Kapsiki beer dynamics

TitleKapsiki beer dynamics
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsW. E. A.van Beek
EditorE. Garine, O. Langlois, and C. Raimond
Secondary TitleRessources vivrières et choix alimentaires dans le bassin du Lac Chad
Pagination477 - 500
Date Published2006///
Publication Languageeng
Keywordsbeer, Cameroon, gender roles, Kapsiki, Nigeria, rituals, symbols

Beer not only is a central feature of Sub-Saharan daily life in non-Muslim societies, it often has a high symbolic content as well, related to the expression of social relations. This study traces the symbolic aspects of indigenous beer among the Kapsiki/Higi of North Cameroon and northeastern Nigeria, by interpreting the symbolic connotations from its place in community rituals. The "message of beer" is by no means uniform. Though most of the symbolism around beer is a male-dominated discourse which concentrates on bonding and power, the symbolism is generally less straightforward and more hidden. 'White' beer, brewed by women, is for market use and immediate consumption. The article focuses on its polar opposite, the ritual, 'red' beer, traditionally a man's brew. Bibliogr., notes, ref. [ASC Leiden abstract]

Citation Key708