The impact of migrant labour on the Swazi homestead as solidarity group

TitleThe impact of migrant labour on the Swazi homestead as solidarity group
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsA.H.M. Leliveld
Series titleSerie research memoranda, ISSN 1381-1649 ; 1992-45
Pagination1 - 37
Date Published1992///
PublisherVrije Universiteit, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie
Place PublishedAmsterdam
Publication Languageeng
KeywordsAfrica, households, labour migration, South Africa, Swaziland

This paper examines how the labour migration of Swazi homestead members to South Africa affects the homestead as a solidarity group. After an introduction in which he discusses the conditions which make a group a solidarity group and their applicability to the Swazi homestead, the author analyses the impact of migrant labour on the size and composition of the Swazi homestead, its durability and stability, its economic position, and on the principle of reciprocity, particularly with respect to the distribution of remittances. The study is based on data derived from a survey carried out in 1990 among 195 homesteads in Swaziland. On balance, the impact of labour migration on the Swazi homestead as a solidarity group seems to be negative


Lit. opg.: p. 23-25

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