Communication and Ward Development Committees in Chipata : a Zambian case-study of administrative inertia

TitleCommunication and Ward Development Committees in Chipata : a Zambian case-study of administrative inertia
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1983
AuthorsL. de Jong, and J.K. van Donge
Secondary TitleThe journal of modern African studies : a quarterly survey of politics, economics and related topics in contemporary Africa
Pagination141 - 150
Date Published1983///
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0022-278X

The authors examine the empirical realities of interaction between the Government and citizens in rural Zambia - the channels of commmunication between Ward Development Committees and District Government in Chipata - and show that current explanations of administrative behaviour do not apply to this case-study. Sections: The Committee system of participation in Zambia - Communication between Ward Development Committees and District Government - WDC items addressed to the Governor's Office in Chipata District, June to August 1974 - Retrospect and prospect. Notes

Citation Key552