Marina de Regt

Marina de Regt is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of VU University Amsterdam. Her main research interests are gender, labour and migration in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa. She is particularly interested in transnational relations between Yemen and Ethiopia, both from a historical and a contemporary perspective. Marina’s post-doctoral research on domestic workers (2003-2006) in Yemen focused on Ethiopian and Somali domestic workers. Between 2014 - 2016 she was the lead researcher of a study about adolescent girls’ migration in Ethiopia, which was part of a larger project. In 2021 she led a research about the impact of the Yemeni war on Yemenis of African descent (so-called muwalladeen). She was also involved in a number of documentary films, namely Young and Invisible: African Domestic Workers in Yemen (Arda Nederveen Visual Productions 2007) and 2 Girls (Marco Speroni 2019).


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