Eritreo-Ethiopian studies in society and history: 1960-1995 : a supplementary bibliography

TitleEritreo-Ethiopian studies in society and history: 1960-1995 : a supplementary bibliography
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsG.J. Abbink
Series titleResearch report ; 55
Pagination - 203
Date Published1996///
PublisherAfrican Studies Centre
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number90-5448-032-7
Keywords1991, Bibliographies (form), education, Eritrea, Ethiopia, gender, history, material culture, modernization, oral traditions, policy, politics, refugees, religion, Resettlement, Rural

This bibliography on Ethiopia and Eritrea is a sequel to 'Ethiopian society and history: a bibliography of Ethiopian studies 1957-1990' (1990). The present volume, which covers the period 1990-1995, contains c. 2000 items. Books, journal articles, and articles from collective volumes have been included. The entries are arranged under the following headings: Bibliographies; History and development of Eritreo-Ethiopian studies; Manuscripts, documents, sources, library studies; Travellers and foreigners; History; Cultural geography, ecology, demography; Politics and law before 1974; Politics, law and revolutionary development after 1974; Politics and law after 1991; Peasantry and the rural sector after 1974; The urban sector; Modernization, communications, industry and 'development'; Economics, economic policy, banking; Social structure, social change and gender; Drought and famine, refugees and resettlement; International relations; Ethno-regional conflicts; Education; Health and health care; Ethnomedicine and indigenous knowledge; Folklore, magic, oral traditions; Music; Material culture, architecture, arts and crafts; Christian and hagiographical literature; Religion and missions; Ethnology and anthropology. The last section is subdivided according to ethno-cultural groups. A list of collective volumes and an index of authors' names have been included


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Citation Key1992