AfricaBib indexed by Google Scholar, and one-stop search introduced

During the last months of 2014, Google Scholar approached the African Studies Centre and got permission to index the AfricaBib database and use the metadata in Google Scholar. This means in practice that the more than 216,000 records in AfricaBib will be more visible to scholars and other interested persons, and that more scholarly publications about and from Africa will receive the attention they deserve. Have a look at these two examples:

One-stop search

More news about AfricaBib: as of January 2015, it is possible to search through all records simultaneously in a one-stop search via

AfricaBib originally started as a bibliographic information project by Davis Bullwinkle (Univ. of Arkansas) in 1974. The site consists of two bibliographic databases covering Africana periodical literature and African Women's literature. Also included is a comprehensive bibliography on women travelers and explorers to Africa. In June 2012 two bibliographies were added, one on Islam in Africa, the other on the Kenya Coast. In July 2014 Water and Africa was added. In 2012 the Quarterly Index of African Periodical Literature (QIAPL) from the Library of Congress was included in the database Africana periodical literature. The database is heavily used with 330,876 visitors in 2014.

Jos Damen, ASC Library