A half century of abstracting at the African Studies Centre Leiden

TitleA half century of abstracting at the African Studies Centre Leiden
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsM.C.A. van Doorn
Secondary TitleAfrican Research & Documentation
Pagination15 - 23
Date Published2013///
Publication Languageeng
KeywordsAfrica, African Studies centres, documentation centres, information services, Netherlands

The article discusses the history of the abstracts and indexing journal originally known as 'Documentatieblad,' which was renamed to 'African Studies Abstracts (ASA)' and later to 'African Studies Abstracts Online' (ASAO), published by the African Studies Centre (ASC) in Leiden, the Netherlands since 1968. Key themes are socioeconomic and political developments, government, law and constitutional development, history, religion, anthropology, women's studies, education, and literature. Publications are in a western language. Due to increased Internet connectivity in African countries, the monthly print edition of ASAO was discontinued from March 2012 onward. The number of subscribers to the ASAO mailing list has increased from 472 in 2004 to 1681 by the end of 2012. By contrast, the number of subscribers to the printed abstracts journal never exceeded 350. Of the 260 journals systematically scanned in 2013, some 160 were wholly or partially abstracted with the remainder being indexed. Over time the abstracting of monographs became increasingly selective. There have been various initiatives over the past twenty years to further cooperation in documenting African Studies material, including 'Africa-Wide Information', 'AfricaBib' and 'ilissAfrica' of the European Librarians in African Studies (ELIAS) network. Notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract]



IR handle/ Full text URLhttp://hdl.handle.net/1887/32653
Citation Key7041