Ordinary violence and social change in Africa

TitleOrdinary violence and social change in Africa
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2014
Series EditorJ. Bouju, and M.E. de Bruijn
Series titleAfrika-Studiecentrum series
Date Published2014///
Place PublishedLeiden [etc.]
Publication Languageeng
ISSN Number978-90-04-27155-5
KeywordsAfrica, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, domestic violence, Mali, social conditions, Tanzania, violence, women, Zimbabwe

Ordinary social violence, - i.e. recurrent mental or physical aggression occurring between closely related people - structures social relationships in Africa, and in the world. Studies of violence in Africa often refer to ethnic wars and explicit conflicts and do not enter the hidden domain of violence that this book reveals through in-depth anthropological studies from different parts and contexts in Africa. Ordinary violence has its distinctive forms embedded in specific histories and cultures. It is gendered, implicates witchcraft accusations, varies in rural and urban contexts, relates to demographic and socio-economic changes of the past decades and is embedded in the everyday life of many African citizens. The experience of ordinary violence goes beyond the simple notion of victimhood; instead it structures social life and should therefore be a compelling part of the study of social change.

IR handle/ Full text URLhttp://hdl.handle.net/1887/48873
Citation Key6387