Digging Deeper: Inside Africa’s Agricultural, Food and Nutrition Dynamics


Author(s) / editor(s)

Akinyoade, Klaver, Soeters and Foeken (eds.)

About the author(s) / editor(s)

Akinyinka Akinyoade, PhD (2007), Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, is a senior researcher at the African Studies Centre, Leiden and he is the convenor of its Food security and the African city: clustering metropolitan food chains collaborative research group. He has published journal articles and research reports on food security in Africa.

Wijnand Klaver, (MSc (1976) Wageningen University, is a senior researcher at the African Studies Centre, Leiden. He has published work on the indicators of undernutrition among preschool children and of national food availability for several countries in Africa.

Sebastiaan Soeters, PhD (2012), Leiden University, is a post-doctoral researcher at Utrecht University. His current research focuses on the social effects of climate change amongst rural communities in northern Ghana, Burkina Faso and Kenya. His earlier research focussed on urbanisation and food security in Africa.

Dick Foeken, PhD (1991), University of Amsterdam, is a senior researcher at the African Studies Centre, Leiden. He published numerous books and articles on livelihood issues, mainly in Kenya.

How to order

You can order this book at Brill publishers. Price: € 59,00

ASC Leiden, 14 November 2014