New acquisitions - week 02 2019

book cover "Arts of Ancient Nubia"


Articles | Electronic documents | Books | Journals | Films | African Literature | Sound

See also the ASCL overview of recently published journal articles


A critique of colonial rule : a response to Bruce Gilley / Martin A. Klein.
In: The Australasian review of African studies , volume 39, number 1 (June 2018), pages 39-52 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: colonialism ; self-government

Publishing in African languages: a review of the literature / by Hans M. Zell.
In: African research and documentation : the journal of the African Studies Association of the UK and the Standing Commission [Conference] on Library Materials on Africa no. 132, p. 5-90 (2017).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; publishing ; book industry ; African languages ; language policy ; bibliographies (form)

Africa's past invented to serve development's uncertain future / Scott MacWilliam.
In: The Australasian review of African studies , volume 39, number 1 (June 2018), pages 13-38 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Kenya ; colonialism ; governance ; development

Factors militating participation in recreational activities among university students in Kwara State, Nigeria / Tajudeen O. Ibraheem & Abdulrazaq Ambali.
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research , volume 30, number 2, pages 250-259 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; leisure ; sports ; students ; universities

South Africa
Curbing inequality through decolonising knowledge production in higher education in South Africa / Leon Mwamba Tshimpaka.
In: The Australasian review of African studies , volume 39, number 1 (June 2018), pages 53-80. (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; higher education ; decolonization

A case study of teachers' perceptions of inclusive education in selected primary schools in Reigate District, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe / Sisasenkosi Moyo & Francis Muchenje.
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research , volume 30, number 2, pages 218-231 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; disabled ; access to education ; primary education ; teachers ; images

The education and care of children with autistic spectrum disorders in Harare - Zimbabwe / Tendai Chikutuma.
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research , volume 30, number 2, pages 199-217 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; special education ; disabled ; health care

Hope or despair : mooting the situation of children learning in satellite schools in Binga District, Zimbabwe / Taruvinga Muzingili, Willard Muntanga & Maxwell Mushayamunda.
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research , volume 30, number 2, pages 260-279 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; primary education ; schools ; rural areas

Resilience pathways for schooling reunified former street children in Harare / Samson Mhizha, Patrick Chiroro and Tinashe Muromo.
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research volume 30, number 2, pages 169-185 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; street children ; schooling

Electronic documents

Superwomen and the streetlight effect in research on family-related career challenges among scientists in Africa / H. Prozesky. - Leiden: Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University, The Netherlands, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; academics ; gender inequality ; mothers ; conference papers (form)

Important lessons from new tailor-made services for smallholder farmers / Antonius G.T. Schut, Keiji Jindo, Johannes W.A. Langeveld, Marja Rijerse, Lydia Munika, Peter Matyoko. - Chania: Conference Center Bureau of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; Kenya ; mobile telephone ; agricultural innovations ; fertilizers ; agricultural productivity

South Sudan
Return of the South Sudanese to Khartoum : (re)claiming their right to the city as urban refugees / Daniel Guerrini. - Utrecht: Utrecht University, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Sudan ; Sudan ; refugees ; social and economic rights ; theses (form)

Subsaharan Africa
Wirtschaftsfokus der deutschen Afrikapolitik : richtiger Weg, überhöhter Anspruch / Tabea Lakemann, Jann Lay. - Hamburg: Giga, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; Germany ; international cooperation ; foreign investments ; foreign policy


Decolonisation of materialities or materialisation of (re-)colonisation? : symbolisms, languages, ecocriticism and (non)representationalism in 21st century Africa / edited by Artwell Nhemachena, Jairos Kangira & Nelson Mlambo. - Mankon, Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Zimbabwe ; Namibia ; South Africa ; decolonization ; speeches ; education fees ; sculpture ; novels ; land acquisition ; drumming ; mining ; language instruction

Does democracy help Africa? : an inquiry into multiparty democracy, political settlement, and economic development in Africa / Martin Koper. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, Leiden, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Kenya ; Uganda ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; Ethiopia ; Rwanda ; democracy ; institutions ; poverty reduction ; economic development ; elite ; politics

Political economy of poverty, vulnerability and disaster risk management : building bridges of resilience, entrepreneurship and development in Africa's 21st century / edited by Munyaradzi Mawere. - Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa RPCIG, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Zimbabwe ; Cameroon ; Uganda ; Namibia ; South Africa ; poverty ; poverty reduction ; global economy ; drug trafficking ; radio ; education fees ; educational history ; women's rights ; community development ; physically disabled

Rational consumer : bad for business and politics : democracy at the crossroads of nature and culture / Francis B. Nyamnjoh. - Langaa Research & Publishers CIC, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; United States ; philosophy ; intellectual history

Children's agency and development in African societies / edited by Yaw Ofosu-Kusi = La capacité d'agir et le développement des enfants dans les sociétés africaines / sous la direction de Yaw Ofosu-Kusi. - Dakar: CODESRIA, Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; children ; child development ; child rearing ; social security ; child labour ; education

La vérité est ailleurs : complots et sorcellerie / Jean-Pierre Dozon. - Paris: Edition Maison des sciences de l'homme, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Western countries ; witchcraft ; globalization ; rumours

Le génocide voilé : enquête historique / Tidiane N'Diaye. - Paris: Folio, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; slave trade ; Arabs ; Blacks ; Islam

Transformation des conflits et construction de la paix. - Kinshasa: Baobab, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; peace ; peacebuilding ; conflict resolution ; masks

Europe's brand of a Trojan horse? : Africa and the economic partnership agreements / S.K.B. Asante. - Tema, Ghana: Digibooks, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; West Africa ; Ghana ; European Union ; Lomé Convention ; trade agreements

Compliments à la Roqya : Le monde des djinns, comment nous en sommes arrives là, rapport de stage, témoignages / Ben Halima Abderraouf. - Gennevilliers Espagne: Le Figuier atelier54, 2005.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; spirit possession ; spirits ; faith healing ; Islam

The Kalahari killings : the true story of a wartime double murder in Botswana, 1943 / Jonathan Laverick. - Stroud: The History Press, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Botswana ; San ; military personnel ; homicide ; World War II

Burkina Faso
6 leçons pour les jeunes : inspirées de Sourate Youssef Ben Halima Abderraouf. - Burkina Faso: Le Figuier, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; religious literature ; Islam ; youth

Burkina Faso
Écoute ô mon peuple : Messages des Évêques du Burkina Faso 1959-2015 / Textes réunis sous la direction de M. l'Abbé Sié Mathias Kam. - Ouagadougo: Les Presses Africaines, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; bishops ; religious literature ; Catholic Church ; society ; collected works (form)

Burkina Faso
Inculturation ou acculturation? Et si leur "Do" était regardé comme leur "credo"? / Abbé Emile Bombiri. - [Burkina Faso]: la Grande Imprimerie du Burkina (GIB-CACI), 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; inculturation ; acculturation ; Christianity ; African religions ; masks ; ancestor worship

Burkina Faso
Nous avons vu son étoile : acte du colloque international sur Mgr Dieudonné Yougbaré (+), 1er évêque du diocèse de Koupéla, à l'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance à Koupéla, du 16 au 19 février 2017, Burkina Faso / sous la direction de, Père Paul Béré, s.j. & Abbé Pascal Kolesnoré. - Koupéla, Burkina Faso: Archdiocese de Koupéla, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; bishops ; Catholic Church ; Church history ; biographies (form) ; conference papers (form)

Burkina Faso
Une vision de réussir / Marcel Sawadogo. - [Ouagadougou] (Burkina Faso): Éditions Arc-en-Ciel, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; motivational literature

Burkina Faso
Bonsoir et merci de nous suivre... : radioscopie de l'information télévisée au Burkina Faso et ailleurs / Yacouba Traoré. - Ouagadougou [Burkina Faso]: Editions Bafanta, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; journalists ; journalism ; television ; news agencies ; personal narratives (form) ; handbooks (form)

Burkina Faso
Comment être un bon élève? : Guide d'éducation pour élèves et étudiants. Le savoir vivre / Jean Roger Adama Paré. - [Place of publication not determined] Burkina Faso Presses Africaines: Les Editions Wokana Universel, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; basic education ; pupils ; norms ; handbooks (form)

Burkina Faso
L'Islam au Burkina Faso : cas du mouvement sunnite 1973-2013 (genèse-parcours-perspectives) / Semde K. Idrissa. - [Place of publication not determined]: Barka Office, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Islam ; Islamic movements ; Islamic history

Burkina Faso
Promotion de la lecture au Burkina Faso : enjeux et défis / Editeurs, Félix Compaoré, Michael Kevane, Alain Joseph Sissao. - [Burkina Faso]: Cnrst/Inss/Dist, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; reading ; libraries

Burkina Faso
Ces opinions qui nous ont valu la déportation / Maître Ahmed Simozrag. - Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso): Centre Africain de Diffusion Islamique et Scientifique, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; France ; Algerians ; deportation ; Front Islamique du Salut ; Islam ; State

Burkina Faso
Halidou Ouédraogo : une vie de lutte / Vincent Oattara. - Ouagadougou: Sankofa & Gurli, 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; judges ; human rights ; trade unions ; biographies (form)

Congo Brazzaville
Il est déjà demain / Henri Lopes. - Paris: JC Lattès, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; writers ; racially mixed persons ; autobiographies (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
Promotion de la santé reproductive et prévention du VIH/SIDA et des IST à l'université de Kinshasa : connaissances, aptitudes et pratiques / Willy BOngo-Pasi Moke Sangol. - Louvain-La-Neuve: Academia - L'Harmattan, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; reproductive health ; sexually transmitted diseases ; students ; attitudes

Pêcher à Djibouti / Alexandre Lauret. - Bièvres: Les Éthiopisants associés, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Djibouti ; fisheries ; fish

Léopold Polart et Le Courrier d'Éthiopie / Isabelle Rava-Cordier. - Bièvres: Les Éthiopisants associés, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; periodicals ; 1910-1919 ; biographies (form)

Où en est la connaissance du Courrier d'Ethiopie? : compléments et documents / Alain Rouaud. - Bièvres: Les Éthiopisants associés, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; periodicals ; 1910-1919 ; 1920-1929 ; 1930-1939

The afrocentric Obama and lessons on political campaigning / Godwin Etse Sikanku. - Mallam, Accra, Ghana: Digibooks Ghana Ltd, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: United States ; heads of State ; identity ; election campaigns

Upholding the Evangelical truth : the story of Korle-Bu Community Chapel, 1967-2013 / S.Y. Boadi-Slaw, Bruno Osafo. - Accra, Ghana: Step Publishers, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; African Independent Churches ; Church history

Gender and change : roles and challenges of ordained women ministers of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana / Grace Sintim Adasi. - Accra, Ghana: Gavoss Education PLC Ltd., 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; Presbyterian church ; clergy ; women ; Church history

Inspirational stories of some distinguished Ghanaian "captains of industry" / by Initiators of Change Foundation (ICF) ; foreword by H.E. John Agyekum Kufuor (President of the Republic of Ghana: 2001-2009). - [Accra]: Initiators of Change Foundation, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; entrepreneurs ; biographies (form)

ILGS monthly lecture series : 2011 : some selected lectures. - Accra, Ghana: Institute of Local Government Studies, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; local government ; leadership ; responsibility ; decentralization

A historical glimpse of the Holy Spirit revival of the church from 1900 to date / by David T. Tenobi. - Koforidua, Ghana: David T. Tenobi, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; Pentecostalism ; Church history

Report on the potential impact of Bui Dam construction on the socio-economic development of communities in the Tain district / commissioned by ActionAid Ghana. - Accra North: ActionAid Ghana, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; dams ; community development ; development projects

EcoDee philosophy: a new approach to local government decentralisation and administration : strategy for the rapid development of the third world : Vol II / M.N. Tetteh. - Tema, Ghana: Ghana Publicity Limited, 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; development planning ; rural development

Ghana Methodism today / Richard Foli ; foreword by Very Rev. Prof. J.N. Kudadjie. - Ghana: The Methodist University College Ghana, Trust Publishers, 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; Methodist Church ; Church history

Ivory Coast
Lessons from the ministry and life of prophet William Wade Harris : 1st African independent prophet / Apostle Richard Johnson. - [Ghana]: Apostle Richard Johnson, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; African Independent Churches ; prophets

Shipwrecks and salvage on the East African coast / Kevin Patience. - United Kingdom: Kevin Patience, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Tanzania ; Uganda ; shipwrecks

Trade unions in Kenya's war of independence / Shiraz Durrani. - Nairobi, Kenya: Vita Books, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; trade unions ; anticolonialism ; national liberation struggles

Lesotho Highlands Water Project Feasibility Studies / David Ambrose. - Roma, Lesotho: House 9 Publications & Mohokare Trust, National University of Lesotho, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Lesotho ; water management ; dams ; bibliography

Le Mali sous Amadou Toumani Touré : acte 2, une histoire de trahisons : la guerre au nord-Mali / Doumbi-Fakoly. - [Paris]: Menaibuc, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; France ; heads of State ; government policy ; civil wars ; coups d'état ; Ecowas ; foreign intervention

Le Mali sous Amadou Toumani Touré : acte 1 / Doumbi-Fakoly. - Paris: Menaibuc-Edilac, 2006.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; heads of State ; presidential elections ; 2002 ; political conditions ; government policy

The supermarket revolution and food security in Namibia / Ndeyapo Nickanor, Lawrence Kazembe, Jonathan Crush and Jeremy Wagner. - [Cape Town, South Africa]: African Food Security Urban Network (AFSUN) : Hungry Cities Partnership (HCN), 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; retail trade ; food security ; urban poverty ; consumption

Histoire du Niger : (époques précoloniale et coloniale) / André Salifou. - Paris ©2010.: Nathan, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; colonial history ; history ; precolonial period

Lettres à ma disciple / Halimatou Issaka Lawali, Ben Halima Abderraouf. - [Gennevilliers] [Espagne] atelier54: Le Figuier, 2005.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; Islamic education ; Islam ; letters (form)

Niger Delta paradox : impoverished in the midst of abundance / by John K. Wangbu. - Ibadan, Nigeria: Safari Books, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; deltas ; petroleum ; poverty ; pollution ; political conditions ; economic development

Northeast Africa
De Djibouti à Diré-Daoua, la naissance du chemin de fer vue par la presse de l'époque (1898-1903) / Philippe Oberlé. - Bièvres: Les Éthiopisants associés, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; Djibouti ; rail transport ; press ; public works

Northeast Africa
Encensiers de Djibouti & d'Éthiopie / Jean-François Breton. - Bièvres: Les Éthiopisants associés, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; Djibouti ; aromatic plants

L'offrande de la mort : une rumeur au Sénégal / Julien Bonhomme et Julien Bondaz. - Paris ©2017.: CNRS éditions, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; rumours ; gifts ; begging ; marabouts ; charities ; Islam ; spirits ; sacrificial rites

South Africa
The House of Tshatshu : power, politics and chiefs, north-west of the Great Kei River, c1818-2018 / Anne Kelk Mager, Phiko Jeffrey Velelo. - Cape Town: UCT Press, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Tembu ; chieftaincy ; history ; social conditions

South Africa
Problematizing the foreign shop : justifications for restricting the migrant spaza sector in South Africa / Vanya Gastrow. - Southern African Migration Programme, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; retail trade ; migrants ; small enterprises

South Africa
South Africa and United Nations peacekeeping offensive operations : conceptual models / Antonio Garcia. - Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe: Mwanaka Media and Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; peacekeeping operations ; Un

South Africa
Parading respectability : the cultural and moral aesthetics of the Christmas bands movement in the Western Cape, South Africa / Sylvia Bruinders. - Grahamstown, South Africa: NISC (Pty) Ltd, on behalf of the African Humanities Program, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; musical groups ; Coloureds ; popular music ; Christianity

South Africa
Political parties in South Africa : do they undermine or underpin democracy? / edited by Heather A. Thuynsma. - Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; political parties ; African National Congress (South Africa) ; democracy ; electoral systems ; leadership ; public opinion ; foreign policy

Arts of ancient Nubia / Denise M. Doxey, Rita E. Freed and Lawrence M. Berman. - Boston, Massachusetts ©2018: MFA Publications, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; Egypt ; Kush polity ; Nubians ; exhibition catalogues (form)

Nubië : land van de zwarte farao's / Bastiaan Steffens, editor. - Zwolle: Wbooks, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; Nubia polity ; Nubians ; archaeology ; exhibition catalogues (form)

Nubië : land van de zwarte farao's / Paul Klarenbeek, chief editor. - Assen: Drents Museum, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; Nubia polity ; Nubians ; archaeology ; exhibitions ; Netherlands ; 2018 ; 2019

School development through teacher research : lesson and learning studies in Sweden and Tanzania / edited by Inger Eriksson & Kalafunja Osaki. - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers Ltd, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; Sweden ; learning ; educational reform ; teaching methods ; English language ; mathematics ; vocational education ; teachers

Legal aid cases and materials / edited by Helen Kijo-Bisimba, Harold Sugusia, Anna Henga. - Dar es Salaam: Legal and Human Rights Centre, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; access to justice ; legal aid ; labour law ; land law ; civil law systems ; jurisprudence


Africa's great civilizations / series producer, Graeme Hart ; a production of McGee Media, Inkwell Films, Kunhardt Films and WETA Washington, D.C., in asociation with Nutopia Limited ; written by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. ; producer/directors, Mark Bates, Karen McGann and Virginia Quinn. =257 \\ United States. [Arlington, VA ]: PBS Distribution, 2017.
Subject·Headings: Africa ; African culture ; culture ; architecture ; history ; documentary films (form) ; videos (form) (Trailer)

Ivory Coast
Laurent Gbagbo : la force d'un destin 1945-2000 / réalisation Henri Duparc. Abidjan: Fondation Henri Duparc, 2002.
Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; heads of State ; politicians ; political history ; interviews (form) ; documentary films (form) ; videos (form)

Ishyaka : the will to live / a documentary by Joseph Bitamba. =257 \\ Rwanda. [Rwanda]: Iragi Production, 2016.
Subject·Headings: Rwanda ; peacebuilding ; conflict resolution ; documentary films (form) ; videos (form) (Trailer)

African Literature

A crisis of the heart / Nsununguli Mbo. - New York: iUniverse, Inc., 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Botswana ; novels (form)

Burkina Faso
L'assassinat d'un homme d'honneur : Thomas Sankara (4 août 1983 - 15 octobre 1987) / Justin Daboné. - [Burkina Faso]: [publisher not identified], 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; poetry (form)

Burkina Faso
Le fugitif / Mr. SISSO B. Dominique. - Ouagadougou: Les Presses Africaines, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; dictatorship ; social conditions ; political repression ; novels (form)

Burkina Faso
Les aventures de Yembi : (roman) / Tiga Mamoudou Congo. - Ouagadougou: Ceprodif, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; rural youth ; colonial period ; historical novels (form)

Burkina Faso
Les confessions d'une muette / Justin Stanislas Drabo. - Ouagadougou: Editions Kraal, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; short stories (form)

Burkina Faso
Les secrets du sorcier noir / Bali Nébié. - Burkina Faso: Les Editions Kraal, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; magic ; initiation ; novels (form)

Burkina Faso
Somboulio : roman / Soungalo Ouédraogo. - Ouagadougou: Les Éditions Folio Burkina, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; novels (form)

Burkina Faso
L'autopsie (Théatre) : Recueil de trois (3) pièces de théatres / Justin Stanislas Drabo. - Ouagadougou ©2014: Harmattan Burkina, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; drama (form)

Burkina Faso
Les malheurs de nos bonheurs : roman / Karim Yabré. - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Editions Jethro SA, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; novels (form)

Burkina Faso
Le péril / Nabolé Pegdawendé Pélagie. - [Ouagadougou]: Cryspad, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; novels (form)

Burkina Faso
Les oubliés de l'histoire : nouvelles / Bassidou Saré. - Ouagadougou: Découvertes du Burkina, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; short stories (form)

Burkina Faso
De l'amour au cimetière : théâtre / Aristide Tarnagda. - Ouagadougou: Découvertes du Burkina, 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; drama (form)

Burkina Faso
Contes du Tanlili : les tresses de la pintade = Tãnlill soalma : kãoong ge̳ma / [recueillis et transcrits par Marco Modenesi et Liana Nissim]. - Ouagadougou Ziniare Province d'Oubritenga: INADES-formation Burkina Union Namanegbzãnga des Groupements villageois de Tãnlili, 2003.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; folk tales (form)

South Africa
Bird-Monk Seding / Lesego Rampolokeng. - Grahamstown, South Africa [Natal, South Africa]: Deep South University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; novels (form)

South Africa
The Battle of Mhlatuze River : the people, clans & events that shaped Southern Africa. - Bedfordview: Heritage Publishers, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; history ; Zululand ; war ; 1820 ; clans ; traditional rulers ; youth literature (form)

South Africa
Hope's War : the people, clans & events that shaped Southern Africa. - Bedfordview: Heritage Publishers, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; history ; youth literature (form) ; anticolonialism ; traditional rulers ; resistance ; British ; 1850-1899

Southern Africa
Dimbanyika : first Vhavenda king south of the Limpopo : The people, clans & events that shaped southern Africa Patricia Crain. - Bedfordview: Heritage Publishers, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Southern Africa ; Venda ; history ; Great Zimbabwe ; traditional rulers ; youth literature (form)

A nation in labour : a poetry collection / by Harriet Anena ; [edited by Richard Ugbede Ali]. - Kampala, Uganda: Millennium Press, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; poetry (form)