Recently published journal articles - week 13 2022

Retrieved week 13 2022


DELPECHIN, J. 2021. On how not to write about being colonized. África: Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos, 42:123-141.
Keywords: Africa ; colonialism

GÜLZAU, F. & MAU, S. 2021. Walls, Barriers, Checkpoints, No-man's-land. A Typology of Border Infrastructure on the African Continent. Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, 31 (3-4):411-438.
Keywords: Africa ; Architecture and the Arts ; boundaries

NZONGOLA-NTALAJA, G. 2021. Les abordages théoriques sur les défis du développement des pays africains et les leçons qu'on peut en tirer. África: Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos, 42:156-176.
Keywords: Africa ; Development and Technology

REID, R. 2021. Africa's Revolutionary Nineteenth Century and the Idea of the 'Scramble'. The American Historical Review, 126 (4):1424-1447.
Keywords: Africa ; History and Exploration

SCHLICKMANN, M. 2021. Um rio chamado Atlântico: a diplomacia brasileira navegando de volta ao ancestral continente africano (1950 - 1960). Escritas do Tempo, 3 (8):99-111.
Keywords: Africa ; Brazil ; international relations

YAI, O. B. J. 2021. Nouveaux themes de recherche dans les litteratures africaines, defis et possibilites d'ecrire et d'enseigner ces litteratures dans les langues africaines. África: Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos, 42:77-85.
Keywords: Africa ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press

FERREIRA, F. A. 2017. Diplomacia do Império Brasileiro na África entre 1850-1860: Abolicionismo, Liberalismo e Civilização. Faces de Clio, 3 (5):1-22.
Keywords: Africa ; international relations

BENKHEIRA, M.-H. 2021. Mariage et sexualité dans les fetwas d'Ibrahim Bayyud (1899-1981). Studi Magrebini, 19 (2):213-236.
Keywords: Algeria ; Religion and Witchcraft ; marriage ; sexuality

CLARK, H.-L. 2021. The Islamic origins of the French colonial welfare state: hospital finance in Algeria. European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, 28 (5-6):689-717.
Keywords: Algeria ; Health and Nutrition

LORIS, M. 2021. Les grèves de réfectoire de l'été 1963: des protestations contre le service militaire en Algérie. 20 & 21: Revue d'histoire, 151:113-124.
Keywords: Algeria ; Military, Defense and Arms ; Politics and Government

LUCIANI, P.-J. L. F. 2021. 'Je ne supportais pas que lui aussi me flique!': Une communiste algérienne, trois répressions et des ruptures intimes (1940-1966). 20 & 21: Revue d'histoire, 151:49-64.
Keywords: Algeria ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

ROBERTS, T. 2021. 'Almost as it is Formulated in the So-Called 'Homestead Act'': Images of the American West in French Settlement of French Algeria. Journal of World History, 32 (4):601-629.
Keywords: Algeria ; Anthropology and Archaeology

TOLAN-SZKILNIK, P. 2021. 'Collecting Bosoms': Sex, Race, and Masculinity at the Pan-African Festival of Algiers, 1969. Arab Studies Journal, 29 (2).
Keywords: Algeria ; Anthropology and Archaeology

VELASCO HERNÁNDEZ, F. 2021. La repercusión sobre el sureste español de las fallidas expediciones contra Argel de 1601 y 1602. Baética: Estudios de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea, 41:169-197.
Keywords: Algeria ; History and Exploration

WALDEN, J. 2022. Capuchins, Missionaries, and Slave Trading in Precolonial Kongo-Angola, West Central Africa (17th Century). Journal of Early Modern History, 26 (1-2):38-58.
Keywords: Angola ; Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; Religion and Witchcraft ; slavery

ALFAGALI, C. 2021. 'Capazes de trabalhar': domínio, política e cultura nas relações de trabalho do Atlântico Sul (séculos XVII e XVIII). Revista Topoi, 22 (47):387-407.
Keywords: Angola ; Labor and Employment

BATSIKAMA, P. 2021. Evangelização, guerra civil e Ñsîmba Vita (Kimpa Vita). Sankofa: Revista de História da África e de Estudos da Diáspora Africana, 42:7-36.
Keywords: Angola ; Religion and Witchcraft ; History and Exploration

BERNARDINO, L. M. B. 2021. Os movimentos de libertação em Angola e a criação das Forças Armadas Angolanas: contributos da ideologia política. Tempo e Argumento, 13 (34):1-39.
Keywords: Angola ; Military, Defense and Arms

LAZAGNA, A. 2021. Viriato da Cruz: da luta anticolonial ao exílio em Pequim. Tempo e Argumento, 13 (34):1-49.
Keywords: Angola ; colonialism ; nationalism

MENDONÇA JÚNIOR, F. C. G. 2021. A música como forma de resistência em Angola: Da música anticolonial ao rap de intervenção. África: Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos, 42:39-60.
Keywords: Angola ; music ; colonialism

VIDAL, N. D. F. 2021. The international and domestic fabrics of an ideological illusion: the Socialist MPLA. Tempo e Argumento, 13 (34):1-36.
Keywords: Angola ; History and Exploration ; Politics and Government

FERREIRA, F. A. 2020. Açúcar brasileiro na África Portuguesa: O caso dos recifenses de Moçâmedes. Faces de Clio, 6 (11):223-249.
Keywords: Angola ; Economics and Trade

GONÇALVES, I. S. 2020. Às Margens do Império, por dentro dos sobados: Estratégias comerciais de sertanejos e centro-africanos no Planalto Central Angolano (décadas de 1840 a 1860). Faces de Clio, 6 (11):191-222.
Keywords: Angola ; Economics and Trade

LIMA, M. M. N. 2020. Andanças femininas no Atlântico: mulheres escravas processadas pelo Santo Ofício da Inquisição de Portugal (séculos XVII e XVIII). Anais de História de Além-Mar, 21:175-195.
Keywords: Angola ; Religion and Witchcraft ; Women's Issues ; History and Exploration

SCHLEUMER, F. 2020. Mulheres e Inquisição em Angola: a História de Catarina Juliana. Anais de História de Além-Mar, 21:197-216.
Keywords: Angola ; Women's Issues ; History and Exploration ; Religion and Witchcraft

BRICHTA, L. 2019. Economía y actividad pesquera en el Atlántico Sur: el caso de Moçâmedes en siglo XIX. e-a Revista Almanack, 21:273-309.
Keywords: Angola ; History and Exploration

ALMEIDA, M. C. P. F. 2017. 'Clara como céu, escura como água do Luembe': trajetórias, usos e significados das contas de vidro entre as populações da África Centro-Ocidental (Lunda, 1884-1888). Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, 25 (2):55-82.
Keywords: Angola ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; material culture ; beadwork

BEVILACQUA, J. R. D. S. 2017. As esculturas cokwe como respostas às assimetrias civilizacionais. Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, 25 (2):117-139.
Keywords: Angola ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; sculpture

FROMONT, C. 2017. Tecido estrangeiro, hábitos locais: indumentária, insígnias Reais e a arte da conversão no início da Era Moderna do Reino do Congo. Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, 25 (2):11-31.
Keywords: Angola ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; clothing ; royal insignia

MARTINS, M. D. R. A. R. & TAVARES, A. C. P. 2017. Singularidades museológicas de uma tábua com esculturas em diálogo: do alambamento ao casamento em Cabinda (Angola). Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, 25 (2):83-115.
Keywords: Angola ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; sculpture ; museums

MATA, M. E., FERREIRA, L. F. & SANTOS, J. P. D. 2017. Success and failure in portuguese Colonial Africa: the case of the Cazengo agricultural company (1900-1945). Entreprises et histoire, 88 (3):53-73.
Keywords: Angola ; History and Exploration ; Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment

SOARES, M. D. C. 2017. 'Por conto e peso': o comércio de marfim no Congo e Loango, séculos XV-XVII. Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, 25 (1):59-86.
Keywords: Angola ; Economics and Trade ; ivory

MOCHEREGWA, B. 2022. The Botswana Defence Force's Policy of Arms Procurement in the Late Cold War Period and beyond. War & Society, 41 (1):53-68.
Keywords: Botswana ; Military, Defense and Arms

Cabo Verde
FORTES, D. J., LI, Y. & MOURA, A. 2021. Cultural influences of Portuguese colonialism in the origin of traditional Cape Verdean crafts. Diálogos com a Arte - Revista de Arte, Cultura e Educação, 11:108-118.
Keywords: Cape Verde ; Anthropology and Archaeology

Cabo Verde
ROSA, V. 2021. Gérard Encausse (Papus): a Ordem Martinista e os adeptos em Portugal, Guiné-Bissau e Cabo Verde (1912-1914). Via Spiritus. Revista de História da Espiritualidade e do Sentimento Religioso, 28:355-369.
Keywords: Cape Verde ; Guinea-Bissau ; Religion and Witchcraft

Cabo Verde
DÁVILA, M. B. D. 2020. Estratégias de género? A infanta D. Beatriz e a administração dos arquipélagos da Madeira, Açores e Cabo Verde (século XV). Anais de História de Além-Mar, 21:27-47.
Keywords: Cape Verde ; History and Exploration

ENGUITA-FERNÁNDEZ, C. 2022. Consolidando una identidad étnica desde los márgenes. El caso de los peul mbororo en Camerún. Procesos históricos: revista de historia, arte y ciencias sociales, 41:167-183.
Keywords: Cameroon ; Ethnic and Race Relations

Democratic Republic of Congo
DE NYS-KETELS, S. 2022. Colonial policing and urban space in the notorious Commune Rouge of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. Urban History, 49 (1):129-148.
Keywords: Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; Urbanization and Migration ; colonialism

Democratic Republic of Congo
MUKUNA, K. W. 2021. The evolution of harmony in the music of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). África: Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos, 42:20-38.
Keywords: Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; music

ABDILLAHI, M. B. 2021. La vie politique djiboutienne de 1992 à 2021: quelques réflexions sur le changement et les réformes politiques. África: Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos, 42:177-219.
Keywords: Djibouti ; Politics and Government

AHMED, A. M. 2022. Imitation of the Lotus Flower in Architecture its Use in the Decoration of Walls and Ceilings of Palaces, Houses, and Tombs in Ancient Egypt. Res Mobilis: Revista internacional de investigación en mobiliario y objetos decorativos, 11 (14):1-20.
Keywords: Egypt ; Architecture and the Arts

ROSE, C. S. 2021. Implications of the Spanish Influenza Pandemic (1918-1920) for the History of Early Twentieth-Century Egypt. Journal of World History, 32 (4):655-684.
Keywords: Egypt ; Health and Nutrition

Equatorial Guinea
ARBAIZA, D. 2022. Mujer guineoecuatoriana y política sexual en la novela colonial del franquismo. Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos, 35:145-163.
Keywords: Equatorial Guinea ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press ; Women's Issues

RIVA, R. D. & BIOCCA, D. 2016. Leo Frobenius' Secret Mission in Arabia and Eritrea (1914-1915). Arabian Humanities. Revue internationale d'archéologie et de sciences sociales sur la péninsule Arabique, 6.
Keywords: Eritrea ; Ethiopia ; Germany ; Military, Defense and Arms ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; World War I ; intelligence services

SPARKS, R. J. 2020. The peopling of an African slave port: Annamaboe and the Atlantic world. e-a Revista Almanack, 24:39.
Keywords: Ghana ; History and Exploration ; slavery

PAUTHIER, C. 2021. Familles dans la tourmente de la répression politique en Guinée (1958-1984). 20 & 21: Revue d'histoire, 151:65-78.
Keywords: Guinea ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

SUCUMA, A. 2021. As narrativas e alternativas de análise sobre o contexto da luta de libertação em África: caso Amílcar Cabral. Tempo e Argumento, 13 (34):1-22.
Keywords: Guinea-Bissau ; colonialism

CERDEIRA, P. 2018. Reconstruire le quotidien administratif à Cacheu (Guinée-Bissau) à la fin des années 1950. Vingtieme Siecle. Revue d'histoire, 140 (4):69-81.
Keywords: Guinea-Bissau ; History and Exploration

STEINBACH, D. 2021. Shifting Tides: The Port City of Mombasa and the First World War. Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies, 5 (1):7-24.
Keywords: Kenya ; Military, Defense and Arms ; World War I

PERGHER, R. 2021. Killing Fields: Environment, Agency, and the Fascist Conquest of Colonial Libya. Perspectivas - Journal of Political Science, 25:71-87.
Keywords: Libya ; Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment ; colonialism

RUPIYA, M. R. 2019. South Africa-US Contest over Africa Policy Dominance: A Study with Emphasis on AFRICOM, BRICS and Libyan Issues. The Journal of US-Africa Studies, 1 (1):48-73.
Keywords: Libya ; South Africa ; international relations

CHEBLI, D. 2021. Comment la violence politique pénètre-t-elle l'intimité d'un foyer? Conversations sur une terrasse bamakoise (mai 2016). 20 & 21: Revue d'histoire, 151:35-48.
Keywords: Mali ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

RAJKOMAR, S. S. 2022. Sacred memory, creole orientalism and India in the plantationscape of Mauritius. Memory Studies, 15 (2):402-417.
Keywords: Mauritius ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; History and Exploration

ABENSOUR, G. 2022. In Praise of the Multitude: Rabbi Yosef Knafo's Socially Conscious Work in Essaouira at the End of the Nineteenth Century. Jewish Social Studies, 27 (1):115-149.
Keywords: Morocco ; Religion and Witchcraft

MOUSTAOUI, A. 2022. Políticas y discursividades entorno a la gestión del multilingüismo en Marruecos del modelo unitario al reconocimiento de la pluralidad. Procesos históricos: revista de historia, arte y ciencias sociales, 41:111-126.
Keywords: Morocco ; languages

ABRIGHACH, M. 2021. España y la batalla de Annual en El poema de Dhar Oubarran. (Epopeya poética rifeña de 1921). Studia historica. Historia contemporánea, 39:73-92.
Keywords: Morocco ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press

DÍEZ RIOJA, R. 2021. Los proyectos de desembarco en Alhucemas: una estrategia recurrente como solución a la 'rebeldía' en el Rif (1921-1925). Studia historica. Historia contemporánea, 39:155-187.
Keywords: Morocco ; History and Exploration

HIVERT, J. 2021. 'Un bonheur paradoxal: les femmes de prisonniers politiques face à la violence au Maroc (1970-1990). 20 & 21: Revue d'histoire, 151:79-94.
Keywords: Morocco ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; Women's Issues

INANEZ, J. G., TORRES, J. B., TEIXEIRA, A., SANCHEZ-GARMENDIA, U., CALPARSORO-FORCADA, E. & ARANA, G. 2021. The supply of ceramics to Portuguese North African strongholds in the 15th and 16th centuries. New archaeometric data from Ksar Seghir and Ceuta. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 37:1-22.
Keywords: Morocco ; Anthropology and Archaeology

VELASCO DE CASTRO, R. 2021. Marruecos, 1911: en torno a la crisis de Agadir y las crónicas de Abdelkrim en El telegrama del Rif (mayo-noviembre de 1911). Studia historica. Historia contemporánea, 39:93-120.
Keywords: Morocco ; History and Exploration

RUBIANO SEGOVIA, S. 2020. Melilla y la ley de extranjería de 1985. Trascendencia internacional de un conflicto local. Análisis de tres periódicos. Norba: Revista de historia, 33:245-274.
Keywords: Morocco ; languages

EL MOTAKI, H., EL-FENGOUR, A. & EL BOUZIDI, A. 2019. Soil degradation in Central Rif mountains area in northern Morocco: aspects of losses and failure of development programs. Cadernos de Geografia, 40:53-66.
Keywords: Morocco ; Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment

GUEMIDE, B. & AMIR, S. 2019. The US-backed Moroccan- Israeli Normalization Agreement: Implications on the Future of the Maghreb Union. The Journal of US-Africa Studies, 1 (1):102-156.
Keywords: Morocco ; international relations

BERNARDO, B. J., DGEDGE, G. S. & NHAMBIRE, E. E. 2021. Exposure to school flooding and its effects on teaching time - Case of some schools in the City and Province of Maputo / Mozambique. Cadernos de Geografia, 43:97-105.
Keywords: Mozambique ; education ; floods

BUSSOTTI, L. 2021. Reescrevendo a história. A contranarrativa sobre Moçambique contemporâneo a partir do Macuablogs (2004-2018). Tempo e Argumento, 13 (34):1-37.
Keywords: Mozambique ; History and Exploration ; colonialism

DIAS, A. M. 2021. Ascensão e resistência do movimento militante islamista no Norte de Moçambique. Relações Internacionais, 69:107-119.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Military, Defense and Arms ; Religion and Witchcraft

FERREIRA, L. C. & PEREIRA, L. J. A. 2021. Tensões e tradiçõesna alfabetização e educação de adultos das raparigas moçambicanas. Sankofa: Revista de História da África e de Estudos da Diáspora Africana, 42:52-74.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Education and Oral Traditions ; Women's Issues

GUIMARÃES, P. 2021. Violence, Science, and Cotton in Colonial-Fascist Mozambique (1934-1974). Perspectivas - Journal of Political Science, 25:89-108.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Development and Technology ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; colonialism

NGUNGA, A. S. A. 2021. Os desafios da investigação linguística em África: o caso de Moçambique. África: Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos, 42:86-108.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press

NHAUELEQUE, L. A. 2021. Igreja missionária, Igreja colonial: o ponto de vista dos Combonianos da Nigrizia ao longo da transição em Moçambique (1970-1975). Tempo e Argumento, 13 (34):1-34.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Religion and Witchcraft

PEREIRA, H. S. 2021. O fotógrafo Romão Pereira e a criação de uma paisagem tecnocientífica em Moçambique colonial (1886-1891). Varia Historia, 37 (75):129-148.
Keywords: Mozambique ; photography ; science

VILELA, J. D. S., PIRES, C., GELDENHUYS, C. J. & FIGUEIREDO, A. 2021. Dependência, pressão e recuperação de recursos florestais no Parque Nacional do Limpopo (Moçambique) o caso das florestas de Mopane. Cadernos de Geografia, 44:21-35.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment ; forests

ALPERS, E. A. 2020. Cholera in Nineteenth-Century Mozambique: The Third Pandemic, 1859. Tanzania Zamani: A Journal of Historical Research & Writing, 12 (2):1-33.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Health and Nutrition ; cholera

BERNARDO, B. J., OMBE, Z., JESUS, O. M. D. & CHICHANGO, D. B. 2020. The Lower Umbeluzi Geodiversity, uses and socio-environmental impacts: Case of Neighborhood September 7, Boane - Mozambique. Cadernos de Geografia, 42:93-102.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment

FARRÉ, A. 2015. Assimilados, régulos, Homens Novos, moçambicanos genuínos: a persistência da exclusão em Moçambique. Anuário Antropológico, 40 (2):199-229.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Ethnic and Race Relations ; colonialism ; citizenship ; democracy ; Frelimo

AVRAHAM, D. 2022. Between Concern and Difference: German Jews and the Colonial 'Other' in South West Africa. German History, 40 (1):38-60.
Keywords: Namibia ; Religion and Witchcraft ; History and Exploration

RAUSCH, S. 2022. 'We're equal to the Jews who were destroyed. [. . .] Compensate us, too'. An affective (un)remembering of Germany's colonial past? Memory Studies, 15 (2):418-435.
Keywords: Namibia ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

DALY, S. F. C. 2021. The Portable Coup: The Jurisprudence of 'Revolution' in Uganda and Nigeria. Law and History Review, 39 (4):737-764.
Keywords: Nigeria ; Uganda ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; Politics and Government ; Military, Defense and Arms

MANTON, J. 2021. Qua Iboe by motorcycle and launch: brokering public health coverage in 1960s Southeastern Nigeria. European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, 28 (5-6):814-834.
Keywords: Nigeria ; Health and Nutrition ; leprosy ; public health

Northeast Africa
BEREKETEAB, R. 2019. External Interventions and Consequences in the Horn of Africa. The Journal of US-Africa Studies, 1 (1):74-101.
Keywords: Djibouti ; Ethiopia ; Egypt ; Eritrea ; international relations

Northern Africa
IRATNI, B. 2019. US Policy towards the Maghreb: An Arduous Combination of Strategic Interests and Economic Stakes. The Journal of US-Africa Studies, 1 (1):10-47.
Keywords: Northern Africa ; international relations

Portuguese-speaking Africa
STRIPPOLI, G. 2022. Women's Transnational Activism against Portugal's Colonial Wars. International Review of Social History, 67 (S30):209-236.
Keywords: Guinea-Bissau ; Angola ; Cape Verde ; Mozambique ; Women's Issues ; Military, Defense and Arms ; women

São Tomé and Principe
BONCIANI, R. F. & SILVEIRA, A. S. 2021. Um pombeiro nas origens do Atlântico:: o processo contra Aires Fernandes, o Dinga Dinga. Afro-Ásia, 64:520-591.
Keywords: São Tomé and Principe ; Angola ; Religion and Witchcraft ; History and Exploration

São Tomé and Principe
CALDEIRA, A. 2021. The Island Trade Route of São Tomé in the 16th Century: Ships, Products, Capitals. RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, 9 (2):55-76.
Keywords: São Tomé and Principe ; History and Exploration

São Tomé and Principe
NASCIMENTO, A. 2021. A 'luta' e as (in)verdades de conjuntura, a independência de São Tomé e Príncipe e a amputação das liberdades dos são-tomenses. Tempo e Argumento, 13 (34):1-30.
Keywords: São Tomé and Principe ; colonialism

São Tomé and Principe
CALDEIRA, A. M. 2020. O 'casamento conveniente'e a situação das mulheres brancas e mestiças em São Tomé e Príncipe, nos séculos XVII e XVIII. Anais de História de Além-Mar, 21:81-105.
Keywords: São Tomé and Principe ; History and Exploration ; Women's Issues

São Tomé and Principe
AMARAL, I. 2018. Medicina Tropical e Ambiente em Perspectiva: Reconstituindo o Puzzle da Erradicação da Doença do Sono na Ilha do Príncipe, em 1914. Fronteiras, 7 (2):64-82.
Keywords: São Tomé and Principe ; Health and Nutrition ; medicinal drugs

São Tomé and Principe
SEIBERT, G. 2015. Colonialismo em São Tomé e Príncipe: hierarquização, classificação e segregação da vida social. Anuário Antropológico, 40 (2):99-120.
Keywords: São Tomé and Principe ; History and Exploration ; colonialism ; slavery ; plantations

South Africa
DREW, A. 2022. A Gendered Approach to the Yu Chi Chan Club and National Liberation Front during South Africa's Transition to Armed Struggle. International Review of Social History, 67 (S30):179-207.
Keywords: South Africa ; Military, Defense and Arms ; women

South Africa
ELBOURNE, E. 2021. Rights, Interpersonal Violence and Settler Colonialism in Early Nineteenth-Century South Africa: Thomas Pringle and Scottish Colonialism at the Cape, 1820-1834. Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies, 5 (2):185-214.
Keywords: South Africa ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; colonialism

South Africa
MACDONALD, A. 2021. To an Alien Mecca: Durban Port and its Waterfronts before 1914. Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies, 5 (2):270-313.
Keywords: South Africa ; Economics and Trade

South Africa
MICHEL, E. 2021. 'You Haven't Been Too Horrible to Us Recently': Lyndon Johnson and Apartheid South Africa. Diplomacy & Statecraft, 32 (4):743-765.
Keywords: South Africa ; United States ; Ethnic and Race Relations ; international relations ; apartheid

South Africa
TISCHLER, J. 2021. 'The Only Industry That Can Make Us Hold Our Own': Black Agrarianism in South Africa from a Transatlantic Perspective, ca. 1910-1930. The American Historical Review, 126 (4):1396-1423.
Keywords: South Africa ; Development and Technology ; Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment

Subsaharan Africa
ASSERAF, A. 2022. Mass Media and the Colonial Informant: Messaoud Djebari and the French Empire, 1880-1901. Past and Present, 254 (1):161-192.
Keywords: Tunisia ; Algeria ; Nigeria ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press ; colonialism

Subsaharan Africa
CARVALHO, M. B. D. 2021. A poligamia em Une si longue lettre e Niketche: uma história de poligamia. África: Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos, 42:142-152.
Keywords: Senegal ; Mozambique ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press

Subsaharan Africa
LARANJEIRA, L. D. 2017. Migração makonde, produção de esculturas e mercado de arte no Tanganyika: a questão do estilo Shetani (1950-60). Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, 25 (2):141-162.
Keywords: Tanzania ; Mozambique ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; Architecture and the Arts ; sculpture

FAY, F. 2022. 'To Everyone Who Told Zanzis That They Are Not Omani': Young Swahili-speaking Omanis' Belonging in Postdiaspora Oman. Arabian Humanities. Revue internationale d'archéologie et de sciences sociales sur la péninsule Arabique, 15.
Keywords: Tanzania ; Zanzibar ; Oman ; international relations ; diasporas

CARNEVALE, A. 2021. Recording another History: Songs, Martyrs, and the Cultural Memory of the Tunisian Left. Studi Magrebini, 19 (2):266-292.
Keywords: Tunisia ; music

West Africa
LEITE, F. R. D. R. 2021. A dimensão ancestral da comunidade. África: Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos, 42:109-122.
Keywords: West Africa ; Anthropology and Archaeology

West Africa
EYEBIYI, E. & ALLOSSOUKPO, E. 2019. Return Migrants Reintegration Projects in West Africa: Critical Notes on the Sahel. The Journal of US-Africa Studies, 1 (1):158-181.
Keywords: West Africa ; Urbanization and Migration