Maarten Mous

Maarten Mous is Emeritus Professor of African Linguistics at Leiden University where he was head of the department for African Language and Cultures for decades and (co)supervised many (>50) PhD theses. His research is clustered around four themes: Cushitic languages, Bantu languages, Language and Identity, and Diathesis and derivation. His current project is on the linguistic history of East Africa. He worked on the Cushitic languages Iraqw, Alagwa, and Konso, and the Bantu languages that he has done fieldwork on and published on are Tunen, Nyokon (both Cameroon), Mbugu, Pare, and Mbugwe (all Tanzania). His research on Language and Identity derives from an interest in the mixed language Ma’a/Mbugu and continued with a typological study of African urban youth languages.