Jan Abbink interviewed by Radio-Canada about the conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia

Jan Abbink was interviewed by Radio-Canada about the conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia. 

Listen to, and watch the interview (in English and French).

Please note the rectification: 

Rectification en français: 'Dans ce reportage, l'intervention du professeur Jan Abbink est citée hors contexte. Il parle d'exactions commises spécifiquement par les milices du Front de libération du peuple du Tigré (TPLF) dans le grand village de Mai Kadra contre des gens d'origine Amhara. Ce type de massacre ciblé ou de "nettoyage ethnique" n'a pas été commis par les forces fédérales ni par d'autres groupes contre les Tigréens.' 

English translation: 'In this report, the intervention of Professor Jan Abbink is quoted out of context. He speaks of abuses committed specifically by the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) militias in the large village of Mai Kadra against people of Amhara origin. This type of targeted massacre or "ethnic cleansing" was not committed by federal forces or by other groups against the Tigrayans.'

Date, time and location

13 November 2020