Economic management in neo-colonial states : a case study of Cameroon

TitleEconomic management in neo-colonial states : a case study of Cameroon
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsN. Jua
Series titleResearch report ; 38
Pagination - 44
Date Published1990///
PublisherAfrican Studies Centre
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number90-70110-75-X
KeywordsCameroon, economic conditions, economic policy

This study examines the economic management strategies adopted by the Government of Cameroon. Economic planning in Cameroon has been anchored to the principles of planned liberalism, self-reliant development, balanced development and social justice. These concepts are elaborated and it is shown that the revenues needed to ensure that these principles are effectively implemented is derived mainly from the trade in raw materials. Attention is paid to the evolution of the Cameroonian economy, foreign trade, the regulation of cash-crop trade, trade in crude oil, taxation on international trade, sectoral distribution of investment, the promotion of the primary sector, the National Fund for Rural Development, the National Investment Code, private sector development, the State as entrepreneur, and the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises


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