The unit of study and the interpretation of ethnicity : studying the Nkoya of Western Zambia

TitleThe unit of study and the interpretation of ethnicity : studying the Nkoya of Western Zambia
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1981
AuthorsW.M.J. van Binsbergen
Secondary TitleJournal of Southern African studies
Pagination51 - 81
Date Published1981/08//
Publication Languageeng
Keywordsethnicity, historiography, history, Nkoya, Rural, Zambia

The alternative proposed here for the tribal model as a unit of study is not another, better unit of study (e.g. a mode of production, an expanding social formation, or a well-defined spatio-temporal portion of reality), but a growing awareness of possible problems and interrelations, informed by insights from history and political economy. Thus this paper is an exercise in the interaction of anthropology and history in the analysis of a specific set of data: Introduction - The end of rural anthropology in Zambia? - The unit of study - Studying the Nkoya - Ethnicity, history and the Nkoya experience - Nkoya ethnicity and the dialectics of consciousness - Conclusion: beyond the unit of study. Notes

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