Bleak prospects: young men, sexuality, and HIV/AIDS in an Ethiopian town

TitleBleak prospects: young men, sexuality, and HIV/AIDS in an Ethiopian town
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsG. Tadele
Series titleResearch report ; 80
Date Published2006///
PublisherAfrican Studies Centre
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number90-5448-065-3
KeywordsAids, dissertations (form), Ethiopia, sexuality, urban society, youth

The study of sexuality in Ethiopia has until now remained largely the domain of medical scientists, public health professionals and epidemiologists; barely touched upon by sociologists, anthropologists and other social scientists. To the author's knowledge, no study has been carried out about the perceptions of different sexual practices in Ethiopia. This book is therefore a pioneering work that explores how young people in the Ethiopian town of Dessie express their sexuality and are experiencing HIV/AIDS in their daily lives. It also considers how poverty and other related structural factors are linked to HIV/AIDS infection and other processes affecting the sexuality of young people, how young people and key informants receive, interpret and evaluate ongoing interventions, and what can be done to reduce infection rates. The book provides insights into the role and interrelationship of the underlying structural, social and cultural factors in the context of HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention

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