Meet the ex-president!

Seminar date: 
25 September 2009


Meet the ex-president! 

His Excellency John Kufuor, ex-president of Ghana, will reflect on his experiences during his eight years in office and answer questions from the audience.

John Kufuor served two terms as president of Ghana (2001-2009) and is also a former chairperson of the African Union (2007-2008). Under his presidency, democracy in Ghana was consolidated while the country also embarked on a socio-economic transformation with a three-pronged approach of private sector development, human resource development and good governance. Ghana was the first African country to voluntarily undergo the Peer Review under NEPAD's Africa Peer Review Mechanism. During Kufuors' term in office, Ghana halved the level of poverty and increased the number of children in primary school by almost a quarter.
After the general election in December 2008, he defused the tension resulting from very close results by persuading his New Patriotic Party to concede defeat, thus ensuring a smooth transition for the new government-in-waiting. John Kufuor currently serves as Ambassador against Hunger for the World Food Programme.
Mr. Kufuor will not present a formal lecture, but has agreed to share some thoughts and to answer questions. What lessons are to be learnt from Ghana's experience?

Chair: Ineke van Kessel

Read this article (Newsletter Leiden University)