Found 4522 results
Introduction to travelling Islam,
A. Raia, F. Ngom, M.M.A. Kaag, and M.G. Kossmann
, Islamic Africa, 2023, Volume 14, p.1-4, (2023)
Jutten naar boekpareltjes op rommelmarkten en Internet,
J.C.M. Damen
, IP: vakblad voor informatieprofessionals, 2023, Issue 3, (2023)
Kaartencollecties: Afrika-Studiecentrum, Universiteit Leiden,
J.C.M. Damen
, Caert-Thresoor, 2023, Issue 3, p.34-35, (2023)
Language endangerment in Ethiopia,
A. Amha, and Z. Leyew
, The Oxford handbook of Ethiopian languages, 2023, Oxford, p.45-64, (2023)
Les réseaux sociaux dans la dynamique des conflits au centre du Mali: un exemple de journalisme citoyen à travers la plateforme numérique KI,
M. Togola, and M.E. de Bruijn
, Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, 2023, Volume 57, Issue 2, p.305-325, (2023)
Lost and found: Africa in Indonesia,
Berckmoes, L. H.
, 2023, Leiden, (2023)
Mabanati in search of an author: portable reform texts and multimodal narrative media among Swahili Muslim communities,
A. Raia
, In this fragile world: Swahili poetry of commitment by Ustadh Mahmoud Mau, 2023, Volume 25, Leiden, p.133-167, (2023)
Macron's charme offensief in Afrika,
M.E. de Bruijn
, 2023, (2023)
Masquerades in African society: gender, power, and identity,
W. E. A.van Beek, and H.M. Leyten
, Western Africa series, 2023, Issue 20, Woodbridge, Suffolk, (2023)
Modern transformation of rural livelihoods in Africa: the case of the Dodoma region, Tanzania,
A. Kamanzi, K.S. Dede, and L.J. de Haan
, 2023, Issue 154, Leiden, p. - 17, (2023)
A monumental relationship: North Korea and Nambia,
T.A. van der Hoog
, North Korea in the World Special Series, 2023, Washington, D.C., (2023)
K. van Walraven
, Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2022, 2023, Issue 19, Leiden, Boston, p.144-152, (2023)
Réflexions sur la diplomatie religieuse des pays du Golfe et les défis qu’elle pose pour les pays ouest-africains,
M.M.A. Kaag
, Les 3 D: diplomaties sécuritaire, religieuse et économique au coeur du Sahara-Sahel., 2023, Bonn, p.97-106, (2023)
Reimagining language: towards a better understanding of language by including our interactions with non-humans.,
M. Rasenberg, A. Amha, M. Coler, M. M. van Koppen, E. van Miltenburg, L. van Rijk, W. Stommel, and M. Dingemanse
, Linguistics in the Netherlands, 2023, Volume 40, Issue 1, p.309-317, (2023)
Religious relevance interests: Pentecostalism and super-diversity in Gaborone, Botswana,
R.A. van Dijk
, Africa and urban anthropology: theoretical and methodological contributions from contemporary fieldwork, 2023, London, New York, p.374-399, (2023)
Review of D. Money, "White mineworkers on Zambia's Copperbelt, 1926-1974: in a class of their own" (Leiden, Brill, 2021),
T.A. van der Hoog
, Connections: a journal for historians and area specialists, 2023, p.[3], (2023)
Review of Ferdinand de Jong, "Decolonizing heritage: time to repair in Senegal" (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. ISBN 978-1-316-51453-5),
M.M.A. Kaag
, Anthropos, 2023, Volume 118, Issue 2, p.608-609, (2023)
Rule by junta,
A. Idrissa
, 2023, London, (2023)
Rural women's legal empowerment through digital technology,
R. Okello
, 2023, Issue 83, Leiden, p.69, (2023)
Seeking 'ilm on Lamu: Ustadh Mau's library and services for the benefit of his community,
A. Raia
, In this fragile world: Swahili poetry of commitment by Ustadh Mahmoud Mau, 2023, Leiden, (2023)
Social media in the global South: a network dataset of the Malian twittersphere,
D.T. Schroeder, M.E. de Bruijn, L.R. Bruls, M.A. Moges, S.D. Badji, N. Fritz, M.G. Cisse, J. Langguth, B. Mutswairo, and K.S. Orgeret
, Journal of data mining & digital humanities , 2023, (2023)
Social norms and financial decision-making: technical update,
A. Barr, M. Dekker, and LT. Zuze
, 2023, Lusaka, p. - 12, (2023)
Special Issue: Travelling Islam: the circulation of ideas in Africa,
A. Raia, F. Ngom, M.M.A. Kaag, and M.G. Kossmann
, Islamic Africa, 2023, Volume 14, Leiden, (2023)
Sudan's repressed democracy,
A. Idrissa
, The New York review of books, 2023, (2023)
Symbolism and power of Abbay [the Blue Nile) river in Amharic popular songs,
A. Amha
, Nile Pop, in bridging humanities, 2023, Leiden, (2023)