Paper, pixels, or plane tickets? Multi-archival perspectives on the decolonisation of Namibia

Namibia was one of the final African states to gain independence, a political trans-formation which was the outcome of a decades-long liberation struggle. The global dimension of the struggle has been duly recognised by generations of historians. As a result, archival materials related to this era - as well as the colonial ones preceding it – are to be found all over the world. Through a discussion of relevant archival collections pertaining to Namibian history - though located outside the boundaries of the Republic of Namibia – this article by Tycho van der Hoog and Bernard C. Moore considers the global archival paper trail of Namibian colonisation and decolonisation.

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This article appeared in Journal of Namibian Studies, Otjivanda Presse.Bochum (2022). ISSN: 1863-5954.


Author(s) / editor(s)

Tycho van der Hoog, Bernard C. Moore

About the author(s) / editor(s)

Tycho van der Hoog is a PhD candidate at the African Studies Centre Leiden. His PhD project, tentatively titled ‘Blood, Bullets, and Bronze: The Relations Between North Korea and Southern Africa, 1960-2020’ seeks to reveal the ties that bind North Korea to the African continent.





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