Walter Gam Nkwi

Walter Gam Nkwi is an historian/anthropologist whose work has an interdisciplinary character with a preference to pre-colonial, colonial and contemporary history of Africa. He focuses on the inter relationship between mobility and communication technology as well as pre-colonial African technologies. He is an Africanists with a focus on West and Central Africa. He did and has done extensive qualitative field work in Cameroon as well as West and Central Africa. His specific fields of interest are: Migration, African cultural and social history, relationship between technology and society, African socio-political and conflict history, global and imperial history, contemporary history of technology in Africa and communication studies. He lectures in the Institute of History, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University, the African Studies Centre Leiden and Bachelor International Studies, The Hague Campus where is also the coordinator of the African section. In March 2022, Dr Nkwi was appointed as Honorary Professor at the University of KwaZulu Natal, Republic of South Africa. 


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Leiden University
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