ASCL Newsletter November 2016

African Studies Centre Leiden Newsletter, No. 21, November 2016
ASCL Highlight

17 November: Stephen Ellis Annual Lecture by Muna Ndulo: Ethnicity, diversity, inclusivity and constitution making in Africa

We are delighted that this year's Stephen Ellis Annual Lecture will be given by Muna Ndulo, Professor of Law at Cornell University. Prof. Ndulo will identify key issues that must be addressed in the constitution making process to promote inclusiveness and a sense of ownership of the political process in a diverse nation state. This special event starts at 18.30!

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Education news

Winner Africa Thesis Award 2016: Tanja Hendriks (Leiden University) for her thesis on street youth in Malawi and 'home'

On behalf of the jury, the ASCL is pleased to announce that the winner of the Africa Thesis Award 2016 is Tanja Hendriks for her thesis ‘Home is always home’. (Former) Street Youth in Blantyre Malawi and the Fluidity of Constructing Home. Tanja Hendriks completed the Research Master in African Studies at Leiden University and graduated cum laude early 2016.

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Research news

23 November: PhD defence Michiel van den Berg on bird conservation and sustainable development in Burkina Faso

On 23 November Michiel van den Berg will defend his dissertation Bridging the gap between bird conservation and sustainable development. Perceptions and participation of rural people in Burkina Faso’s Sahel region. Supervisors: Prof. Ton Dietz and Dick Foeken.

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News from the knowledge platform INCLUDE

The informal economy receives increased attention from policymakers as it provides jobs and income to many of Africa’s poorest households. Yet, employment in the informal sector is vulnerable and income irregular. How can the informal sector contribute to more inclusive growth and development? Visit INCLUDE's new web dossier! 

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New publications

Africa Yearbook 2015

The Africa Yearbook, published by Brill, covers major domestic political developments, foreign policy and socio-economic trends in sub-Sahara Africa in one calendar year. The ASCL's Jon Abbink is among the editors this year; ASCL senior researcher Klaas van Walraven wrote the chapter on Niger.

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Dissertation on impacts of large-scale farming on development, food security and the environment in Ethiopia

Maru Shete Bekele defended his thesis on the impacts of large-scale farming on local economic development, household food security and the environment in Ethiopia on 25 October. The study concludes that the approach of large-scale mechanized farming contributes little to the economic and agricultural transformation of the nation. The dissertation is available open access!

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Marcel Rutten: 'Dying cows due to climate change? Drought can never finish the Maasai cattle, only the human mouth can (Maasai saying)'

This is a book chapter in the series 'History of Water', volume 3: 'Water and Food: From Hunter-gatherers to Global Production in Africa'. In particular, it discusses old and new drought coping strategies employed by Maasai pastoralists and the difficulties encountered in today's realities as a result of land tenure changes undermining the mobility of herds.

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Jon Abbink: 'Rethinking the anthropology of Ethiopia through culture and ritual'

Paper written for the 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies in November 2012 that took place in Dire Dawa, in the eastern lowlands of Ethiopia. The event gathered more than 300 international scholars from all disciplines of the humanities and social social sciences, under the general theme of ‘movement’.

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Library news

New web dossier: African constitutions

On the occasion of the Stephen Ellis Annual Lecture by Prof. Muna Ndulo on Ethnicity, diversity, inclusivity and constitution making in Africa (17 November) the Library has compiled a web dossier on African constitutions. The dossier has an introduction by Nick Huls, Emeritus Professor of Sociology of Law, and contains titles available in the Library as well as an overview of African constitution texts.

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Library Highlight: Still a Pygmy

Still a Pygmy, by Isaac Bacirongo & Michael Nest, is the memoir of Isaac Bacirongo, an ethnic BaTembo Mbuti (Pygmy) from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. This recent library acquisition is thought to be the first memoir by a Pygmy author ever to be published. Bacirongo has become an advocate for fair treatment of his people.

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LeidenASA News

8 December: LeidenASA Annual Meeting

The Leiden African Studies Assembly will have its Annual Meeting on 8 December. During this afternoon, the Africa Thesis Award 2016 will be presented to the winner, Tanja Hendriks. The rest of the programme will be announced soon, so keep an eye on our website!

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ASCL Community News

New publications by Community members

Former PhD candidate (VU Amsterdam/ASC Leiden) Linda van de Kamp's dissertation has just been published: Violent Conversion: Brazilian Pentecostalism and Urban Women in Mozambique

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marieke on RTL
ASCL in the media

Article in Leidsch Dagblad about seminar on Post-apartheid Afrikaner politics

Leidsch Dagblad published an article about the ASCL seminar by Danelle van Zyl-Hermann (University of the Free State): 'Aandacht voor identiteitspolitiek in Zuid-Afrika bij Afrika-Studiecentrum' (in Dutch, paid access).

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Conferences and seminars

10-11 November: Africa Works! Innovation in Finance

The third edition of Africa Works! will take place on 10 & 11 November in Amsterdam. With over 500 participants, Africa Works! Innovation in Finance is expected to be the largest conference in Western Europe which focuses on doing business in Africa. ASCL senior researcher Chibuike Uche will host the workshop 'Opportunities for Lease financing in Africa' on day 1.

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10 November: How to make Africa visible: African collections in the British Library and the West Africa exhibition of 2015-16

In this seminar Marion Wallace, Lead Curator African Collections at the British Library, will outline the collections and how researchers can access the resources. She will also discuss the experience of curating the West Africa exhibition of 2015-16, examining the choices that were made.

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24 November: Why hundreds of Dutch emigrants chose Rhodesia-Zimbabwe as their new home

Why did Dutch emigrants in the 1950s choose to settle in Rhodesia, today’s Zimbabwe? Why did so many stay after 1965, when the country was led by a white-minority regime? What happened to them after Mugabe’s regime started the nationalization of white-owned farms? Journalist Marnix de Bruyne will address these questions in a seminar loosely connected to his book ‘We moeten gaan. Nederlandse boeren in Zimbabwe’.

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Other news

Stephen Ellis book launch and colloqium in Nigeria

On Friday 28 October Stephen Ellis’ last book This present Darkness: A History of Nigerian Organised Crime was launched at the University of Lagos, Nigeria, followed by the Stephen Ellis Colloquium with papers given by representatives from the University of Lagos as well as from the media.

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14 November: Workshop: Women empowerment through performing arts, a group of East-African activists showing you reality

Five young women, and a man, have traveled from Kenya and Uganda to the Netherlands to present the challenges they face when trying to promote women empowerment in the slums of East Africa. They have set up inspiring projects, often using performing arts, to support children and youngsters. This is an interactive workshop with lots of dance and singing!

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23-24 November: Symposium with the University of Twente: Engendering the Energy Transition - South meets North

This symposium seeks to create a multi-discipline platform where a number of leading researchers from the South and the North will share experiences and understanding about how gender shapes and is shaped by their context. The symposium links to the Sustainable Energy For All (SE4ALL) Dialogue and the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme asking for an ‘analysis of the role and the significance of gender aspects related to energy'. 

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Highlight Africa

7-18 November, Marrakech: UN World Climate Conference

The United Nations World Climate Conference (COP22) will take place from 7-18 November in Marrakech.The successor to COP21, which resulted in the historic Paris Agreement in December 2015, COP22 is intended to be the COP of action. It is also a COP held on the African continent, and an Africa Pavilion will be erected for debates on climate issues specific to Africa.

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