Mobile phones : the new talking drums of everyday Africa

TitleMobile phones : the new talking drums of everyday Africa
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2009
Series EditorM.E. de Bruijn, and I. Brinkman
Date Published2009///
PublisherLangaa Publishers
Place PublishedBamenda: Cameroon
Publication Languageeng
ISSN Number978-9956558537
Keywords2006, Africa, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, conference papers (form), Ghana, Mali, mobile telephone, mobility, Sudan, Tanzania

'We cannot imagine life now without a mobile phone' is a frequent comment when Africans are asked about mobile phones. They have become part and parcel of the communication landscape in many urban and rural areas of Africa and the growth of mobile telephony is amazing: from 1 in 50 people being users in 2000 to 1 in 3 in 2008. Such growth is impressive but it does not even begin to tell us about the many ways in which mobile phones are being appropriated by Africans and how they are transforming or are being transformed by society in Africa. This volume ventures into such appropriation and mutual shaping. Rich in theoretical innovation and empirical substantiation, it brings together reflections on developments around the mobile phone by scholars of six African countries (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali, Sudan and Tanzania) who explore the economic, social and cultural contexts in which the mobile phone is being adopted, adapted and harnessed by mobile Africa.

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Citation Key3992