (2014), vol. 22, pt. 2, p. 273-307.
ASC Subject Headings: commissions of inquiry ; constitutions ; federalism ; Nigeria ; special courts

Political parties, the 1999 Nigerian Constitution and the 2011 general elections / E. S. Nwauche.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: (2013), Jg. 46, Quart. 4, S. 407-429.
ASC Subject Headings: 1999 ; 2011 ; constitutions ; elections ; Nigeria ; political parties

Executive immunity under the Nigerian Constitution and its impact on the anti-corruption crusade / Elijah Adewale Taiwo.
In: East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2010), vol. 16, no. 2, p. 216-247.
ASC Subject Headings: 1999 ; constitutions ; corruption ; impeachment ; impunity ; Nigeria

The constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria : a contextual approach / Oyelowo Oyewo. - Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart Pub., 2010

Constitutionalism à la Rwandaise / Nick Huls.
In: Maurice Adams, Ernst Hirsch Ballin & Anne Meeuwse (red.): Constitutions between ideals and reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016 (forthcoming)

Women's experiences of gender equality laws in rural Rwanda : the case of Kamonyi District / Mediatrice Kagaba.
In: Journal of Eastern African Studies: (2015), vol. 9, no. 4, p. 574-592.
ASC Subject Headings: 2003 ; constitutions ; gender inequality ; Rwanda ; women's rights

The limits to the UN-controlled-constitution-making process in Somalia / Afyare A. Elmi.
In: Horn of Africa: (2013), vol. 31, p. 66-85.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Somalia

The Somalia conflict and challenges from the constitutional arrangements / Mohammed Mealin Seid.
In: Horn of Africa: (2012), vol. 30, p. 72-88.
ASC Subject Headings: 2012 ; constitutions ; Somalia ; State formation

South Africa
Special Issue : Citizenship (local & global) : 20 years after the constitution / Amanda Gouws & Pieter Fourie. - Abingdon [etc.] : Routledge [etc.], 2016.  (Politikon, ISSN 1470-1014 ; vol. 43, no. 1 (2016))
ASC Subject Headings: 1996 ; citizenship ; constitutional courts ; constitutions ; South Africa ; women's rights

South Africa
Special issue : twenty years of the Constitution : reflecting on citizenship and gender justice / Amanda Gouws & Hayley Galgut. - Durban : Agenda Feminist Media, 2016. (Agenda, ISSN 2158-978X ; vol. 30, no. 1)
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional law ; customary law ; gender inequality ; LGBT ; South Africa ; women's rights ; Zimbabwe

South Africa
The substance of contractual autonomy in the twenty-first century : the South-African experience / Deeksha Bhana.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: (2015), Jg. 48, Quart. 4, S. 491-515.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; contracts ; law of contract ; South Africa

South Africa
'De Zuid-Afrikaan' se standpunt oor stemreg vir bruin mense voor die totstandkoming van die Kaapse koloniale parlement in 1854 / Pieter De Klerk.
In: Historia: (2014), vol. 59, no. 1, p. 1-17. (2014), vol. 59, no. 1, p. 1-17
ASC Subject Headings: 1853 ; Coloureds ; constitutions ; Dutch language ; newspapers ; right to vote ; South Africa ; The Cape

South Africa
Justice : a personal account / Edwin Cameron. - (Edwin Cameron) - Cape Town : Tafelberg, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: AIDS ; constitutional courts ; constitutions ; judges ; personal narratives (form) ; rule of law ; social justice ; South Africa

South Africa
The constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996 : reflecting the law as at 13 December 2013 / ed. by Juta's Statutes Editors. - Cape Town : Juta Law, 2014. - (Juta's pocket statutes series)
ASC Subject Headings: 1996 ; constitutions ; South Africa

South Africa
An overview of the constitutional framework of the right to social security with special reference to South Africa / Charles Fombad.
In: African Journal of International and Comparative Law: (2013), vol. 21, pt. 1, p. 1-31 : tab.
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; constitutions ; social and economic rights ; social security ; South Africa

South Africa
Remnants of Apartheid common law justice : the primacy of the spirit, purport and objects of the Bills of Rights for developing the common law and bringing horizontal rights to fruition / Christopher Roederer.
In: South African Journal on Human Rights: (2013), vol. 29, pt. 2, p. 219-250.
ASC Subject Headings: 1996 ; constitutional law ; constitutions ; jurisprudence ; South Africa

South Africa
The horizontal application of the Bill of Rights : a reconciliation of sections 8 and 39 of the Constitution / Deeksha Bhana.
In: South African Journal on Human Rights: (2013), vol. 29, pt. 2, p. 351-375.
ASC Subject Headings: 1996 ; constitutional law ; constitutions ; South Africa

South Africa
African customary laws and the new Constitution of the post-apartheid South Africa: a case study of the African traditional marriage system and the Civil Union Act of 2006 / Itumeleng Mekoa.
In: Indilinga: (2012), vol. 11, no. 2, p. 221-232.
ASC Subject Headings: Bill of Rights ; constitutions ; customary law ; homosexuality ; marriage law ; South Africa

South Africa
Die wonder van grondwetmatige Afrikaans = The wonder of constitutionalist Afrikaans / Lourens Du Plessis.
In: Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe: (2012), jg. 52, nr. 3, p. 337-351.
ASC Subject Headings: Afrikaans language ; constitutions ; legal terminology ; South Africa

South Africa
One law, one nation : the making of the South African constitution / Lauren Segal & Sharon Cort. - Auckland Park : Jacana, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional history ; constitutions ; South Africa

South Africa
Creating the birth certificate of a new South Africa : constitution making after apartheid / Hassen Ebrahim & Laurel E. Miller.
In: Framing the state in times of transition : case studies in constitution making / Laurel E.Miller (ed.) ; with Louis Aucoin .- Washington, DC : United States Institute of Peace: (2010), p.111-157 : tab.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional history ; constitutional law ; constitutions ; South Africa

South Africa
Die kontraktuele dimensie van grondwette : nuwe uitdagings vir Suid-Afrika? = The contractual dimension of constitutions / Francois Bredenkamp.
In: Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe: (2010), jg. 50, nr. 4, p. 467-483.
ASC Subject Headings: 1996 ; constitutions ; federalism ; South Africa ; State-society relationship

South Africa
Special issue: Constitution-making as a learning process : Andrew Arato's model of post-sovereign constitution-making / Johan van der Walt & Andrew Arato.
In: South African journal on human rights, ISSN 0258-7203 ; vol. 26, pt. 1., p. 1-171.
ASC Subject Headings: 1996 ; constitutionalism ; constitutions ; political change ; South Africa

South Africa
The constitution of South Africa : a contextual analysis / Heinz Klug. - Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart Pub., 2010

South Sudan
Introduction : peace and constitution making in emerging South Sudan on and beyond the negotiation tables / Katrin Seidel & Timm Sureau.
In: Journal of Eastern African Studies: (2015), vol. 9, no. 4, p. 612-633.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; South Sudan ; State formation

South Sudan
Das politische System des Südsudans / Ingo Henneberg.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: (2013), Jg. 46, Quart. 2, S. 174-196 : ill.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; legal systems ; mass media ; political systems ; South Sudan

Contested constitutions : constitutional development in Sudan 1953-2005 / Kristine Mo. - Bergen : University of Bergen, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional history ; constitutions ; Sudan ; theses (form)

International law and constitution making process : the right to public participation in the constitution making process in post referendum Sudan / Noha Ibrahim Abdelgabar.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: (2013), Jg. 46, Quart. 2, S. 131-151.
ASC Subject Headings: citizenship education ; constitutional law ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; popular participation ; Sudan

Paradoxes of constitution-making in Tanzania /Issa G. Shivji / Issa G. Shivji. - Dar es Salaam : University of Dar es Salaam, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional history ; constitutions ; Tanzania

The administration of justice in Tanzania / G. M. Fimbo, Idd Ramadhani Mandi & Evaristo Longopa. - Dar es Salaam : Law Africa Publishing (T) Ltd, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; administration of justice ; conference papers (form) ; constitutions ; courts of appeal ; criminal procedure ; human rights ; Tanzania

The pitfalls constitution-making in Tanzania : the lessons so far / Issa G. Shivji. - Dar es Salaam : University of Dar es Salaam, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional law ; constitutions ; Tanzania

Popular participation in constitution-making and legitimacy of the constitution: the experience of Tanzania / Romuald R. Haule.
In: Journal of African and International Law: (2012), vol. 5, no. 1, p. 1-39 : tab.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional law ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; legitimacy ; popular participation ; Tanzania

La dignité humaine : la réinsertion socio-juridique des "démunis" au Togo : une contribution des Soeurs missionnaires de la Miséricorde Divine à la lumière du Magister de l'Église / Akouwavi Mbonè Agnon. - Torino [etc.] : L'Harmattan Italia [etc.], 2010. - (Africultura)
ASC Subject Headings: 1992 ; Catholic Church ; constitutions ; criminal law ; human rights ; poverty ; prisoners ; Togo

La Constitution tunisienne du 27 janvier 2014 / Rafâa Ben Achour.
In: Revue française de droit constitutionnel: (2013), no.100, p.783-801.
ASC Subject Headings: 2014 ; constitutions ; Tunisia

Of fundamental change and no change : pitfalls of constitutionalism and political transformation in Uganda, 1995-2005 / Godfrey B. Asiimwe.
In: Africa Development: (2014), vol. 39, no. 2, p. 21-46.
ASC Subject Headings: 1995 ; constitutions ; human rights ; political change ; political conditions ; Uganda

Presidential immunity from criminal prosecution in the Ugandan Constitution : drafting history and emerging jurisprudence / Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.
In: African Journal of International and Comparative Law: (2014), vol. 22, pt. 1, p. 140-154.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional law ; constitutions ; criminal law ; heads of State ; impunity ; Uganda

The politics of constitution making in Uganda / Aili Mari Tripp.
In: Framing the state in times of transition : case studies in constitution making / Laurel E.Miller (ed.) ; with Louis Aucoin .- Washington, DC : United States Institute of Peace: (2010), p.111-157 : tab.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional history ; constitutional law ; constitutions ; Uganda

Zimbabwe's 2013 elections : two constitutional controversies and comments on some structural matters / Greg Linington.
In: Journal of African Elections: (2014), vol. 13, no. 2, p. 1-16.
ASC Subject Headings: 2013 ; constitutions ; elections ; legislation ; Zimbabwe

The constitution process and sexual minority rights in Zimbabwe / Marc Epprecht. - Harare : GALZ, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: constitutions ; homosexuality ; Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe's unfulfilled struggle for a legitimate constitutional order / Muna Ndulo.
In: Framing the state in times of transition : case studies in constitution making / Laurel E. Miller (ed.) ; with Louis Aucoin . - Washington, DC : United States Institute of Peace, 2010, p. 176-203.
ASC Subject Headings: Zimbabwe ; constitutions ; constitutional law ; constitutionl history

Selected publications on constitutional amendments and reforms

Africa | Algeria | Cameroon | Congo (Brazzaville) | Democratic Republic of Congo | Egypt Ethiopia | Ghana | Guinea | Kenya | Mali | Mayotte | Niger | Nigeria | Senegal | South Africa | Tanzania | Uganda | West Africa | Zambia | Zimbabwe

Le parlement constituant en Afrique francophone : contribution à la limitation du nouveau pouvoir de révision constitutionnelle en Afrique / Yawovi Amedzofe Kpedu.
In: Revue juridique et politique des États francophones: (2015), année 69, no. 4, p. 444-472.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; French-speaking Africa ; parliament

The African Union, constitutionalism and power-sharing / Stef Vandeginste.
In: Journal of African Law: (2013), vol. 57, no. 1, p. 1-28 : fig.
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African Union ; constitutional reform ; constitutionalism ; governance ; power-sharing

Constitutional reform processes and political parties : principles for practice / Martin van Vliet, Winluck Wahiu, Augustine Magolowondo & Anne Mieke van Breukelen. - The Hague : NIMD, 2012. - (ASC occasional publications ; 12)book cover 'constitutional reform processes and political parties'
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; Ghana ; Kenya ; Malawi ; political parties ; South Africa ; world ; Zimbabwe

La responsabilité pénale des gouvernants dans les régimes politiques africains d'influence française / Frédéric Joël Aivo.
In: Revue juridique et politique des États francophones: (2010), année 64, no. 1, p. 3-42.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; executive power ; French-speaking Africa ; liability ; Subsaharan Africa

Algeria: il lungo cammino verso la consacrazione del 'regimo ibrido' / Francesco Tamburini.
In: Africa / Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente: (2010), a. 65, n. 1/4, p. 82-103 : fig.
ASC Subject Headings: 2000-2009 ; Algeria ; constitutional amendments ; political change

Democratization and public administration in Cameroon since the 1990s : an overview / Ameli Valentine Tabi.
In: Cahiers africains d'administration publique: (2010), no. 75, p. 123-133.
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; civil service reform ; constitutional reform ; democratization

L'indépendance des juridictions constitutionnelles dans le constitutionnalisme des États francophones d'Afrique noire post guerre froide: l'exemple du Conseil constitutionnel camerounais / Marcelin Nguele Abada.
In: Palabres actuelles: (2010), no. 4, p. 47-90.
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; constitutional courts ; constitutional reform ; rule of law ; separation of powers

Peut-on parler d'un reflux du constitutionnalisme au Cameroun? / James Mouangue Kobila.
In: Recht in Afrika: (2010), Jg. 13, H. 1, S. 33-82.
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; constitutional amendments ; constitutional courts ; constitutionalism ; executive power

Congo (Brazzaville)
Débat sur la constitution du 20 janvier 2002 au Congo : enjeux sociaux et stratégies politiques / Claude Richard M'Bissa. - Paris, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; constitutional reform ; constitutions

Democratic Republic of Congo
La décentralisation en République Démocratique du Congo de la Première à la Troisième République 1960-2011 / Paule Bouvier & Jean Omasombo Tshonda. - Bruxelles [etc.] : Le Cri [etc.], 2012. - (Monographies des provinces de la République démocratique du Congo ; 1)
ASC Subject Headings: 1960-1969 ; 1970-1979 ; 1980-1989 ; 1990-1999 ; 2000-2009 ; administrative divisions ; central-local government relations ; constitutional reform ; decentralization ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; political history ; regional government

Democratic Republic of Congo
Pouvoir régional et national en RDC / José Kaputa Lota.
In: Géopolitique africaine / OR. IMA International: (2012), no. 42, p. 209-215.
ASC Subject Headings: central-local government relations ; constitutional amendments ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; regional government

Democratic Republic of Congo
Les institutions politiques de la RDC : de la République du Zaïre à la République démocratique du Congo (1990-à nos jours) / Alphonse Makengo Nkutu. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2010. - (Études africaines)
ASC Subject Headings: 1990-1999 ; 2000-2009 ; constitutional reform ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; government ; judicial power ; political history

L'évolution constitutionnelle de l'Égypte : avec le texte de la Constitution de 2014 / Jean Yves de Cara & Charles Saint-Prot. - Paris [etc.] : Karthala [etc.], 2014. - (Études géopolitiques ; 12)
ASC Subject Headings: 2014 ; constitutional amendments ; constitutions ; Egypt

Egypt, Tunisia
Post-revolution constitutionalism : the impact of drafting processes on the constitutional documents in Tunisia and Egypt / Ahmed El-Sayed.
In: Electronic journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern law: (2014), vol. 2, p. 39-62.
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutional law ; constitutions ; Egypt ; political change ; Tunisia

Federalism and legal pluralism in Ethiopia : preliminary observations on their impacts on the protection of human rights / Getachew Assefa.
In: East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2011), vol. 17, no. 1, p. 173-194.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; Ethiopia ; federalism ; human rights ; legal pluralism ; minority groups ; State formation

Amending the constitution of Ghana : is the imperial president trespassing? : a rejoinder / Ernest Kofi Abotsi.
In: African Journal of International and Comparative Law: (2012), vol. 20, pt. 1, p. 141-154.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional amendments ; Ghana ; parliament

Amending the constitution of Ghana : is the imperial president trespassing? / Stephen Kwaku Asare & H. Kwasi Prempeh.
In: African Journal of International and Comparative Law: (2010), vol. 18, pt. 2, p. 192-216.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional amendments ; Ghana ; parliament

Strengthening the liberal roots of the 1992 constitution : an agenda for reform / Ernest Kofi Abotsi . - Legon : Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), 2010. (Constitutional review series ; 2)
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; Ghana

Towards a constitution for a democratic and well-governed Ghana / E. Gyimah-Boadi. - Legon : Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), 2010. - (Constitutional review series ; 1)
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; democracy ; Ghana

La Constitution guinéenne du 7 mai 2010 / Togba Zogbelemou.
In: Revue juridique et politique des États francophones: (2013), année 67, no. 2, p. 195-214.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional courts ; constitutional history ; constitutional reform ; Guinea

Restoring Leviathan? : the Kenyan Supreme Court, constitutional transformation, and the presidential election of 2013 / John Harrington & Ambreena Manji.
In: Journal of Eastern African Studies: (2015), vol. 9,·no. 2, p. 175-192.
ASC Subject Headings: 2013 ; constitutional reform ; Kenya ; presidential elections ; supreme courts ; trials

Democracy and its discontents : understanding Kenya's 2013 elections / Nic Cheeseman, Gabrielle Lynch & Justin Willis.
In: Journal of Eastern African Studies: (2014), vol. 8, no. 1, p. 2-24.
ASC Subject Headings: 2013 ; constitutional reform ; democratization ; elections ; Kenya

Kenya: the struggle for a new constitutional order / Godwin R. Murunga, Duncan Okello & Anders Sjögren. - London : Zed Books, in association with the Nordic Africa Institute, 2014. - (Africa Now)book cover' Kenya: the struggle for a new constitutional order'
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Kenya ; political violence

Antinomies in the struggle for the transformation of the Kenyan constitution (19902010) / Jacob Mwathi Mati.
In: Journal of Contemporary African Studies: (2013), vol. 31, no. 2, p. 235-254.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; Kenya ; protest

Kadhis courts in Kenya's constitutional review (1998-2010): a changing approach to politics and State among Kenyan Muslim leaders / Abdulkader Tayob.
In: Islamic Africa: (2013), vol. 4, no. 1, p. 103-124.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional amendments ; Islam ; Kenya ; politics ; special courts

Breaking the barriers : women participation in reform processes in Kenya / . - Nairobi : Foundation for Women's Rights in Kenya, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; Kenya ; transitional justice ; women

Kenyan courts and the politics of the rule of law in the post-authoritarian State / Migai Akech & Patricia Kameri-Mbote.
In: East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2012), vol. 18, no. 2, p. 357-386.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; corruption ; courts ; Kenya ; rule of law

Land and the quest for a democratic state in Kenya : bringing citizens back In / John W. Harbeson.
In: African Studies Review: (2012), vol. 55, no. 1, p. 15-30.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; Kenya ; land reform

Reform and political impunity in Kenya : transparency without accountability / Mwangi wa Gĩthĩnji & Frank Holmquist.
In: African Studies Review: (2012), vol. 55, no. 1, p. 53-74.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; impunity ; Kenya ; political change ; political history ; politicians ; responsibility

The political economy of reforms in Kenya : the post-2007 election violence and a new constitution / Karuti Kanyinga & James D. Long.
In: African Studies Review: (2012), vol. 55, no. 1, p. 31-51 : graf. , tab.
ASC Subject Headings: conflict resolution ; constitutional reform ; Kenya ; political change ; political economy ; reform

Kenya's new constitution : a transforming document or less than meets the eye? / Cornelia Glinz.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: (2011), Jg. 44, Quart. 1, S. 60-80.
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Kenya

The formation of a county government in Kenya / Kinyanjui Nganga. - Nairobi : Queenex, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; decentralization ; governance ; Kenya ; local government

[Constitutional review in Kenya and Kadhis Courts : selected papers presented at the workshop, 20 March 2010, St. Paul's University, Limuru, Kenya] / Abdulkader Tayob & Joseph Wandera. - Western Cape : Centre for Contemporary Islam, University of Cape Town, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; conference papers (form) ; constitutional amendments ; Islam ; Kenya ; special courts

'The Kenyas we don't want': popular thought over constitutional review in Kenya, 2002 / Stephanie Diepeveen.
In: The Journal of Modern African Studies: (2010), vol. 48, no. 2, p. 231-258.
ASC Subject Headings: attitudes ; constitutional reform ; Kenya ; politics ; State-society relationship

Constitutional review and referendums in Kenya / Norbert Kersting.
In: Africa Insight: (2010/11), vol. 40, no. 4, p. 68-80 : fig.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; Kenya ; referendums

Proposed constitution of Kenya curriculum for civic education / Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review. - Nairobi Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: citizenship education ; constitutional reform ; Curriculum ; Kenya ; social studies

Proposed constitution of Kenya facilitators manual for civic education / Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review. - Nairobi : Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: citizenship education ; constitutional reform ; handbooks (form) ; Kenya

Proposed constitution of Kenya Handbook for civic education / Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review. - Nairobi : Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: citizenship education ; constitutional reform ; handbooks (form) ; Kenya

Report of the Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review, issued on the submission of the proposed constitution of Kenya, 23rd February 2010 / Nzamba Kitonga. - Nairobi: Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2010 ; bill drafting ; constitutions ; Kenya

"Hands off my constitution" : constitutional reform and the workings of democracy in Mali / Susanna D. Wing.
In: The Journal of Modern African Studies: (2015), vol. 53, no. 3, p. 451-475.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Mali ; political conditions

L'histoire constitutionnelle du Mali / Éloi Diarra.
In: Revue juridique et politique des États francophones: (2010), année 64, no. 2, p. 229-260.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional history ; constitutional reform ; Mali

"Mayotte département", la fin d'un combat? : le Mouvement populaire mahorais: entre opposition et francophilie (1958-1976) / Mamaye Idriss.
In: Afrique contemporaine: (2013), no. 247, p. 119-135 : graf. , foto's.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; France ; Mayotte ; overseas territories ; political parties

Départementalisation de Mayotte: un changement de régime statutaire aux enjeux internationaux / Hugues Béringer.
In: Revue juridique et politique des États francophones: (2010), année 64, no. 2, p. 176-191.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; France ; Mayotte ; overseas territories ; self-determination

Les faces cachées d'un régime présidentiel autoproclamé : cas de la Vème république du Niger / Oumarou Narey.
In: Nouvelles annales africaines: (2011), no. 2, p. 135-171.
ASC Subject Headings: authoritarianism ; constitutional reform ; Niger ; presidential systems

Amending the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 / Nat Ofo.
In: African Journal of Legal Studies: (2011), vol.4, no.2, p.123-148.
ASC Subject Headings: 1999 ; constitutional amendments ; constitutions ; Nigeria

Democratisation in Nigeria / Emmanuel O. Ojo.
In: Journal of African Elections: (2011), vol. 10, no. 1, p. 99-207 : tab.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional amendments ; corruption ; democratization ; election management bodies ; elections ; judicial system ; Nigeria

Chronique d'une révolte : photographies d'une saison de protestation = Chronicle of a revolt : photographs of a season of protest / Koyo Kouoh, Aliou Mbaye & Alioune Tine. - Dakar : Raw Material Company, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: 2011 ; 2012 ; civil society ; constitutional reform ; exhibition catalogues (form) ; photography ; political opposition ; press ; protest ; Senegal

Le 23 juin au Sénégal (ou la souveraineté reconquise) / Alpha Amadou Sy. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: 2011 ; civil society ; constitutional reform ; political opposition ; protest ; Senegal

Les révisions constitutionnelles au Sénégal : révisions consolidantes et révisions déconsolidantes de la démocratie sénégalaise / Ismaila Madior Fall. - Dakar : CREDILA, 2011. - (Collection du CREDILA, ISSN 0850-9549 ; 27)
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional amendments ; constitutional history ; constitutional reform ; Senegal

Les révisions constitutionnelles au Sénégal / Ismaila Madior Fall.
In: Nouvelles annales africaines: (2010), no. 1, p. 73-143.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional amendments ; Senegal

South Africa
Democracy and the rule of law in South Africa : observations on significant legislative and other developments after Polokwane / Dieter Welz.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: (2010), Jg. 43, Quart. 3, S. 304-327.
ASC Subject Headings: African National Congress (South Africa) ; constitutional amendments ; rule of law ; separation of powers ; South Africa

Constitutional reform in Tanzania : developing process and preliminary results / Juliana Masobo & Ulrike Wanitzek.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Tanzania

Winnowing Tanzania's proposed constitution : the legitimacy question / Tulia Ackson.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutional law ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; Tanzania

The Constitutional Review Act, 2011 / . - Dar es Salaam : Government Printer, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutional reform ; Tanzania

Zanzibar : the development of the constitution / Chris Maina Peter & Immi Sikand. - Zanzibar : Zanzibar Legal Service Centre, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional amendments ; constitutional history ; constitutions ; elections ; government ; human rights ; Tanzania ; Zanzibar

Breaking the conflict trap in Uganda : proposals for constitutional and legal reforms / Nicholas Opiyo, Arthur Bainomugisha & Barbara Ntambirweki. - Kampala, 2013. - (ACODE policy research series ; 58)
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; political conflicts ; Uganda

Reviewing chapter four of the 1995 constitution : towards the progressive reform of human rights and democratic freedoms in Uganda / J. Oloka-Onyango. - Kampala : Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; legislation ; Uganda

West Africa
Constitutional Amendments and the consolidation of the rule of law in democratizing Francophone West Africa : case study of Benin, Burkina Faso, and Senegal / Bagnini Kohoun. - Morgantown, West Virginia : UMI, 2014
ASC Subject Headings:

Analysis of the first Draft Constitution of the Republic of Zambia May - 2012 / . - Lusaka : Caritas Zambia, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: bill drafting ; constitutions ; Zambia

An assessment of the Judicial Service Commission in Zimbabwe's new Constitution / Gift Manyatera & Charles Manga Fombad.
In: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa: (2014), vol. 47, no. 1, p. 89-108.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional law ; constitutional reform ; judicial power ; judicial system ; separation of powers ; Zimbabwe

Policing and constitutional reform in Zimbabwe / David Bruce. - Pretoria : IDASA, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; police ; Zimbabwe

Simbabwe : Staatsorganisation und juristische Ansatzpunkte für eine rechtsstaatliche Weiterentwicklung / Benedict Bartl.
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: (2011), Jg. 44, Quart. 4, S. 559-597.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; rule of law ; transitional justice ; Zimbabwe

The utility of environmental rights to sustainable development in Zimbabwe : a contribution to the constitutional reform debate / Tumai Murombo.
In: African Human Rights Law Journal: (2011), vol. 11, no. 1, p. 120-146.
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional reform ; environmental law ; human rights ; sustainable development ; Zimbabwe

Waiting for Constitution ; Heal the wounds / Stephen Chifunyize & Daves Guzha. -  [Harare] : Rooftop Promotions, 2010. - 1 dvd-video (56 min.). : kleur, gel.
ASC Subject Headings: conflict resolution ; constitutional reform ; drama (form) ; videos (form) ; Zimbabwe

Selected web resources

The doors of the constitutional court in South Africa (Photo by Circlesinthesand, Wikimedia Commons)

An online environment for reading, searching, and comparing the world’s constitutions prepared by Comparative Constitutions Project Constitute in collaboration with Google Ideas in 2013. Since its launch, Constitute has been recognized with a number of awards.

La constitution en Afrique
French language blog on constitutional law and reform in Africa, maintained by Stephane Bolle (Paul Valéry Montpellier III University); contains information about and links to the constitutions of over 20 African (mostly Francophone) countries.

A collection of constitutional laws, official reports, draft laws, stakeholder resolutions, minutes of key meetings, rules of proceedings in constituent assemblies and national conferences developed and maintained by International IDEA (an IGO headquartered in Sweden).

The Guide to Law Online
An annotated guide to sources of information on government and law available online prepared by the Law Library of Congress Public Services Division. It includes selected links to useful and reliable sites for legal information.

Kituo cha Katiba
A collection of 36 African constitutions prepared by Kitua cha Katiba (The Eastern Africa Center For Constitutional Development). The centre’s constitution making archive contains all the materials used in making the 1995 Uganda constitution.