African historiography written by Africans, 1955-1973 : the Nigerian case

TitleAfrican historiography written by Africans, 1955-1973 : the Nigerian case
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1977
AuthorsL. Kapteijns
Series titleResearch report ; 7
Pagination - 152
Date Published1977///
PublisherAfrican Studies Centre
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number90-70110-21-0
Keywordsbibliography, historiography, Nigeria, Subsaharan Africa, theses (form)

In the first part of this essay the development of the study of African history is sketched, and the historical studies written by professional African historians from 1955 to 1972-3 are analysed. Special attention is paid to the manisfestoes of the 1960s, programmatical declarations of what African history should be and how it should be written. Part two traces in detail what historical studis were actually produced in the fifteen years that followed independence in one particular West African country, Nigeria


Doctoraalscriptie - Bibliography: p. 128-152

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Citation Key218