Understanding rural Zambia today : the relevance of the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute

TitleUnderstanding rural Zambia today : the relevance of the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1985
AuthorsJ.K. van Donge
Secondary TitleAfrica : journal of the International African InstituteAfrica
Pagination60 - 76
Date Published1985///
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0001-9720
Keywordsfieldwork, Zambia

Through his own work in Mwasi Lundazi, the author discovered the relevance of the studies produced by social scientists working at the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute in Lusaka for an understanding of contemporary Zambia. Although the fieldwork was done and written up in the colonial period, and Zambia has changed enormously since then, the fact that it was produced in that period does not in itself warrant the negative conclusions about it that have been drawn by so many. On the contrary, there are several good reasons to recommend the work of the Institute at the present, not the least because it really conveys how people lived and felt about life. - Notes, ref., sum. in French

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