Africa and international relations in the 21st century

This book examines trends related to power, sovereignty, conflict, peace, development, and changing social dynamics in the African context. It analyses the significance of many of the uncharted dimensions of Africa's intenational relations, such as the respatialisation of African societies through migration, the various ways in which both formal and informal authority and economies are practised, and the dynamics and impacts of new transnational social movements on African politics. It also pays attention to Africa's place in a shifting global order, and the implications for African international relations of the emergence of new world powers and alliances.

Series title: International political economy series.

Author(s) / editor(s)

S. Cornelissen, F. Cheru, T.M. Shaw

About the author(s) / editor(s)

ASCL senior researcher Fantu Cheru is a political economist. His research concentrates on emerging powers and African development; natural resources governance with a focus on the mining sector; and on South-South cooperation in agriculture and food security.

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