Paolo De Mas

Paolo De Mas (1948) studied Human Geography in Amsterdam (1968-1975). From 1974-1978 he was resident-coordinator of the REMPLOD-project of the University of Amsterdam and the Institut National de Statistique et d’ Écomomie in Rabat on the impact of international migration on peripheral Moroccan regions. Subsequently from 1978-1983 he was the coordinator of the REDRA-projects (Ressources et Développement dans des Régions Arides et semi-arides) of the University of Amsterdam and l’Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire in Rabat on the social ecology of the semi-arid regions of Rif and Sous.

Following his affiliation with the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies and the Faculty of Geography of the University of Amsterdam, he was the first director of the Dutch Academic Institute (NIMAR) in Rabat (2005-2009), subsequently acting director of the Center for Terrorism and Counterterrorism and director of the Moroccan Institute in the Hague.

He is a Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Commander of the Order of the Ouissam Alaouite of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Keywords: human and political geography of Morocco and the Maghreb, Moroccan international migration and the migrant communitees in diaspora, functioning and politics of the Moroccan state,  Moroccan international migration and diaspora-communities, Morocco as an economic, political and religious actor in Africa and as an international ally in the countering radicalism, violent extremism and terrorism.

Recent publications:

Paolo De Mas & Herman van der Wusten. Al Hoceïma: In de hete schaduw van de Arabische Lente. Geografie, 27, 2, 2018, 13-18.

Le Rif: six décennies mouvementées entre le secours et l’entrave. Revue Tidighin des recherches amazighes et développement. 7,8, 2019, 11-21

Revue Tidighin des recherches amazighes et développement. 7,8, 2019, 11-21

Herman, Obdeijn, Paolo De Mas & Nadia Bouras. Geschiedenis van Marokko. Amsterdam, Bulaaq, 2021

La 'relation' tumultueuse entre la Maison d’Illigh et les Chorfa  Alaouites dans le XVIIe siècle.  Bert Hoogervorst (dir). La Maison dÍlligh,. Un carrefour historique entre Tombouctou, le Maroc et l’Europe. Marrakech, Maison de la Photographie, 2021, 26-32.

Bert Hoogervorst (dir). La Maison dÍlligh,. Un carrefour historique entre Tombouctou, le Maroc et l’Europe. Marrakech, Maison de la Photographie, 2021, 26-32.

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