Recently published journal articles - week 23 2023

Retrieved week 23 2023


CAMPO TEJEDOR, A. D. 2023. 'Bestia muy maliciosa'. La 'animalización' de los negroafricanos en los siglos XVI y XVII entre el estigma y la ridiculización. Historia social, 105:3-21.
Keywords: Africa ; slavery

KACHIPANDE, S. 2023. Sun, Sand, Sex, and Safari: The Interplay of Sex Tourism and Global Inequalities in Africa's Tourism Industry. Journal of Global South Studies, 40 (1):1-37.
Keywords: Africa ; sexuality ; tourism

BISHKU, M. B. 2023. Israel's Relations with Angola from Portuguese Colony to the Present. Maghreb Review, 48 (2):203-214.
Keywords: Angola ; international relations

HOFMANN, P. 2023. Christian Missionaries, Slavery, and the Slave Trade: The Third Order of Saint Francis in Eighteenth-Century Angola. African Economic History, 31 (1):65-92.
Keywords: Angola ; Religion and Witchcraft ; slavery

PIMENTA, F. 2023. 'Nova Madeira'? Notas e Reflexões para o Estudo da História da Colonização Madeirense no Planalto da Huíla (Angola), 1884-1975. Arquivo Histórico da Madeira, Nova Série, 5:503-536.
Keywords: Angola ; History and Exploration

SANTOS, C. & REVEZ, J. 2023. Applying Records in Contexts in Portugal: the case of the scientific correspondence from António de Barros Machado and Dora Lustig archive. Archival Science, 23 (2):137-158.
Keywords: Angola ; Anthropology and Archaeology

AMARAL, A. R. 2022. Um Portuense em África: Notes for a Biography of a Luso-African Archive. e-Journal of Portuguese History, 20 (2):47-67.
Keywords: Angola ; History and Exploration

CORREA, S. M. D. S. 2022. Fotografia e teratologia colonial. Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens, 57:217-232.
Keywords: Angola ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; colonialism

COSTA, M. G. D. 2022. A degenerescência na fotografia da antropobiologia colonial portuguesa. Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens, 57:233-264.
Keywords: Angola ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; colonialism ; photography

PEARCE, J. 2022. Traces of Solidarity in Liberation Training Sites in Angola. Sources. Matériaux & Terrains en études africaines, 5:9-23.
Keywords: Angola ; Military, Defense and Arms

Cabo Verde
MASSEAUX, J. & LAURENT, P.-J. 2023. Séduction et alcool au Cap-Vert. Transformations des relations de genre dans une société créole. Cahiers d'études africaines, 249:85-106.
Keywords: Cape Verde ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; alcohol

Cabo Verde
VOGEL, K. M. 2023. Comparative Analysis of Human Trafficking in Caribbean and African Islands from the Annual Trafficking in Persons Report. Journal of Global South Studies, 40 (1):83-115.
Keywords: Comoros ; Cape Verde ; Madagascar ; Mauritius ; Seychelles ; Tanzania ; Guinea-Bissau ; Tunisia ; slavery

Cabo Verde
ALFIERI, N. 2022. Publicações Imbondeiro: como a editora nasceu, circulou e foi encerrada pela PIDE. Entrevista a Leonel Cosme. AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos, 7:159-170.
Keywords: Angola ; São Tomé and Principe ; Cape Verde ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press ; colonialism

Cabo Verde
BORGES, A. M. 2022. Emigration and Citizenship: Diaspora Political Engagement in Cabo Verde. e-Journal of Portuguese History, 20 (2):86-112.
Keywords: Cape Verde ; Urbanization and Migration

Cabo Verde
CANTO, P. O. D. 2022. Medidas Políticas e os Imigrantes no tempo da pandemia Covid-19 em África: o caso de Cabo Verde. AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos, 7:4-30.
Keywords: Cape Verde ; Health and Nutrition ; COVID-19

Cabo Verde
MACGREGOR, M. 2022. Confronting Different Realities: Libraries in Cabo Verde and the Case for Comparative Librarianship. e-Journal of Portuguese History, 20 (2):68-85.
Keywords: Cape Verde ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press

FELDMAN-SAVELSBERG, P. 2023. Avoiding Hardship, Deflecting Conflict: From Fostering to Reluctant Relatives among World-Connected Bamiléké Families (Cameroon). Journal des africanistes, 92 (1):48-76.
Keywords: Cameroon ; Anthropology and Archaeology

BEUVIER, F. 2022. Le sacrifice du Christ. Révélation et rédemption au Cameroun (1843-1844). Journal des africanistes, 91 (2):172-201.
Keywords: Cameroon ; Religion and Witchcraft

Democratic Republic of Congo
GIORDANO, R. 2023. The Bula Matari (Breaker of Rock) and the Judges. Congolese Efforts in the Campaign against the Red Rubber Regime (État indépendant du Congo, 1902-1904). Cahiers d'études africaines, 249:107-131.
Keywords: Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; History and Exploration ; colonialism ; Economics and Trade

Democratic Republic of Congo
JEWSIEWICKI, B. & KENNES, E. 2023. Broder des textes et des images pour s'affirmer citoyenne: la démarche de Lucie Kamuswekera. Cahiers d'études africaines, 249:133-156.
Keywords: Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; Anthropology and Archaeology

Democratic Republic of Congo
ROTBERG, R. I. 2023. Did the CIA Kill Lumumba? Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 53 (4):625-633.
Keywords: Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; international relations

Democratic Republic of Congo
WHITE, B. 2023. Edmond Picard and the Congo Free State: A Study in Law and Literature. Humanities, 12 (1).
Keywords: Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; colonialism

East Africa
BECKER, F., NYANTO, S. S., GIBLIN, J., MCDOUGALL, A., MECKELBURG, A. & PELCKMANS, L. 2023. Researching the Aftermath of Slavery in Mainland East Africa: Methodological, Ethical, and Practical Challenges. Slavery & Abolition, 44 (1):131-156.
Keywords: East Africa ; slavery

ABOU YOUSSEF, E. 2023. Egyptian Women Controversial Issues and the Digital Public Sphere: Can Social Media Debates Be Used as Indicators of Social Struggle in Society? Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 46 (2):58-76.
Keywords: Egypt ; Women's Issues

BAHGAT, G. 2023. Egypt's Diminishing Strategic Leverage. Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 46 (2):1-11.
Keywords: Egypt ; Politics and Government

LUKE, C. & MESKELL, L. 2023. New deals for the past: the Cold War, American archaeology, and UNESCO in Egypt and Syria. History and Anthropology, 34 (2):194-214.
Keywords: Egypt ; Anthropology and Archaeology

ROBINSON, A. 2023. Preserving Ancient Egyptian cultural heritage: an examination of the role of egyptological archives. Archives and Records, 44 (1):53-72.
Keywords: Egypt ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; archives

ROSE, C. S. 2023. Trial by Virus: Colonial Medicine and the 1883 Cholera in Egypt. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, 24 (1).
Keywords: Egypt ; Health and Nutrition ; History and Exploration

SPENCER, S. I. 2023. Doria Shafik: A Staunch Egyptian Feminist Ahead of Her Time-Damnatio Memoriae. Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 46 (2):39-57.
Keywords: Egypt ; Women's Issues

YAGUR, M. 2023. Excommunication and apostasy: re-drawing Jewish communal boundaries in Fatimid and Ayyubid Egypt. Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean, 35 (1):95-109.
Keywords: Egypt ; History and Exploration ; Religion and Witchcraft

ABDELGAWARD, D. 2022. Why Were They Not Radicalized? Young Members of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Aftermath of Egypt's 2013 Military Coup. Middle East Journal, 76 (3):360-382.
Keywords: Egypt ; Religion and Witchcraft ; Politics and Government

BAYOUMI, H. 2022. Un portail web de cartographie interactive des recensements égyptiens sur deux siècles (1882-2017). Sources. Matériaux & Terrains en études africaines, 5:75-90.
Keywords: Egypt ; History and Exploration ; demography

Equatorial Guinea
NERÍN ABAD, G. 2023. La larga sombra del franquismo tropical. Historiografía colonial, nacionalismo, etnicidad y construcción de la historia propia en Guinea Ecuatorial. Historia social, 105:45-63.
Keywords: Equatorial Guinea ; History and Exploration ; nationalism

COLA, A. D. 2023. Money and the Regularisation of African Soldiers in the Early Phase of Italian Colonialism in Eritrea. War & Society, 42 (2):140-156.
Keywords: Eritrea ; Military, Defense and Arms ; colonialism

LESOURD, C. 2023. Produire, exporter mais contrôler l'argent du khat (Dire Dawa, Éthiopie). Cahiers d'études africaines, 249:9-36.
Keywords: Ethiopia ; Economics and Trade

MARZAGORA, S. 2023. Political Thought and the Struggle for Sovereignty in Ethiopian-Japanese Relations (1927-1936). The International History Review, 45 (1):95-113.
Keywords: Ethiopia ; international relations

FISEHA, A. 2022. Transition to Democracy in Deeply Divided Ethiopia: Mission Impossible? Journal of Global South Studies, 39 (2):257-301.
Keywords: Ethiopia ; Politics and Government

FUGAZZOTTO, G. 2022. 'The offspring of vainglory and violence'. The labour party and the Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935-1936. Contemporanea: Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900, 25 (4):529-552.
Keywords: Ethiopia ; Military, Defense and Arms ; History and Exploration

GARIBA, J. A. 2023. Youth and Social Navigation in the Alavanyo and Nkonya Land Conflict in Ghana. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 32 (1):50-65.
Keywords: Ghana ; Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

MUTARU, S. & SEKYI, N. 2023. Murder at Kafaba: Debating Witchcraft and 'Witch Camps' in Ghana. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 32 (1):28-49.
Keywords: Ghana ; Religion and Witchcraft

ODIJIE, M. E. 2023. Emancipation in the Gold Coast: The Abolitionist Views of James Hutton Brew. Slavery & Abolition, 44 (1):109-130.
Keywords: Ghana ; slavery

OWUSU-SARPONG, C. 2022. Nana Akua Amponsah (2011), Anne Hugon (2020): deux récits historiques d'une 'rencontre coloniale' avortée (Gold Coast, 1910-1950). Journal des africanistes, 91 (2):224-269.
Keywords: Ghana ; colonialism

LEVI, J. A. 2022. A arte contemporânea guineense: quase cinco décadas de arte na Guiné-Bissau e na Diáspora. Qual é o próximo passo? Politeia: História e Sociedade, 21 (1):171-223.
Keywords: Guinea-Bissau ; Architecture and the Arts

BALLARIN, M.-P. 2023. L'histoire des Mbotela de Frere Town: histoire(s) et récits d'une famille de 'rescapés' de Mombasa (Kenya, xixe-xxie siècles). Esclavages & Post-esclavages, 8.
Keywords: Kenya ; slavery ; History and Exploration

WRIGHT, T. J. 2023. 'Constituencies of Control' - Collective Punishments in Kenya's Mau Mau Emergency, 1952-55. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 51 (2):323-350.
Keywords: Kenya ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

SAMUELS, M. 2023. Operation Buckshot: Churchill's Forgotten Offensive against Rommel, March-May 1942. War & Society, 42 (2):178-196.
Keywords: Libya ; Military, Defense and Arms ; World War II

MARMON, B. 2023. Independence and Pan-African Diplomatic Contestation: Anti-colonial Nationalism and the Eclipse of White Legitimacy in 'British Central Africa', 1957-64. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 51 (2):384-408.
Keywords: Malawi ; nationalism ; colonialism

ELBL, I. 2022. Sand and Dreams: Daily Slave Purchases at the Portuguese Coastal Outpost of Arguim (Mauritania, Saharan West Africa) (1519-1520). Portuguese Studies Review, 30 (1):325-354.
Keywords: Mauritania ; History and Exploration ; slavery

MORANO, A. 2023. La figure des 'enfants du juge' ou le conflit des normes éducatives à Mayotte. Journal des africanistes, 92 (1):102-125.
Keywords: Mayotte ; Education and Oral Traditions

AKMIR, Y. 2023. Entre Madrid, Tánger y Guelaya: aventuras, venturas y desventuras. España y el Marruecos precolonial (1893-1913). Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo, 21:255-276.
Keywords: Morocco ; History and Exploration

BELKHEIRI, O. 2023. La trayectoria de apertura de Tánger (y su región) de la internacionalización del siglo XVIII a la globalización del siglo XXI: algunas características económicas, demográficas y territoriales. Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo, 21:201-224.
Keywords: Morocco ; History and Exploration

BOUM, A. 2023. Trails of Posters: French Colonial Moroccan Tourism Redux. Jewish Quarterly Review, 113 (1):30-35.
Keywords: Morocco ; Religion and Witchcraft ; colonialism ; tourism ; photography

MARTÍN CORRALES, E. 2023. Tánger/Marruecos y Cádiz/España en la Edad Moderna las dificultades a la hora de gestionar la vecindad. Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo, 21:173-188.
Keywords: Morocco ; History and Exploration

MAZIANE, L. 2023. Los puertos marroquíes del Estrecho (de la Edad Media a la Edad Moderna). Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo, 21:161-172.
Keywords: Morocco ; History and Exploration

PANZRAM, S. 2023. ¿Qué tiene que ver Gades con Tánger Med? Sobre la utilidad y el perjuicio de la historia comparada. Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo, 21:9-58.
Keywords: Morocco ; History and Exploration

PERRIER, A. 2023. Tánger internacional y su estatus os efectos del co-colonialismo franco-español en Marruecos (1912- 1956). Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo, 21:189-200.
Keywords: Morocco ; History and Exploration ; colonialism

EL IMLAHI, S. E. G. 2022. Los judíos marroquíes en la agenda colonial española (1860-1956). Historia Actual Online, 59:27-42.
Keywords: Morocco ; Religion and Witchcraft ; colonialism

ELBL, M. M. 2022. 'Tunnels Below' (Dar Zero ~ Tangier): Urban Myths, a German 'Baron' from Maryland, and a Very Real Portuguese Citadel. Portuguese Studies Review, 30 (1):199-240.
Keywords: Morocco ; Architecture and the Arts ; History and Exploration

FLORENTINO, L. F. 2023. Reflexos da Conferência de Berlim nas relações entre Portugal e o país de Gaza: Cópia de ofício do residente chefe em Gaza ao secretário geral do governo da Província de Moçambique, em 16 de Janeiro de 1888. Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino/Caixa 1331/Secretaria de Estado da Marinha e Ultramar/Direcção Geral do Ultramar/Moçambique/1888/1a Repartição/AHU-ACL-SEMU-DGU/Pasta 10/Capilha 2. Temporalidades - Revista Discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFMG, 14 (2):551-559.
Keywords: Mozambique ; History and Exploration ; colonialism

MAHUMANE, J. J. & TEMBE, J. D. N. 2023. A Persistência ou o Uso Não Oficial de Topônimos Coloniais na Cidade de Maputo, Moçambique. Linha D'Água, 36 (1):183-202.
Keywords: Mozambique ; colonialism

FONQUILHA, S. & PEREIRA, J. 2022. Migration Dynamics and the Making of the Jihadi Insurgency in Northern Mozambique. e-Journal of Portuguese History, 20 (2):132-154.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Military, Defense and Arms ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

PEREIRA, M. S. & ROQUE, R. 2022. Arquivo, literacia e resistência: notas sobre manuscritos 'nativos' na série Moçambique do fundo do Conselho Ultramarino do Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino. AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos, 7:65-91.
Keywords: Mozambique ; archives ; colonialism ; History and Exploration

ASAAJU, M. 2023. Revisiting Gender and Marriage: Runaway Wives, Native Law and Custom, and the Native Courts in Colonial Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Women's History, 35 (1):80-99.
Keywords: Nigeria ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; colonialism ; Women's Issues

ENDONG, F. P. C. & NDOBO, E. G. E. 2023. 'Singing in Tongues' as Esotericism and Postmodern Christianity. A Study of Contemporary Nigerian Gospel Music. Cahiers d'études africaines, 249:157-179.
Keywords: Nigeria ; Religion and Witchcraft ; music

OCHIAGHA, T. 2023. The Return of African Antiquities and the Ambiguity of the 'Romantic' Colonial: Nigeria Magazine and the Benin and Ife Bronzes. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, 24 (1).
Keywords: Nigeria ; Benin ; Anthropology and Archaeology

UGOCHUKWU, F. 2023. Le poids des archives audiovisuelles du Biafra. Journal des africanistes, 92 (1):128-146.
Keywords: Nigeria ; archives ; Military, Defense and Arms

JIMOH, M. O. 2022. Playing Politics with Epidemic: Bubonic Plague, Slum Clearance, and Party Politics in Colonial Lagos, 1924-1960. Journal of Global South Studies, 39 (2):342-370.
Keywords: Nigeria ; Health and Nutrition

Northeast Africa
INSOLL, T. 2023. Archaeological Perspectives on Contacts between Cairo and Eastern Ethiopia in the 12th to 15th Centuries. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 66 (1-2):154-205.
Keywords: Egypt ; Ethiopia ; Anthropology and Archaeology

Northeast Africa
MAMDOUH-SALEM, M. 2023. Revisiting the Concept of 'Virtual Water' in Light of the Impact of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on Egypt's Water Interests. Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 46 (2):12-38.
Keywords: Ethiopia ; Egypt ; Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment

LE LAY, M. 2022. La parole 'hors-plateau' comme source: Réflexion sur l'usage d'une retranscription de table-ronde dans le cadre d'une recherche sur le théâtre au Rwanda Suivi de: Théâtre, mémoire et réparation au Rwanda. Sources. Matériaux & Terrains en études africaines, 5:219-276.
Keywords: Rwanda ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

Sao Tome and Principe
CLEMINSON, R. 2022. Anticolonialism in Early Twentieth-Century Portugal: The Ambivalences of Race and Transnationalism in O Negro (1911). e-Journal of Portuguese History, 20 (2):218-239.
Keywords: Sao Tome and Principe ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press ; colonialism

YOUNT-ANDRÉ, C. 2023. Material Care and Kinship on Trips to Dakar: Proximity via pluriparentalité in transnational Senegalese families. Journal des africanistes, 92 (1):78-100.
Keywords: Senegal ; Anthropology and Archaeology

AMO, K. 2022. Les étudiantes musulmanes sénégalaises. Une ethnographie de la diversité religieuse et identitaire au sein des campus universitaires. Cahiers d'études africaines, 248:797-827.
Keywords: Senegal ; Education and Oral Traditions ; Religion and Witchcraft

COHEN, A. & TIMÉRA, M. 2022. Tentations d'islam et écrits d'élites europhones au Sénégal. Quelle production de nouvelles normativités islamiques? Cahiers d'études africaines, 248:829-857.
Keywords: Senegal ; Religion and Witchcraft ; Islam

Sierra Leone
BROWNE-DAVIES, N. 2023. Interracial Sex as Taboo: The New Imperialism, Christian Victorian Values, Nationalism, and the Legacies of Intimacy in the Colony of Sierra Leone, 1861-1914. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 51 (1):64-96.
Keywords: Sierra Leone ; Ethnic and Race Relations

Sierra Leone
EVERILL, B. 2023. 'For the services of shipwrights, coopers, and grumettas': Freetown's ship repair cluster in nineteenth-century Sierra Leone. History of Science, 61 (1):60-76.
Keywords: Sierra Leone ; Development and Technology ; History and Exploration

South Africa
BRANDT, N. 2023. 'Practices of self': Embodied memory work, performance art, and intersectional activism in Namibia. Memory Studies, 16 (3):533-545.
Keywords: Namibia ; South Africa ; History and Exploration

South Africa
MCALEER, J. 2023. 'The Little Nothings of Our Life': Furlough, Recovery and Imperial Interlude at the Cape Colony, 1796-1850. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 51 (1):31-63.
Keywords: South Africa ; History and Exploration

South Africa
ROUGET, M.-L. 2023. Grave concerns: the state of public cemetery records management in South Africa. Archives and Records, 44 (1):73-94.
Keywords: South Africa ; archives ; cemeteries

South Africa
STANFORD, R. 2023. Design elements evoke embodiment at cultural sites in Rwanda and South Africa. Memory Studies, 16 (3):611-620.
Keywords: Rwanda ; South Africa ; Architecture and the Arts

South Africa
AGUORU, A. & ODUGBEMI, I. 2022. National Character and the Narrative of Self-Image in Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom and Obasanjo's My Watch. Journal of Global South Studies, 39 (2):371-401.
Keywords: South Africa ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press

South Africa
HENRIQUE, V. S. 2022. As migrações laborais de moçambicanos para a África do Sul: sua evolução dos primórdios até à proclamação da independência nacional c. 1850-1974. África[s] - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Africanos e Representações da África, 9 (17):99-116.
Keywords: Mozambique ; South Africa ; Labor and Employment ; Urbanization and Migration

South Africa
LAYNE, V. 2022. Thoughts on a Changing Landscape for Research Archiving in the Cloud Era: A Critical Perspective from South Africa. Sources. Matériaux & Terrains en études africaines, 5:305-317.
Keywords: South Africa ; archives

Southern Africa
KOOT, S. 2023. Articulations of inferiority: From pre-colonial to post-colonial paternalism in tourism and development among the indigenous Bushmen of Southern Africa. History and Anthropology, 34 (2):303-322.
Keywords: Southern Africa ; tourism

Southern Africa
PIPEROGLOU, A. & VARNAVA, A. 2023. Performing an Imperial Career: Hamilton Goold-Adams in Southern Africa, Cyprus and Queensland. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 51 (1):97-123.
Keywords: Southern Africa ; colonialism

Subsaharan Africa
BONDAZ, J. & FREROT, B. 2023. Le génie des Chinois. Vidéo virale, grands travaux et écologie occulte en Afrique subsaharienne. Cahiers d'études africaines, 249:37-62.
Keywords: Guinea ; Religion and Witchcraft ; international relations

Subsaharan Africa
MAEKAWA, I. 2023. Cold War and Decolonisation: The British Response to Soviet Union Anti-colonialism in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 51 (1):182-210.
Keywords: Africa ; international relations ; colonialism

HOUNET, Y. B. 2022. L'extension du domaine de la responsabilité. Crime et prix du sang au Soudan. Journal des africanistes, 91 (2):202-221.
Keywords: Sudan ; Anthropology and Archaeology

BOUTIERI, C. 2023. Events of citizenship: Left militantism and the returns of revolution in Tunisia. History and Anthropology, 34 (2):175-193.
Keywords: Tunisia ; nationalism ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

ROMANO, M. 2023. L'ENI in Tunisia. Dalle origini alla nazionalizzazione delle attività petrolifere (1959-1975). Nuova rivista storica, 107 (1).
Keywords: Tunisia ; Development and Technology

WEIDEMAN, J. 2023. 'Tunisian Islam,' Women's Rights, and the Limits of French Empire in Twentieth-Century North Africa. The American Historical Review, 128 (1):64-88.
Keywords: Tunisia ; Women's Issues ; Religion and Witchcraft ; Islam

West Africa
CALVAR CERECEDO, V. 2023. La estrategia de la UE en el Golfo de Guinea: Una garantía para la libertad de navegación. Revista general de marina, 284 (1-2):51-60.
Keywords: Guinea ; Guinea-Bissau ; Military, Defense and Arms

West Africa
DALY, S. F. C. 2023. Ghana Must Go: Nativism and the Politics of Expulsion in West Africa, 1969-1985. Past and Present, 259 (1):229-261.
Keywords: Ghana ; Nigeria ; Ethnic and Race Relations ; nationalism

West Africa
ECHEVERRÍA JESÚS, C. 2023. La desestabilización del Sahel Occidental se proyecta hacia el Golfo de Guinea. Revista general de marina, 284 (5):663-672.
Keywords: Mali ; Burkina Faso ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

West Africa
LESERVOISIER, O. & MOYNIÉ, B. 2023. Les relations entre migrants ouest-africains (Sénégal, Mauritanie) et Afro-Américains aux États-Unis au prisme de la question migratoire. Cahiers d'études africaines, 249:63-83.
Keywords: Senegal ; Mauritania ; Ethnic and Race Relations ; international relations

West Africa
MOTA, T. H. 2023. Wolof and Mandinga Muslims in the early Atlantic World: African background, missionary disputes, and social expansion of Islam before the Fula jihads. Atlantic Studies: Global Currents, 20 (1):150-176.
Keywords: Guinea-Bissau ; Guinea ; Religion and Witchcraft ; History and Exploration

West Africa
NDONG, G. R. N. 2023. De la parentalité dans la société fang. Les fondements de l'autorité lignagère binaire dans la famille traditionnelle. Journal des africanistes, 92 (1):18-46.
Keywords: Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; Cameroon ; Gabon ; São Tomé and Principe ; Equatorial Guinea ; Anthropology and Archaeology

West Africa
BINATÉ, I., GOSSELIN, L. A. & SORÉ, Z. 2022. Religiosité musulmane en temps de Covid-19 au Burkina Faso et en Côte d'Ivoire: Un dialogue entre normes sanitaires et pratiques religieuses. Cahiers d'études africaines, 248:859-883.
Keywords: Burkina Faso ; Ivory Coast - Côte d'Ivoire ; Religion and Witchcraft ; Health and Nutrition ; COVID-19

PATTENDEN, H. 2023. The Representation of the Rhodesian Security Forces in the Propaganda of ZANU and ZAPU, 1965-1980. War in History, 30 (2):183-202.
Keywords: Zimbabwe ; Military, Defense and Arms

NYAMBI, O. & MANGENA, T. 2023. Reading the Fear of (Not) Returning to Zimbabwe: The Politics of (In)security in the Novel Harare North. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 32 (1):8-27.
Keywords: Zimbabwe ; Law, Human Rights and Violence