Lawrence Ogbo Ugwuanyi

Lawrence Ogbo Ugwuanyi, PhD is a Professor of  African Philosophy and Thought  at the University of Abuja, Nigeria and founder Centre for Critical Thinking and Resourceful Research in Africa ( has 28 years of teaching and research experience in Nigeria, Zimbabwe and The Gambia. He has served as Visiting Scholar at the University of South Africa (2005), Visiting Associate Professor at Great Zimbabwe University (2014) and Visiting Professor at the St. Albert Institute for Higher Education, Kafanchan, Nigeria. Prof. Ugwuanyi is an Environmental Humanities Research Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at The University of Edinburgh (2021), a fellow of the International Seminar of Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP) and the CUA McLean Center for the Study of Culture and Values (MCSCV, USA, 2021) and a fellow of the PENN Program in Environmental Humanities on Intersecting Energy Cultures of the University of Pennsylvania, USA and The University Edinburgh, Scotland (2022).


His research interests include African philosophy and thought; African modernity; African environmental philosophy; philosophy of culture; translations; African (multi) bilingualism and the African thought scheme. He draws oral and archival data for his researches from West Africa.