Boekpresentatie: Femmes du Mali-Sud. Changements de vie entre la tradition et la développement: un tissage de mémoires et d'images, 1980 - 2012
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In 2012 we returned to Southern Mali, where we worked in the Women and Development programme of the Malian cotton company (CMDT) between 1987 and 1995. We were curious to find out what had changed for women in the cotton area since 1980. Have women been able to improve their economic position? Are the changes tangible in women’s control of their lives; their social participation; the relationship between men and women or between the generations? The book is a fabric of memories and images of our experiences of the past and our journey in 2012, coloured with perceptions and stories of the people we met.
The text does not represent a classic book, but rather a report based on information derived directly from the words of women and men who shared their views and experiences with us. In addition, the book does not only describe the changes in women's lives, but also the role of the CMDT being the largest parastatal in Southern Mali until 2003.
- Lida Zuidberg, Household studies (Wageningen University, 1970). Manager of Projet d’Appui à l’Animation Féminine (PAAF-CMDT, Mali, 1987-1990). Consultant at Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), ETC Netherlands and EOS Consult.
- Simone Kortbeek, Nutrition and rural extension (Wageningen University, 1978). Manager of Projet Femmes et Développement (PROFED-CMDT, Mali, 1991-1995). Consultant and interim director Department of Agricultural and Enterprise Development of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT). Director TransAct and Movisie. Currently consultant PUM Netherlands senior experts.
- Koos Kingma, Agricultural sociology of non-western regions (Wageningen University, 1987), Associate expert for action research (PROFED-CMDT, Mali 1991-1995). Advisor agricultural research KIT in Tanzania. Programme officer Oxfam Novib. Currently lecturer Rural Development and Gender and Development (Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences) and PhD student at Wageningen University.
- Ans Koning, Household studies (Wageningen University, 1988). Associate expert for monitoring and evaluation (PROFED-CMDT, Mali, 1991-1994). Associate expert Development Cooperation of the Netherlands in Ecuador. Currently consultant at GNKconsulting, specialised in organisational change.