Cyril Obi

Cyril Obi is a program director at the Social Science Research Council, New York, where he leads the African Peacebuilding Network (APN) and the Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa programs. He has published extensively on the political economy of oil and environmental politics in Africa, natural resource conflict, peace, security and development. His most recent book is 'Developmental Regionalism and Economic Transformation in Southern Africa' (Routledge, 2020) with Said Adejumobi. He is a recipient of a 2020 International Studies Association (ISA) Distinguished Scholar Award (Peace Studies Section).



Keywords: African Studies, African politics and political economy, African international relations, African regional integration, African conflict, peace, security and development, African peacebuilding, oil, environmental politics and security, elections and democratisation, energy transition.

Fellow member
Social Science Research Council (SSRC)