Recently published journal articles - week 41

Retrieved week 41 2018


FRANKEMA, E. & VAN WAIJENBURG, M. 2018. Africa rising? A historical perspective. African Affairs, 117 (469):543-568.

KELSALL, T. 2018. Towards a universal political settlement concept: A response to Mushtaq Khan. African Affairs, 117 (469):656-669.

KHAN, M. H. 2018. Political settlements and the analysis of institutions. African Affairs, 117 (469):716-716.

KHAN, M. H. 2018. Power, pacts and political settlements: A reply to Tim Kelsall. African Affairs, 117 (469):670-694.

MOLEFE, M. 2018. Personhood and (Rectification) Justice in African Thought. Politikon, 45 (3):352-367.

PETERS, T. F. 2018. The El-Kantara Bridge in Algeria: An Early Development of Cantilevering Construction and What we can Learn from its Documentation in Text and Image (1862-63). Construction History, International Journal of the Construction History Society, 33 (1):69-82.
Keywords: Algeria

ALMEIDA, P. L. D. 2018. The Past Is a Foreign Photo: Image and Travel Writing in the Benguela Railway. Angola, 1920-1930. E-Journal of Portuguese History, 16 (1).
Keywords: Angola

ALVES, C. R. 2016. Marfins africanos em trânsito: apontamentos sobre o comércio numa perspectiva atlântica (Angola, Benguela, Lisboa e Brasil, Séculos XVIII-XIX). Faces da História, 3 (2):8-21.
Keywords: Angola

BARROSO, L. 2018. A Grande Guerra em Angola: a expedição de Alves Roçadas e de Pereira D'Eça na estratégia intervencionista. Ler História, 72:129-149.
Keywords: Angola

FLORESCU, M. 2017. 'Autobiografias' de Angola: algumas considerações acerca de um gênero. Revista Maracanan, 16:66-84.
Keywords: Angola

OLIVEIRA, J. C. D. 2017. A Catedral, N'Kulubimbi, Ideais, Fé e Homens. Revista Militar, 69 (II Século) (2589):817-844.
Keywords: Angola

OSÓRIO, A. P. G. 2017. A Batalha de Mongua, no sul de Angola (1915). Revista Militar, 69 (II Século) (2584):459-478.
Keywords: Angola

RICARDO, R. M. 2016. A produção e os usos de bebidas alcoólicas na América Portuguesa e nas praças da África Central Ocidental. Faces da História, 3 (2):22-35.
Keywords: Angola

SPANGLER, T. 2018. Whose Colonial Project? Angolan Elites and the Colonial Exhibitions of the 1930s: Notes on the Special Magazine Edition of A província de Angola, August 15, 1934. E-Journal of Portuguese History, 16 (1).
Keywords: Angola

FONCHINGONG, C. C. 2018. The Travails of Democratization in Cameroon in the Context of Political Liberalisation since the 1990s. African and Asian Studies, 3 (1):33-59.
Keywords: Cameroon

Cape Verde
BARROS, V. 2017. A escrita da história da 'descoberta' de Cabo Verde. Fabulário cronográfico, história oficial ou fabricação do consentimento? Práticas da História. Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past, 5:75-113.
Keywords: Cape Verde

Cape Verde
FEIJÓ, J. D. S. 1815. Ensaio economico sobre as ilhas de Cabo Verde em 1797. Memorias economicas da Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa, para o adiantamento da agricultura, das artes, e da industria em Portugal, e suas conquistas, 5:171-193.
Keywords: Cape Verde

Cape Verde
FEIJÓ, J. D. S. 1815. Memoria sobre a urzella de Cabo Verde. Memorias economicas da Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa, para o adiantamento da agricultura, das artes, e da industria em Portugal, e suas conquistas, 5:145-154.
Keywords: Cape Verde

Cape Verde
MACHADO, D. M. F. D. A. 2014. D. Francisco de Abreu de S. Simão, memória de um familiar. Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 132:120-141.
Keywords: Cape Verde

Cape Verde
VANDELLI, D. 1812. Memoria sobre o sal gemma das Ilhas de Cabo Verde. Memorias economicas da Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa, para o adiantamento da agricultura, das artes, e da industria em Portugal, e suas conquistas, IV:65-66.
Keywords: Cape Verde

Democratic Republic of Congo
VOGEL, C. & STEARNS, J. K. 2018. Kivu’s intractable security conundrum, revisited. African Affairs, 117 (469):695-707.

East Africa
WHANG, P. Y. 2018. Regional derailment: the saga of the East African Railways. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12 (4):716-734.
Keywords: East Africa ; East African Community ; nationalistic ; post-colonial ; Railways ; regional

RIVA, R. D. 2017. Espía y arqueólogo al servicio del Káiser la misión secreta de Leo Frobenius en Arabia y Eritrea durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Historiae, 14:141-144.
Keywords: Eritrea

HOPE, K. R. 2018. Economic Performance, Trade, and the Exchange Rate in Ethiopia, 1990-2002. African and Asian Studies, 3 (1):61-76.
Keywords: Ethiopia

ORLOWSKA, I. & KLEPEIS, P. 2018. Ethiopian church forests: a socio-religious conservation model under change. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12 (4):674-695.
Keywords: Ethiopia ; community forest management ; land-use change ; religion and society ; religious conservation ; sacred groves

REGASSA, A. & KORF, B. 2018. Post-imperial statecraft: high modernism and the politics of land dispossession in Ethiopia’s pastoral frontier. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12 (4):613-631.
Keywords: Ethiopia ; pastoralism ; land ; developmental state ; frontier ; dispossession ; High modernism

ROXBURGH, S. 2018. Empowering witches and the West: the ‘anti-witch camp campaign’ and discourses of power in Ghana. Critical African Studies, 10 (2):130-154.
Keywords: Ghana ; colonialism ; witchcraft ; colonialisme ; camps de sorcières ; discours ; discourse ; sorcellerie ; witch camps

WILLIAMSON, D. A., PILLAI, V. K., OWUSU, G. & OPPONG, J. R. 2018. Gender Differences in an Emerging Health Profession: Ghanaian Women as Itinerant Drug Vendors. African and Asian Studies, 3 (1):77-98.
Keywords: Ghana

LUNDY, B. D. 2018. Challenging adulthood: Changing initiation rites among the Balanta of Guinea-Bissau. African Studies, 77 (4):584-606.
Keywords: migration ; initiation ; urbanisation ; Guinea-Bissau ; adulthood ; Balanta ; modernity

MATOS, J. 2017. O F-86 Sabre em combate na Guiné. Revista Militar, 69 (II Século) (2584):479-492.
Keywords: Guinea-Bissau

BRESNAHAN, D. 2018. Forest imageries and political practice in colonial coastal Kenya. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12 (4):655-673.
Keywords: Kenya ; environment ; colonialism ; kaya forest ; Mijikenda

IKANDA, F. N. 2018. Somali refugees in Kenya and social resilience: Resettlement imaginings and the longing for Minnesota. African Affairs, 117 (469):569-591.

KARUGIA, J. N. 2018. Connective Afrasian Sea memories: Transregional imaginaries, memory politics, and complexities of national 'belonging'. Memory Studies, 11 (3):328-341.
Keywords: Kenya

KHARCHICH, M. 2018. La alianza franco-española contra el movimiento rifeño. Historia Actual Online, 46:23-42.
Keywords: Morocco

MARÍN MOLINA, C. 2018. Análisis del documental 'Guerra de África 1925' como fuente histórica para el estudio de la Guerra del Rif. Historia Actual Online, 46:161-173.
Keywords: Morocco

PANIAGUA LÓPEZ, J. 2018. La red de servicios secretos españoles durante la Guerra del Rif (1921-1927): los servicios especiales reservados dirigidos por Ricardo Ruiz Orsatti. Historia Contemporánea, 57:491-521.
Keywords: Morocco

ASSIS, J. L. 2016. A Grande Guerra em Áfricas (1914-1918): Relatório de uma Comissão de Inquérito realizada à 4.ª Expedição a Moçambique, comandada pelo Coronel Tomás de Sousa Rosa. Nação e Defesa, 145:70-80.
Keywords: Mozambique

BENTO, C. L. 2014. Ambiente, tráfico esclavagista e domínio colonial. O caso concreto do litoral moçambicano entre os rios Infusse e Kinga (c. 1880-1900). Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 132:32-57.
Keywords: Mozambique

ROQUE, A. C. 2016. Reconhecer e Cartografar a Costa de Moçambique (Séculos XVI-XIX). Memórias da Academia de Marinha, 46:147-154.
Keywords: Mozambique

SAMPAIO, T. H. 2018. O comércio colonial lusitano em transformação: o caso do vinho e algodão em Moçambique (1890-1923). Faces da História, 5 (1):225-243.
Keywords: Mozambique

AGINA, A. 2018. Black November (2012) and its social-change potential: reactions from the audience. Critical African Studies, 10 (2):212-225.
Keywords: social change ; reception ; audience ; changement social ; Delta du Niger ; film Nigérien ; Ken Saro-Wiwa ; Niger Delta ; Nigerian film ; public ; réception

BUBA, M. 2018. The legacies of the Sokoto Caliphate in contemporary Nigeria. History Compass, 16 (8).
Keywords: Nigeria

MAKHUBU, N. 2018. Art by any other name: mediated performance art and temporality in early Nollywood video-film. Critical African Studies, 10 (2):226-244.
Keywords: performance ; art ; Nollywood ; popular culture ; Culture populaire ; Temps ; time

BESTOYIN, K. O. 2018. Oil, politics and conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa A comparative study of Nigeria and South Sudan. Historia Actual Online, 46:43-57.
Keywords: Nigeria ; South Sudan

Northern Africa
MERRILLS, A. 2018. Invisible men: mobility and political change on the frontier of late Roman Africa. Early Medieval Europe, 26 (3):355-390.
Keywords: Northern Africa

Sierra Leone
KENNEDY, R. 2018. Reparative transnationalism: The friction and fiction of remembering in Sierra Leone. Memory Studies, 11 (3):342-354.
Keywords: Sierra Leone

FOTHERINGHAM, C. 2018. Publishing, politics and literary prizes: Nuruddin Farah’s reception in Italy. African Studies, 77 (4):568-583.
Keywords: book history ; African book history ; Italian postcolonial literature ; Nuruddin Farah ; publishing of African literature ; translation of African literature ; translation studies

South Africa
BADASSY, P. 2018. ‘Is lying a coolie’s religion?’ The household Sammys and Marys of colonial Natal, 1880–1920. African Studies, 77 (4):481-503.
Keywords: labour ; colonial Natal ; domestic servants ; indenture ; intimacies ; masters ; memsahibs ; mistresses

South Africa
BROOKS, H. 2018. Popular Power and Vanguardism: The Democratic Deficit of 1980s ‘Peoples Power’. Politikon, 45 (3):313-334.

South Africa
CONINCK, L. D. 2018. The uneasy boundary work of ‘coconuts’ and ‘black diamonds’: middle-class labelling in post-apartheid South Africa. Critical African Studies, 10 (2):155-172.
Keywords: South Africa ; middle class ; Afrique du Sud ; après-apartheid ; boundary work ; classe moyenne ; étiquetage ; labelling ; mobilité vers le haut ; post-apartheid ; travail sur les frontières ; upward mobility

South Africa
CORDEIRO-RODRIGUES, L. 2018. Towards a Tutuist Ethics of War: Ubuntu, Forgiveness and Reconciliation. Politikon, 45 (3):426-435.

South Africa
ELSHAMY, N. M. 2018. Travelling Concepts in J. M. Coetzee’s Apartheid and Post-apartheid Novels. Critical African Studies, 10 (2):196-211.
Keywords: ‘Le Roman aujourd’hui’ ; ‘The Novel Today’ ; ‘Théorie du voyage’ ; ‘Traveling Theory’ ; Allégorie ; Allegory ; Apartheid and post-apartheid ; Apartheid et après-apartheid ; Coetzee ; Coetzee’s concept of the novel ; Coetzee’s critical consciousness ; Coetzee’s theory of authorship ; Concepts de voyage ; Edward Said ; la conscience critique de Coetzee ; le concept de roman de Coetzee ; Realism ; Réalisme ; Théorie d’auteur de Coetzee ; Travelling concepts

South Africa
KITIS, E. D. & JEGELS, D. 2018. Genres of protest in post-apartheid South Africa: Revisiting audience contributions to political speeches. African Studies, 77 (4):549-567.
Keywords: South Africa ; backchannels ; collaborative identity ; hybrid genre ; linguistic citizenship ; protest speech

South Africa
KOTZÈ, H. & GARCÍA-RIVERO, C. 2018. The Evolution of the Middle Class During Nearly Two Decades of Democracy in South Africa. Politikon, 45 (3):387-407.

South Africa
MPOFU, B. & NDLOVU-GATSHENI, S. J. 2018. Nelson Mandela’s changing idea of South Africa. Critical African Studies, 10 (2):173-195.
Keywords: Nelson Mandela ; conscience politique ; construction de la nation ; idea of South Africa ; l'idée de l'Afrique du Sud ; Nation arc-en-ciel ; nation building ; political consciousness ; rainbow nation

South Africa
SACKS, J. 2018. On Militancy, Self-reflection, and the Role of the Researcher. Politikon, 45 (3):438-455.

South Africa
SCHAFFER, G. 2018. The Limits of the 'Liberal Imagination': Britain, Broadcasting and Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1994. Past and Present, 240 (1):235-266.
Keywords: South Africa

South Africa
TELLA, O. & LABUSCHAGNE, P. 2018. Sport, Politics, and Diplomacy: Perspectives on Durban's (South Africa) Bid to Host the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Politikon, 45 (3):408-425.

South Africa
WASSERMAN, H., BOSCH, T. & CHUMA, W. 2018. Communication from above and below: Media, Protest and Democracy. Politikon, 45 (3):368-386.

South Sudan
THIONG, D. A. 2018. How the politics of fear generated chaos in South Sudan. African Affairs, 117 (469):613-635.

South Sudan
TOUNSEL, C. 2018. Before the Bright Star: football in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12 (4):735-753.
Keywords: football ; Sudan ; colonialism ; South Sudan

SubSaharan Africa
NASTAR, M., ABBAS, S., RIVERO, C. A., JENKINS, S. & KOOY, M. 2018. The emancipatory promise of participatory water governance for the urban poor: Reflections on the transition management approach in the cities of Dodowa, Ghana and Arusha, Tanzania. African Studies, 77 (4):504-525.
Keywords: sub-Saharan Africa ; community dynamics ; social relations ; transition management ; urban water governance

JASPARS, S. 2018. The state, inequality, and the political economy of long-term food aid in Sudan. African Affairs, 117 (469):592-612.

AHEARNE, R. & CHILDS, J. 2018. ‘National resources’? The fragmented citizenship of gas extraction in Tanzania. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12 (4):696-715.
Keywords: Tanzania ; citizenship ; differentiated citizenship ; gas ; Mtwara

CONTE, C. 2018. Power, production, and land use in German East Africa through the photographs of Walther Dobbertin, c. 1910. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12 (4):632-654.
Keywords: Tanzania ; photography ; ecology ; land usage ; landscapes ; Usambara mountains

LOFCHIE, M. F. 2018. The murder of Wilbert Klerruu: collective agriculture on trial in Tanzania. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 12 (4):754-771.
Keywords: Tanzania ; socialism ; agricultural socialism ; Julius Nyerere ; murder trials ; political trials ; tipping events

MEHUS, C. J., WIELING, E., ACHAN, L. & OLOYA, O. T. 2018. Identifying the roles of fathers in post-war northern Uganda: Groundwork for a parenting intervention. African Studies, 77 (4):526-548.
Keywords: Uganda ; fathers ; parent-child relationships

West Africa
AFOLAYAN, A. 2018. The Arab Spring and politics in West Africa. History Compass, 16 (8).
Keywords: West Africa

MASWIKWA, B., GOUWS, A. & GORDON, S. F. 2018. Constructing Citizenship and Identity: Exploring Political Participation Amongst Black African Women from Zimbabwean and South African Townships. Politikon, 45 (3):335-351.