Emanuel Mangengin in Cameroon on mobile phones in Africa

TitleEmanuel Mangengin in Cameroon on mobile phones in Africa
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsM.E. de Bruijn, and S. Sijsma
Pagination - Online resource (8:41 min.)
Date Published2009///
PublisherAfrican Studies Centre; YouTube
Publication Languageeng
KeywordsCameroon, telecommunications

The mobile phone is changing the communication landscape in Africa completely . The Africa Studies Centre in Leiden (The Netherlands) has started a research project that is looking at the social-economic impact of mobile communication on marginal regions. Besides scientific research, these immense changes are captured on digital video by a professional filmmaker. The image collected in the project "Africa Connected" are achieved at the African Studies Center and used for research, training and promotional purpose. The end result of the project will be a documentary about the changes and the impact of it. In September 2008, filmmaker Sjoerd Sijsma visited Cameroon. He started to look for characters for the documentary and will follow them in the coming years. Emanuel is one of them . His life has change a lot by the new ways of communication. This short film is the introduction of the project to the internet.

Citation Key2988