The Library, Documentation and Information Department of the African Studies Centre Leiden has compiled this web dossier to coincide with the photo exhibition Helden op stokken, on display at the African Studies Centre from 26 June until 17 September 2008. A brief introduction outlines the situation of Africans with disabilities and recent initiatives to promote their rights and improve their well-being. There follows a selection of publications and films on disability in Africa available in the ASC library collection. The titles are arranged in sections on disability in general, physical disability, mental disability and education for disabled persons. Each title links directly to the corresponding record in the library’s online catalogue, providing further details and, in many cases, an abstract. The dossier concludes with a selection of web resources.
1. Introduction
2. Disability in general
3. Physical disability
4. Mental disability
5. Education for disabled persons
6. Selected web resources
For further information, please email us at or phone +31 (0)71 527 3354.
According to UN statistics, there are currently over 600 million persons with disabilities throughout the world of whom 400 million live in developing countries and 80 million in Africa. A World Health Organization source maintains that about forty percent of Africa’s population consists of people with disabilities, including 10-15 percent of school-age children. This percentage would translate into about 300 million people with disabilities in Africa. Disability is caused by many factors, including malnutrition and disease, environmental hazards, traffic and industrial accidents, and civil conflict and war, and the number of people with disabilities continues to increase.
The vast majority of Africans with disabilities are excluded from schools and opportunities for work, virtually guaranteeing that they live as the poorest of the poor. School enrolment for the disabled is estimated at no more than 5-10 percent and as many as 70-80 percent of working age people with disabilities are unemployed. The social stigma associated with disability results in marginalization and isolation, often leading to begging as the sole means of survival.
The OAU (now African Union), African governments and NGOs have taken steps to address the disability problem in Africa. In 1988, the African Rehabilitation Institute (ARI) was established in Harare. This Specialized Agency of the AU reports to the political organs of the AU on disability issues and coordinates all matters relating to disability in Africa. Pressures exerted by disabled persons organizations contributed to the proclamation of the African Decade of Disabled Persons (2711-2009) at the OAU Assembly of Heads of State and Government, meeting at Lomé in July 2711. The aim of the Decade is to promote awareness and commitment to full participation, equality and empowerment of persons with disabilities in Africa. Responsibility for organizing the Decade was given to ARI, together with the Pan African Federation of Disabled Persons (PAFOD) , the African Union of the Blind (AFUB) and other regional organizations of persons with disabilities. A Plan of Action was adopted at the Pan African Conference on the African Decade of Disabled Persons in February 2002.
The Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (SADPD) office opened in Cape Town in 2004 and with the support of key donors from Denmark and Sweden work started in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda and Senegal. Since then the Secretariat’s work has spread throughout the region of West Africa. Work has also been initiated in the southern African countries Namibia and Tanzania, and plans have been made for South Africa.
An important development for the further equalization of opportunities of persons with disabilities in Africa was the coming into force in May 2008 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The UN Convention is the result of a collective global effort, in which various African countries as well as the SADPD participated.
Little research has been carried out on the disability problem in Africa. There is a need for research on such topics as disability patterns, the link between poverty and disability, and the effects of malnutrition on health and intellectual development, with the results being used to design effective intervention programmes.
Disability in general
Disability Manifesto Kenya 2007-2012 / Affirmative Action Agenda. - [Nairobi] : UNDP, 2007
Voices of the disabled in Dagbon / Edward Salifu Mahama
In: TICCS Newsletter: (2007), no. 35, p. 8-13
A critical analysis of paradigms and rights in disability discourses / Laura Nyirinkindi
In: East African journal of peace & human rights: (2006), vol. 12, no. 1, p. 49-64
Deconstructing the definition of 'disability' under the Employment Equity Act : social deconstruction : legal deconstruction / Charles Ngwena
In: South African journal on human rights: (2006), vol. 22, pt. 4, p. 613-646. Vol. 23, pt. 1 (2007), p. 116-156
Disability & deafness in North East Africa : Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia : introduction and bibliography, mainly non-medical, with historical material and some annotation / M. Miles. - Buffalo, NY : Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange, 2006
Health care in rural South Africa : an innovative approach / Adri Vermeer, Hugo Tempelman, & René Valks (ed.). - Amsterdam : VU University Press, 2006
Handicap & dépendance / Christine Catteau
In: L'économie de la Réunion: (2005), no. 124, p. 9-23 : fig., foto's, krt., tab
Malédiction et handicap: des croyances aux comportements / Marion Héraud
In: Psychopathologie africaine: (2005), vol. 33, no. 2, p. 165-182
Measuring welfare for small but vulnerable groups: poverty and disability in Uganda / Johannes G. Hoogeveen
In: Journal of African economies: (2005), vol. 14, no. 4, p. 603-631 : graf., tab
Disability among the children of migrants in South Africa / Kevin J. A. Thomas
In: African population studies: (2004), vol. 19, suppl. B, p. 139-164 : graf., tab
Disability in South Africa / Heston Phillips & Amadou Noumbissi
In: African population studies: (2004), vol. 19, suppl. B, p. 115-138 : graf., tab
Provision of equal education for students with disabilities at tertiary institutions in Zimbabwe: prospects and barriers / T. Runhare
In: Journal of social development in Africa: (2004), vol. 19, no. 1, p. 151-167 : tab
Les droits des personnes handicapées au Burkina Faso / André Dembélé
In: Revue burkinabè de droit: (2003), no. 43/44, p. 9-35
The inclusion of South Africans with disabilities in public space : a Bloemfontein case study / Nico Kotze
In: Urban forum: (2003), vol. 14, no. 4, p. 366-378 : tab
Portrayal of disability through personal names and proverbs in Kenya: evidence from Ekegusii and Nandi / Nathan Oyori Ogechi & Sara Jerop Ruto
In: Stichproben: (2002), Jg. 2, Nr. 3, p. 63-82
The changing conditions for women and girls with disabilities / Janet Nambi
In: The women's movement in Uganda : history, challenges, and prospects: (2002), p. 72-75
Collective action for social change : disabled women in the Western Cape / Theresa Lorenzo
In: Agenda / Feminist Media: (2001), no. 47, p. 89-94
HIV/AIDS prevention paradigms: are individuals with disabilities neglected? / I. U. Onyewadume, L. O. Amusa & H. Dhaliwal
In: Pula: (2001), vol. 15, no. 2, p. 249-252
Overcoming destitution through literacy : a case of the disabled persons' literacy programme in Kano State, Nigeria / Sabo A. Indabawa
In: Journal of social development in Africa: (2711), vol. 15, no. 1, p. 15-25 : tab
Rehabilitation package for the disabled, destitutes and homeless in Borno and Yobe States / M. Igbalajobi & Godiya Idajili
In: Annals of Borno: (2711), vol. 17/18, p. 30-38 : tab
The socio-cultural and linguistic aspects of childhood disability in Shona culture / Pedzisai Mashiri
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research: (2711), vol. 12, no. 2, p. 170-194 : tab
Disability in civil society and NGOs : historical responses and current developments in anglophone Eastern and Southern Africa / M. Miles. - Helsinki : Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, 1998. - (Overdr. uit: NGOs under challenge: dynamics and drawbacks in development / ed. by Farhad Hossain, Susanna Myllylä ; p. 126-141)
Breaking through barriers : a survey of disabled entrepreneurs in Ibadan city / Adeyinka Abideen Aderinto
In: African notes: (1997), vol. 21, no. 1/2, p. 86-94 : tab
Community-based rehabilitation in Botswana : the myth of the hidden disabled / Benedicte Ingstad. - Lewiston, NY [etc.] : Edwin Mellen Press, 1997. - (Studies in African health and medicine ; 7)
Mainstream children's attitudes towards integration with the disabled in Zimbabwe's secondary schools / Fred Zindi
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research: (1996), vol. 8, no. 1, p. 1-11 : tab
National policy on care for people with disabilities / Government of Botswana. Ministry of Health. - [S.l.] : Ministry of Health, 1996
Disability and rehabilitation in Namibia : a national survey / Barbro Isabel Bruhns. - Windhoek : Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit, 1995. - (NEPRU research report, ISSN 1026-9231 ; 10)
In our own words : disability and integration in Morocco / Save the Children Fund. - London : Save the Children, 1995
Women and disability / Yvonne Flather
In: South African women today: (1994), p. 164-169
Building whole communities. Vol. 6: Women with special needs / Ministry of Community and Co-operative Development. - [S.l. : s.n.], 1992
Special needs children in Nigeria (the Therapeutic Day Care Centre experience) / Hildegard Maria Ebigbo. - [S.l. : s.n.], 1992
Registration of the disabled in Zanzibar : a descriptive analysis of the 1988/1989 registration of the disabled in the Northern region of Zanzibar / Ronald G. Horstman. - Groningen : Population Research Centre, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, 1991. - (Demographic reports, ISSN 0923-2192 ; 13)
Kuoma Rupandi = (The parts are dry) : ideas and practices concerning disability and rehabilitation in a Shona ward / Deliane Jannette Burck. - Leiden : Afrika Studiecentrum, 1989. - (Research reports / African Studies Centre ; 36)
Self-employment for disabled people : experiences from Africa and Asia / Malcolm Harper & Willi Momm. - Geneva : International Labour Office, 1989
Zur Situation Behinderter in Zimbabwe / Barbro Isabel Bruhns. - Bremen : Informationszentrum Afrika (IZA), 1989. - (Afrika Hefte ; Nr. 4)
Disability and rehabilitation : beliefs and attitudes among rural disabled people in a community based rehabilitation scheme in Zimbabwe / H. Jackson & R. Mupedziswa
In: Journal of social development in Africa: (1988), vol. 3, no. 1, p. 21-30 : tab
The halt in society / M. O. A. Jaja. - Lagos : University of Lagos Press, 1987. - (Inaugural lecture series University of Lagos)
The disabled and social development in rural Zimbabwe / Livion Nyathi
In: Journal of social development in Africa: (1986), vol. 1, no. 1, p. 61-65
Poverty and disability / Peter Disler. - Cape Town : SALDRU, School of Economics, University of Cape Town, 1984. - (Carnegie conference paper ; no. 186)
Social and vocational rehabilitation resources : an international directory : répertoire international. Vol. 1: Africa = Afrique / International Labour Office. - Geneva : ILO, 1984
The African rehabilitation journal. - Harare : Zimbabwe National Association of Societies for the Care of the Handicapped, 1983. - (Available: 1983-1989)
Physical disability
Helden op stokken : gehandicapt in Afrika / Petra Jorissen, Sybilla Claus & Hansje Galesloot. - Amsterdam : Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 2008
Economic empowerment of physically disabled people in South Africa : challenges and prospects / Neeta Gathiram
In: Journal of social development in Africa: (2007), vol. 22, no. 1, p. 143-164 : tab
Mémoires d'une adolescence volée : Algérie 1962-1963 / M. A. Kheffache. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007
Sign-deaf spaces: the deaf in Cape Town creating community, crossing boundaries, constructing identity / Marion Heap
In: Anthropology Southern Africa: (2006), vol. 29, no. 1/2, p. 35-44
Voetballen op één been : Netwerk special: Sierra Leone / Peter Tetteroo. - Hilversum : KRO, 2005. - 1 dvd-video (24 min.). ; kleur, geluid
Locating deaf people, gesture and sign in African histories, 1450s-1950s / M. Miles. - [Abingdon] : Carfax Publishing, 2004. - (Overdr. uit: Disability & society ; vol. 19, no. 5, August 2004, p. [531]-545)
Barriers to justice: violations of the rights of deaf and hard-of-hearing people in the South African justice system / Helen Dagut & Ruth Morgan
In: South African journal on human rights: (2003), vol. 19, pt. 1, p. 27-56
Children with hydrocephalus and spina bifida in East Africa : can family and community resources improve the odds? / M. Miles. - [Abingdon] : Carfax Publishing, 2002. - (Overdr. uit: Disability & society ; vol. 17, no. 6, 2002, p. [643]-658)
La petite vendeuse de soleil / Djibril Diop Mambéty. - Rotterdam : Tiger Releases, International Film Festival Rotterdam, 2711. - 1 videoband (61 min.) ; kleur, geluid
La vie sur terre / Abderrahmane Sissako. - Rotterdam : Tiger Releases, International Film Festival Rotterdam, 2711. - 1 videoband (45 min.) ; kleur, geluid
Mouka / Sékou Traore, Adama Roamba, Thierry Lankouande, Blandina Yameogo, & Sylvie Homawoo. - Paris : La Luna Productions, 2711. - 1 videocassette (23 min.). : zw/w., gel.
A survey of sign language differences among deaf adults in Zimbabwe / Robert Chimedza
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research: (1995), vol. 7, no. 3, p. 314-322 : tab
My life as a paraplegic / Esther Owuor. - Nairobi : East African Educational Publishers, 1995
Project mobiele orhtopedische [i.e. orthopedische] werkplaats Senegal : rapport over een kleinschalig ontwikkelingsproject in Senegal in het licht van het Nederlands beleid t.a.v. ontwikkelingssamenwerking / Esther Kruyswijck. - Harderwijk : [s.n.], 1995
Verhalen van stilte / Alice Dallinga. - Utrecht : University of Utrecht, 1995. - (Utrecht Unitwin Network for Southern Africa ; no. 8)
Enable or disable : attitudes and behaviour of a Zambian community towards disabled people / Carla van Laer. - Leiden : University of Leiden, 1994
Le handicapé sous la case au Sénégal : rapport de recherche d'un stage dans le cadre des études de sociologie du développement concernant la situation des handicapés physiques au village de Koussanar et dans la région de Tambacounda au Sénégal Oriental / Esther Kruyswijk. - Leyde : Faculté d'anthropologie et de sociologie du développement, Université de Leyde, 1993
Jairos Jiri : the man and his work / June Farquhar. - Gweru [etc.] : Mambo Press, 1987. - (Makers of Zimbabwe ; 4)
Report on the African regional workshop for Eastern and Southern Africa on rehabilitation of the visually impaired, Harare, Zimbabwe, 10-14 March, 1986. - Harare : African Rehabilitation Institute, 1986. - (The African Rehabilitation Institute (ARI). Series A, Workshop and seminar reports ; no. 3)
Présentation / Philippe Couty. - Paris : [s.n.], 1985. - (Overdr. uit: L'expansion du bassin arachidier Senegal 1954-1979 : approche cartographique et interpretation dynamique / Louis-Albert Lake, El Hadj Seydou Nourou Touré. - Paris, 1985)
Motor and ocular impairment in rural Kwazulu : a prevalence study / Pam MacLaren. - Cape Town : SALDRU, School of Economics, University of Cape Town, 1984. - (Carnegie conference paper ; no. 288)
Le bonheur à l'arraché / Julien A. Guénou. - Paris : Africa Media International, 1983
Guérir le malade et la maladie / Zamenga Batukezanga. - Kinshasa : Presses Kikesa, 1981. - (L'infirme et son univers en Afrique noire)
Pour une rhétorique onomastique : les noms des aveugles chez as-Safadî / Fedwa Malti-Douglas
In: Cahiers d'onomastique arabe / responsable: J. Sublet; réd.: S.A. Bonebakker, F. Malti-Douglas, G. Fourcade e.a.: (1979), p. 7-19
Blindness in colonial Africa / John F. Wilson
In: African affairs: (1953), vol. 52, no. 207, p. 141-147
Blindness in British African and Middle East territories : being the Report of a Joint Committee appointed by the Colonial Office and the National Institute for the Blind, following the visit of a Delegation to Africa and certain British Middle East Territories between July, 1946, and March, 1947 / Colonial Office. - London : H.M.S.O., 1948
Annual report ... / Ministry of Labour and Social Services, Zambia Council for the Handicapped. - Lusaka : Government Printer, 1971. - (Available: 1970-1978)
Blind people in Africa / John Wilson
In: Corona: (1958), vol. 10, no. 5, p. 168-170
Mental disability
Knowledge, attitudes and sexual practices of adolescents with mild retardation, in relation HIV/AIDS / Naseema Dawood
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2006), vol. 5, no. 1, p. 1-10 : tab
Legal capacity of mentally ill persons in African societies / J. M. T. Labuschagne, J. C. Bekker & C. C. Boonzaaier
In: The comparative and international law journal of Southern Africa: (2003), vol. 36, no. 1, p. 106-120
Ouma se slim kind / Gustav Kuhn. - [S.l. : s.n.], 2002. - 1 videocassette (17 min.). ; kleur, geluid
En face / Medhi Ben Attia & Zina Modiao. - Montreuil : Éditions de l'oeil, 2001. - 1 dvd-video (27 min.). ; kleur, geluid
A gift from God : persons with a mental disability in Ovambo / Daniëlle de Jongh. - Utrecht : University of Utrecht, 1996. - (Unitwin series for Namibia ; no. 5)
The mentally handicapped child in Nigeria / Therapeutic Day Care Centre (TDCC), Enugu. - Enugu : Therapeutic Day Care Centre (TDCC), 1994
Perspectives on mental handicap in South Africa / Susan Lea & Don Foster (ed.). - Durban [etc.] : Butterworths, 1990
The pattern of childhood epilepsy with mental retardation in Nigeria / S. O. Iloeje
In: Journal of tropical pediatrics: (1989), vol. 35, no. 4, p. 163-168 : tab
Mentally retarded children in hospital and school and home for mentally retarded children in Ghana / S. A. Danquah, Joan Morson & Elisabeth Ghanney
In: Psychopathologie africaine: (1976), vol. 12, no. 2, p. 199-205
Education for disabled persons
The governance of public special schools in the Western Cape: a comparative assessment / Patrick Jonas & Fanie Cloete
In: Africanus: (2006), vol. 36, no. 1, p. 105-122 : fig., graf., tab
Emergent approaches in bilingualism in deaf education in Kenya / Peter Oracha Adoyo
In: Stichproben: (2002), Jg. 2, Nr. 3, p. 83-96
Disability and education in an African context : putting theory into practice from the perspective of different voices / Robert Chimedza & Susan J. Peters (ed.). - Harare : College Press, 2001
The views of blind pupils towards inclusive education / T. D. Mushoriwa
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research: (2001), vol. 13, no. 3, p. 302-315 : tab
Onderwysers in hoofstroomskole se houdings teenoor inklusiewe onderwys / M. Oswald, C. J. Ackermann & P. Engelbrecht
In: Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe: (2711), jg. 40, nr. 4, p. 306-317 : tab
Examining classroom discourse in an oral programme at a special school for deaf students in Zimbabwe / Robert Chimedza
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research: (1999), vol. 11, no. 3, p. 183-201 : tab
The effectiveness of special classes on the performance of slow learners in mathematics in primary schools in Masvingo region, Zimbabwe / Regis Urombo
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research: (1999), vol. 11, no. 2, p. 114-135
And so to school? : an experimental analysis of the cognitive sequelae of violence-related trauma for children in "especially difficult circumstances" in South Africa, and the implications for the delivery of "education for reconstruction" / Abbi Wills. - Edinburgh : Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, 1998. - (Occasional papers, ISSN 1363-0342 ; no. 74)
Open and distance learning systems for people with disabilities / Fred Zindi
In: Journal of social development in Africa: (1997), vol. 12, no. 2, p. 91-97
Teaching disabled people vocational skills in Ovamboland : (a look at the Nakayale Vocational Rehabilitation Centre in Nakayale) / B. O. R. Hählen. - [S.l. : s.n.], 1997
Education for all includes children with special learning needs : research results from Nicaragua and Tanzania / Gary Miron. - [S.l. : s.n.], 1995
Professionalism in special education in Nigeria / E. D. Ozoji & Ik Nwazuoke (ed.). - Jos : National Council for Exceptional Children (NCEC), 1995
Vocational education and rehabilitation of the handicapped people in Nigeria / O. C. Okobiah & P. O. Nwaogu (ed.). - Benin City : Osasu Publishers, 1995
The role of special education and rehabilitation in post-war resettlement and reconstruction : the case of Liberia / Sakui W. G. Malakpa
In: Liberian studies journal: (1994), vol. 19, no. 1, p. 1-11
The human ecology of mental retardation : implications for social policy development in Tanzania / Leonard Ben Mbilinyi. - Saarbrücken [etc.] : Breitenbach, 1993. - (Bielefelder Studien zur Entwicklungssoziologie, ISSN 0171-7537 ; 57)
Les Villages Bondeko pour enfants handicapés à Kinshasa / A. Thibaud
In: Zaïre-Afrique: (1992), année 32, no. 269, p. 545-556 : tab
Education and employment of the blind in Zimbabwe, 1981-1987 / C. J. Zvobgo
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research: (1990), vol. 2, no. 2, p. 164-203 : tab
Educating handicapped young people in eastern and southern Africa in 1981-83 / D. H. Ross. - Paris : Unesco, 1988
Handbook of special education : teaching the visually handicapped / Theresa B. Abang. - Ibadan : University Press, 1986
Adaptation to blindness in Nigeria : case study of the Pacelli School, Lagos / Amechi Anumonye. - Lagos : Lagos University Press, 1981
Experiments in integration : the Nigerian experience / R. M. Ogbue
In: Educafrica: (1981), no. spéc., p. 135-152
Handicap et société en Afrique / Sabou Sarr
In: Educafrica: (1981), no. spéc., p. 153-164
L'éducation en faveur des handicapés physiques : l'expérience guinéenne / Kaba Kondé
In: Educafrica: (1981), no. spéc., p. 99-107
L'education en faveur des handicapés physiques au Zaïre / Zamenga Batukezanga
In: Educafrica: (1981), no. spéc., p. 43-55
Séminaire sous-régional sur l'éducation des handicapés mentaux dans les pays francophones d'Afrique. (Brazzaville, Congo, 24-28 novembre 1980 - Rapport final)
In: Educafrica: (1981), no. spéc., p. 29-38
An experimental approach to language development with severe retarded children in Ghana / S. A. Danquah
In: Psychopathologie africaine: (1979), vol. 15, no. 1, p. 43-49
Organisation of a production workshop for the disabled : the United Abilities Company, Ethiopia / International Labour Office. - Geneva : ILO, 1979
Educating the visually handicapped in Nigeria : some theoretical and practical considerantions / S. Feyisara Daramola
In: West African journal of education: (1976), vol. 20, no. 2, p. 171-177
Selected Web Resources
Online articles
Reclaiming agency, ensuring survival: disabled urban Ghanaian women's negotiations of church and family belonging, by Denise M. Nepveux
In: Disability Studies Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 4 (2006)
Empowered to Differ : Stakeholders' Influences in Community-Based Rehabilitation, by Harry Finkenflügel
Proefschrift Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2004
Web links
Helden op stokken
Site of the book on disabled persons in Africa, published in the Netherlands in April 2008, and the accompanying photo exhibition.
Health and disability news and statistics for Africa
Information from Disabled World, an organization whose primary focus is to provide information and news to the Public, Disability Community and Organizations, as well as Disabled Rights Campaigners, via its News Service, Articles, Press Releases, and Videos.
African Union of the Blind = Union africaine des aveugles
The African Union of the Blind (AFUB) is a continental Non-Governmental umbrella organization of national organizations/associations of and for blind and partially sighted people in Africa, founded in Tunis-Tunisia in 1987. Site contains info on projects & programmes, reports & policies, publications, a photogallery.
Mobility Outreach International Sierra Leone
In 2005, Prosthetics Outreach Foundation (today Mobility Outreach International) launched a programme in Sierra Leone aimed to bring modern prosthetic care and rehabilitation services to children and adults throughout Sierra Leone's Northern Province, a region hit particularly hard by the recent civil war. Contains country background, programme highlights, info on various MOI programmes in the country, and segment of a documentary film about amputees.
Miss Landmine Angola 2008
Miss Landmine creator Morten Traavik explains the story, the motivations and aims of Miss Landmine, and his views on the controversy surrounding the project.
Amadou & Mariam
Site of the well-known musical duo, “le couple aveugle de Mali”
United Nations Enable
Information on the the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which received its 20th ratification on 3 April 2008, triggering the entry into force of the Convention and its Optional Protocol 30 days later. Contains news, fact sheets, media resources, information on disability and the the UN, and on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.