Launch LeidenGlobal

logo LeidenGlobalLeidenGlobal connects research and culture
On Wednesday 27 November, the launch of LeidenGlobal will be celebrated in the Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde/National Museum of Ethnology. LeidenGlobal is a platform for global expertise that responds to the call from Minister of Education and Culture Jet Bussemakers that academic and cultural institutions should combine forces and resources. LeidenGlobal is a partnership between academic and cultural organisations with a global focus, based in Leiden. It's a partnership built for people interested in places around the world, and the dynamics between them, their histories, and their cultures. Through LeidenGlobal, academic and cultural institutions connect with local communities, media, government, business, and NGOs. 

The African Studies Centre, the International Institute for Asian Studies, KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, the Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Roosevelt Study Centre and Leiden University.

Geographical and thematic expertise
LeidenGlobal wants to raise the impact of scholarship across the board, from cultural events and public debate to government policy and education. It combines geographical expertise about Africa, Asia & Oceania, Europe, Latin America & the Caribbean, the Middle East, North America, Russia & the Caucasus, and the Circumpolar Regions. It shares thematic knowledge ranging from the Pyramids to the Great Firewall, from language to warfare, from religion to finance, from politics to poetry, from earthquakes to elections. 

For the media LeidenGlobal has set up a database that gathers together the names and contact details of experts, organised according to their regional interest. In 2014 the database will also be searchable according to subject-area. The experts are all associated with LeidenGlobal partners.

Michael Ignatieff
Keynote speech at the launch party will be given by Michael Ignatieff, Cleveringa Professor at Leiden University and Professor of Practice at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

The launch party is on invitation only. Press is welcome. For press registration, please contact Amrit-Dev Kaur Khalsa at 06-55780723 /


Date, time and location

27 November 2013