Henk Huisman

Henk Huisman (PhD, Utrecht University) has more than 35 years of experience in teaching, staff training and research in development geography and in the design, implementation and coordination of (inter)national MSc programmes in (regional and local) development and planning studies at universities in Sub Saharan Africa, Indonesia and the Netherlands. Moreover, he has been involved in the development and implementation of PhD training programmes, both in Indonesia and the Netherlands. His research interest has been focused on regional & rural development, with a current special attention to spatial and social inclusiveness in public services delivery in health, education, water and sanitation in Sub Saharan Africa.

He has published various research articles in refereed international scientific journals and contributed to numerous peer reviewed books and many other academic - as well as professional papers.

He has a long record of experience in managerial duties , including the design and development of academic study - and long term research programmes, international development cooperation - funded university capacity building projects and in the sphere of human resource - and financial management.

Fellow member
Utrecht University