MAALAND - Maasai pastoralism losing ground

The final round of fieldwork to collect data on the loss of land among landowners in two (former) group ranches in the Kajiado District of Kenya was concluded in 2010. This will allow a twenty-year longitudinal analysis of land loss in the area. Secondary data, such as maps and land control board minutes, were also collected. In the years ahead, this material will be analyzed and the findings presented in a wide variety of publications, including articles and books. Linked to the MAALAND project are LANDac and CELEP activities. The former is an IS Academy project (2010-2013) that is bringing together several partners who will look into issues of land governance, land reform and land grab. Research is being conducted in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Ghana and Zimbabwe. The second initiative is a consortium of institutes involved in a new network that is aiming to explain the increasingly fragile position of pastoralists in East Africa to the European public and policy makers. Marcel Rutten’s personal projects in these networks focus on Ethiopia and Kenya

Research project
