Producer prices in tropical Africa : a review of official prices for agricultural products, 1960-1980

TitleProducer prices in tropical Africa : a review of official prices for agricultural products, 1960-1980
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1985
AuthorsP. Hesp
Series titleResearch report ; 23
Pagination - 88
Date Published1985///
PublisherAfrican Studies Centre
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number90-70110-42-3
KeywordsAfrica, agricultural prices, price policy, Subsaharan Africa

Summ.: An inventory of government-regulated producer prices in tropical Africa for the period 1960-1980. Statistical data are presented for 29 countries and 11 major crops (seven export crops and four food crops). A review of price movements indicate that: there has been a general and rapid rise in official producer prices since the mid-1970s; official producer prices have fluctuated less than export prices, but the degree of stabilization differs for the various crops; in most countries, the producer's share of the export price has decreased; rising prices of consumer goods and agricultural inputs have furthermore eroded the value of producer prices, but in this respect the late 1970s are an exception


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