Politicians, bureaucrats and farmers : a Zambian case study

TitlePoliticians, bureaucrats and farmers : a Zambian case study
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1982
AuthorsJ.K. van Donge
Secondary TitleThe journal of development studies : a quarterly journal devoted to economic, political and social development
Pagination88 - 107
Date Published1982/08//
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0022-0388

Abstr.: This case study from Eastern Zambia challenges the thesis that after independence an elite of privileged farmers entrenched itself through domination of the local political arena and a coalition with the civil service. It argues that such a view may be a reification due to misplaced assumptions about historical continuity and the uniformity of social behaviour; a lack of attention to the actual operation of government departments at the lowest levels; and neglect of how people construct ways of life on the basis of different interpretations of the world. Notes, ref

Citation Key494