Noemi Alfieri

Noemi Alfieri is a Contracted FCT CEEC Researcher at CHAM, Centre for the Humanities (NOVA-FCSH, Lisbon) and a member of the Board of Directors of CHAM, as Subdirector for Graduate Studies and Research Her current project “Mapping anti-colonial networks through literature. Transnational connections of African thinkers in the reconfiguration of space and thought (1950s - 70s)”, focuses on the connections between the editorial projects Mensagem (Lisbon), Présence Africaine (Paris and Dakar) and Black Orpheus (Ibadan).

She gained her PhD in Portuguese Studies (History of the Book and Textual Criticism) from NOVA-FCSH with the dissertation: "(Re)building Identity through Conflict: An Approach to African Literatures written in Portuguese (1961-74)". This dissertation was founded by FCT-IP and received an Honorable Mention for the Mário Soares Prize-EDP Foundation (2021). She holds a BA degree in Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish and Portuguese, 2013) from the Università degli Studi of Turin, Italy. She holds an MA degree in Modern Languages and Literatures from the same university, with a dissertation on Angolan literature (2015). She is a writer and translator, having joined collective editorial projects, exhibitions and artistic residencies.

Recent publications:

2023: “Circulations, decolonizations, unbalances. Anticolonial networks and links between the literary reviews Mensagem, Présence Africaine and Black OrpheusAcademy Speaks – Africa Multiple WP Series–2023, University of Bayreuth.

2023: “Mensagem, Présence Africaine, Black Orpheus: African epistemes and the renovation of the literary environment”, História da Historiografia, UNIRIO, Vol 16, nº 41, Jan- Abr 2023, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Brazil).2023: “História e escrita de Angola: Eugénia Neto e Deolinda Rodrigues”. Valeria Tocco, Filipa Medeiros Araújo, Carlos Ascenso André (org). Mundos de língua portuguesa – olhares cruzados (V): Africanidades, Antropologia, Literatura, Cinema, História. Coimbra: University of Coimbra Press, 2023, 71-86.

2021: “Women’s issues: African writers fighting Portuguese colonialism in the 1950’s”, Tolomeo - Rivista di Studi Postcoloniali, 281 – 300, Cá Foscari University of Venice (Italy).

2020: “Noémia de Sousa, ou ser “África da cabeça aos pés” em tempos de colonizaçãoJLS - Journal of Lusophone Studies 4(2) (2020): 219 – 233, APSA (USA) .

Associate member
CHAM, Centre for the Humanities
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