Violence in Nigeria: a qualitative and quantitative analysis

Most of the academic literature on violence in Nigeria is qualitative. It rarely relies on quantitative data because police crime statistics are not reliable, or not available, or not even published. Moreover, the training of Nigerian social scientists often focuses on qualitative, cultural, and political issues. There is thus a need to bridge the qualitative and quantitative approaches of conflict studies.

This book represents an innovation and fills a gap in this regard. It is the first to introduce a discussion on such issues in a coherent manner, relying on a database that fills the lacunae in data from the security forces. The authors underline the necessity of a trend analysis to decipher the patterns and the complexity of violence in very different fields: from oil production to cattle breeding, radical Islam to motor accidents, land conflicts to witchcraft, and so on. In addition, they argue for empirical investigation and a complementary approach using both qualitative and quantitative data. The book is therefore organized into two parts, with a focus first on statistical studies, then on fieldwork. The book is a co-publication of the ASCL and IFRA (Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique).

This book has been published as volume 3 of the West African Politics and Society (WAPOSO) Series.

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Author(s) / editor(s)

Marc-Antoine Perouse de Montclos

How to order

This book can be ordered from the ASC Webshop.
Number of pages: 217
Price: € 15,-
ISBN: 978-90-5448-149-2