How to find us

Map and directions

African Studies Centre Leiden, Herta Mohr building, Witte Singel 27A, 2311 BG Leiden.

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From Leiden Centraal Station

The ASCL is about 20 minutes by foot from Leiden Centraal Station: Walking route from Leiden Centraal Station

By public transport: Bus 3, 5 or 7 from Centraal Station, with one transfer, depending on which bus:

How to find three of the most popular hotels in Leiden

Ibis Hotel, Stationsplein 240
Directions from Leiden Central Station to the Ibis Hotel:
Leave Leiden Central Station by the main entrance. In front of the station is a large open area and a bus station on the right. Walk passed the bus station. The Ibis Hotel is at the end of the street on the left-hand side.

Hampshire hotel/Fitland Leiden, Bargelaan 180
Directions from Leiden Central Station to the Hampshire hotel:
Leave Leiden Central Station by the rear entrance (hospital LUMC). As soon as you have left the building you see the hotel at your left in the Level building.

Nieuw Minerva, Boommarkt 23
Directions from Leiden Central Station to the Hotel Nieuw Minerva:
Leave Leiden Central Station by the main entrance. Walk straight ahead on the Stationsweg. This becomes the Steenstraat. At the end of Steenstraat, turn left over the bridge and then immediately turn right. The second street on the left is Boommarkt and the Hotel Nieuw Minerva is on the right-hand side.